As the last petal falls every flowers in Sagittarius town had rotten the lightning turns blue and the enter town was foggy the sky also darken for four days and on the fifth day the forest was engulfed with flames then on the sixth day the rainfall throughout the day before everything had returned back to normal. At the Elite Academy Kayden was informed that two coffins that was supposedly transported back to the Academy had vanishes, upon realizing that both coffins pose great danger to all creatures he wanted them to be returned before a specific time. At Aquarius high the students gathered inside their separate classes when a teen enter the building wearing a mask he proceeded to walk straight to the fire alarm system and right after he breaks the glass he pulled the switch which set's off the alarm the teachers guided their students outside the parking lot unaware that it was a distraction Lauressa leaves her phone inside her locker alongside a spell book, which the mask guy quickly takes before leaving the building and at that moment Brooklyn sense that something is off Tori-An was the only one who saw the mask guy fleeing the building. Meanwhile at the abandon shed Alvaro removed his mask and handed two pages to one of the six power witches the witches then informed the two to lower Lilliana into the water as they chanted over her and as her entire body emerged underwater they patiently waits for her to resurface as time passes Jace became increasingly worried when she didn't resurface then suddenly Lilliana leaps out from the water and starts to attack them, both Jace and Alvaro struggled to held her down while the witches chanted over her. After school Cordelia headed straight home when she accidentally collided with Jace who's seemly naked the two fell onto the ground and as she glanced into his eyes he saw a look of horror across her face and at that moment she reaches out her hand to touch his face however he quickly pushes her before sprinting off into the woods. Spike who was tracking Cordelia saw he onto the ground while a naked male runs off into the woods he quickly realized that the person is Jace, he wanted to informed the professor when he hear a sudden noise behind him and upon turning around he was attacked by Alvaro who slashed his throat and leaves him dying in the rain. While going for a walk Jazmin came across Spike body with his throat slashed he eyes landed on Lauressa spell book and after picking it up she skipped through each pages and at that moment she realized that two pages are missing she hurried home and overheard Cordelia saying she bumped into Jace Thestral, Jazmin immediately pulled Justyce outside and informed her about spike been dead the spell book and the missing two pages as she shown Justyce where the pages were torn from Justyce immediately realized that the missing pages are a spell to reviving the dead, the duo instantly realized where the coffin is. Jazmin and Justyce reaches the abandon shed and upon reaching inside the two instantly realized that they're too late as Jace existed the shed his eyes locked with there's, that's when Zane showed up and knocked both Justyce and Jazmin out before attempting to go after Jace soon enough Lauressa showed up with Cordelia Lorelei and Arianna. In order to protect Lilliana, Arianna created a shield around her while Lorelei and Lauressa went after Zane, the duo followed him inside the shed as Lauressa approached him Lorelei glances over at a table where she realized that Jace needed a dagger to cut his palm and staring back at Zane she quickly realized that he has the dagger she quickly shouted for Lauressa to move out the way as she channeled up all her emotions and releases a powerful sonic wave that thrown Zane into the wall, in wanting to check his pulse she approached him Lauressa stepped backwards right as she seen his eyes turning purple the duo jumps after hearing Jace voice turning around they saw him Jace them informed the duo that Zane is a Alpha supremo Arianna instantly realized that Zane had other plans for Lilliana and with the fire totem in his possession upon coming face to face with Zane, Arianna was able to use a spell to generate sparks however it wasn't enough to stop him and right after regaining her strength Lilliana tossed Zane aside before leaving Jace and Alvaro to finish him. At the Thestral Sherwood home the others patiently waited for the siblings to returned and as the returned Tori-An saw happy to see her brother standing next to Lorelei, Tori-An quickly jumps into his arms while Niccolò stared at Lilliana and instantly realized that someone was going to die suddenly a poster of Katana was seen onto the table, Brooklyn saw the similarities between Lilliana and Katana and realize that Katana is Lilliana doppelganger. Jace tighten his grip around Melanie arm when he's suddenly thrown against the wall by Rhydian, Lilliana giggles as she stared at Rhydian which Selena quickly notice the way Cordelia was able to wipe the smile from Lilliana face which Selena giggles Jace glance at the way Josephine stared at the ceiling.


After Jace was able to successfully revived Lilliana with the help of the witches, he was warned that there will be a heavy price to pay. At the diner Lorelei sit next to her sister Tori-An as the two patiently waited for their brother Alvaro and as he showed up he angrily leaves after seen Cordelia with Hardin, outside the diner Alvaro was handed a totem that he should give to Jazmin to protect it from falling into the wrong hand and as he's about to enter his car he notice Cordelia having a dispute with a older guy and without hesitating he quickly went over towards them pulling her into his arms as the guy quickly walks off she turned to stare into his eyes she realized that she's having strong feelings for him the two enter his car as he takes her home and before entering the car she glances over at him and notice he's wearing Selena jacket Cordelia quickly existed the car and headed inside as he drove off. Later on at the police station Tj decided that he's going on patrol with his close friend Zach and at the meantime Jazmin becomes increasingly worried after knowing that a life will be taken due to Lilliana been resurrected. The first day after joining Aquarius high school Lilliana became the new cheer captain which didn't surprise Cordelia who cheers for her, Tori-An saw the way Alvaro admiring Cordelia and a step closer towards him she held her breath as he glances back at her before proceeding to leave with Selena. Inside the cafeteria Lilliana became annoyed at Rhydian and as she stood up to leave he blocked her path outside the parking lot Cordelia and Rhydian were walking together when she saw Alvaro sitting inside his car she took several pictures of him without him noticing. After school the pack decided to meet up at the diner however Lilliana insisted that she's going home while walking towards her home Tj notice her and slowly drove behind her Lilliana was quickly to notice the car and stopped in her tracks Tj then proceeded to exist his vehicle to approach her he first introduce himself to her which Lilliana also introduce herself, the two held a short conversation when Lilliana older brother Jaromir car pulled up upon seen Tj, Jaromir told Lilliana to get into the car as he speeds off leaving Tj staring at the car minutes later Lilliana exited her home and was surprised to see a gift box on the porch as she picked up the box she wasn't aware that Tj was watching her from a distance. At the Orlando home Hardin began to cough out blood while tightly gripping his chest as he struggled to grab his phone he collapsed onto the ground right as his phone fell off the table. At the meantime Lorelei raises a glass to welcome home their brother Alvaro everyone that attended Alvaro welcomed home party swarmed around him and minutes later Cordelia showed up with Selena, as the duo walks towards Candace, Alvaro watches her from a distance later on he went inside his room soon he heard a knock on his door and turning around he was happy to see Cordelia who reminded him that he can't hide from his own party with a smile on his face he walks downstairs hand in hand with Cordelia which surprised everyone including Tori-An Melanie felt something was wrong when Hardin haven't showed up she didn't hesitate to leave the party and after returning back to the Orlando home Melanie make a shocking discovery. The pack continues to panic upon seen Hardin lying motionless onto the couch not knowing exactly what they should do Josephine cried as Maelyn comforted while Melanie tried holding back tears in Rhydian arm back at the Thestral Sherwood home Lilliana is determined to access her inner power's and Justyce comes up with an plan to help. With the Thestral witch book Justyce discovered a way to help her daughter regain her powers as she mixed the ingredients together right as the potion was ready Justyce rushed to her front door and after opening her eyes wide open and before she was able to slam the door Monty rendered her unconscious before destroying the potion the searches for the Thestral girls. After returning home Lauressa screamed upon finding her mom unconscious she quickly called Jaromir and Niccolò for help the two carried Justyce onto the couch and as she woke up she explained everything that had happened realizing the gravity of the situation Jaromir and Lauressa headed out to find the others, while Monty has other plans for one of the Thestral girls after discovering that one of the girl was resurrected. Meanwhile without the cloaking spell to hide Lilliana mark the siblings struggled to protect her, at the alley way Monty stood in front of Lilliana Selena and Brooklyn and upon seen her mark he immediately realized she's the one and after realizing that her mark is exposed Brooklyn tried to create a spell to use against him however Bennett and Monty proven to be way stronger as he knocked the two unconscious Lilliana realized that Bennett is the witch with the ability to freeze time Benet glances over at Lilliana as Lilliana collapsed onto the ground minutes later the stood in front of a tree while Lilliana forced to kneeled down, Selena was about to sacrificed herself to save Hardin from dying . Over the phone Kate informed Jaromir that after Jace resurrected Lilliana he unintentionally awaken the source of all evil meanwhile Gianna realized that the only way to stop the source of all evil is by taken Lilliana life since she's the resurrected one as Lilliana escape with the help of a mask figure Monty searches for her and threaten anyone who tried to protect her lucky she runs into both Lauressa and Arianna who continued to stick by her side while the others put together a plan to stall Abigail from taken over to sources of all evil. Monty tried to kill Lilliana to fulfill the prophecy so that Gianna could take over the source, and after his plans backfires Jaromir headed straight to find his baby sister Lilliana, though the pack wasn't aware that a new treat was on it's way. And right after finding Lilliana unconscious Jaromir carried her in his arms where the rest of the pack was waiting for them at that moment chaos ensued among the pack when Monty released several vampire to stall the pack Jaromir risked his life to protect Lilliana, Maelyn uses her last strength to conjured up a protection barrier. As Bennett stood in front of the source of all evil Justyce used up and cast a spell to put Monty to sleep however they realized that they're too late as the source of all evil seems to be taking over Bennett with its power. That's when Lilliana notice that the mark had reappeared on palm she stood up and ignite fire from within herself as she fully takes on the source of all evil both Bennett and Lilliana collapsed as flames ignite around Lilliana before vanishing Jaromir and Niccolò quickly rushes to her side as Bennett vanished with Monty. At the Orlando home Josephine hugs her brother as he's awaken, Jace resurrecting Lilliana messed with fate and soon enough everything will reversed.


After Lilliana takes on the source of all evil she began to explore new incredibly powers, which her older brother Jaromir its extremely worried that her powers might get out of control. At the Raeken home Tori-An had gotten into a heated argument with Alvaro as she thought that he's the one who torn her Spanish textbook as he headed inside the living room she followed closely behind him unaware that his heart keeps bounding as he gripped his chest while she continues to argue with him and as he's about to collapse Cordelia entered the house and saw him she quickly held him as the two lay him down onto the couch Cordelia then turned to her demanding she called Lorelei, at that moment as she takes her phone out she panics and the phone fell from her hand, outside the home Kyllian returned and upon seen that Alvaro car is still in the parking lot he felt that something might be wrong he hurried into the house and saw Cordelia kneeling down beside Alvaro holding his hand and Tori-An crying, Kyllian instantly picks up Alvaro and quickly took him to Gemini hospital where he was treated for a panic attack. Back at the Raeken home Tori-An keeping crying while Cordelia pacing around the room soon Arianna Lauressa and Selena showed up right as Josephine enter the room Arianna comforted Tori-An while Lauressa Josephine and Selena tried to keep Cordelia calm. Later on Jaromir alongside the pack headed out to June river to practice during their training Lilliana and Lauressa both stood onto the bottle field, Lauressa attacks her with a powerful blast knocking her off her feet Lilliana instantly stood up with rage, Brooklyn felt that something was about to go wrong and quickly informed Jaromir and as he screamed for Lilliana to stop something takes control of her as she released darkness from within herself ready to attack her, Arianna instantly conjured up a protection barrier around Lauressa as Lilliana tried to break the barrier Arianna immediately went onto the field and released a powerful shockwave that sends Lilliana fall after the fight was done Lilliana glances at Lauressa who turned her head from her as Arianna helps Lauressa up and leaves with her, and the next day Lilliana decided to work at the diner the manager then decided to leave early as she has another business to take care of leaving Lilliana to look after the place when a guy wearing a black coat showed up Lilliana immediately sense the danger and as she's about to push the alert button the guy jumps over the table and shoved her against the wall with one of his hand gripped around her neck staring into her eyes that's filled with fear he tempted to tightened his grip he then released his grip as she gasped for air as she's about to stand up he kicked her in the stomach and as she's about to kick her again that's when Tj showed up as the mask guy flew through the window. Tj instantly helps Lilliana up and takes her to a table when a brunette hair girl showed up upon seen him caring for another girl she instantly felt jealousy the two girls makes eye contact and seen the look of anger in her eyes Lilliana stood up to leave and as she stood up she almost falls down he quickly held her the brunette hair girl felt jealousy and envy as Tj lifted Lilliana over his shoulder takes her to his car leaving the brunette hair girl to drove home on her own. Days later the brunette hair girl comforted Tj about his relationship with a school girl Tj reminded her that he's already in a relationship he isn't with Lilliana. At the diner Lilliana was to served a table and after approaching the table she was taken it back to see Tj arms around the brunette hair girl Lilliana hesitate to served them as Selena enter the diner with roses for her and as she takes Tj and his colleagues order with Selena beside her Tj tried to held eye contact with Lilliana and after hearing the brunette girl called Tj her boyfriend Lilliana walks off with a force smile she gave the chief their orders while Lilliana stepped outside with Tj behind her she then makes it pretty clear that he should stay away from her before heading back into the diner. At the park Cordelia waited patiently for Alvaro and when he showed up she was excited to see him holding a boutique of flowers for her she jumps into his arms the two the sat down to have a basket of meals together. The day before Maelyn baptism the brunette hair girl hired a guy to spite the water thinking it's the girl he had seen with Tj baptism as the guy walks towards the baptism water he sprinkled something into it and was about to leave when a pair of hands grips him as he freaks out and quickly bolted through the door, on the day of the baptism Tj showed up with the brunette hair girl by his side Arianna gently held Lilliana hand as everyone seated down soon the pastor walks in with Maelyn the brunette hair girl looks for Lilliana in the crowd which she then saw her sitting with another girl, the pastor held Maelyn had and was about to dip her into the water when Jaromir felt somethings off he instantly stood up as the mask person bursts through the window attacking everyone and instantly of protecting his girlfriend Tj hurriedly went to protect Lilliana and as the figure removed his mask Lilliana gasps upon seen that it's Nyssa he first trainer, Lilliana fell to her knees as Tj covered her several shots fired into the crowd as everyone tried evacuating the church, Lauressa flew straight onto of the table and stood in front of Maelyn when Jace sense a foul odor into the water Lilliana quickly used a powerful counterattack which forced Kendall to quickly retreat, however Kendall quickly came back and retaliate against the others, Tj hid with Lilliana and upon hearing footsteps approaching he covered her mouth warning her to keep her voice down after everything settled down police sirens could be heard outside the church Selena wanted to go back into the church to find Lilliana however Lilliana was long gone with Tj, the two sitting in the car silence as he came to a stop she instantly existed the vehicle and rushed into the woods with Tj chasing her he quickly grabs her and pulled her into a hug that's when he noticed that she was aiming for his pistol and without hesitation he quickly pointed it towards her she quickly proven that she have a great reflect skills she instantly admire him skills as he decided to teach her how to shoot standing behind her he gently held her hands onto the pistol as she aims towards the target, Tj was able to felt her body shivering as she released several shots into the target she quickly spins around as she releases her grip from the gun both hers and Tj face were super close realizing he's way too old for her he took a step back as he told her he's leaving the two quickly went back to the car as the two entered the car he droved her back to the Raeken home before proceeding to leave as Lilliana enter the house she was greeted by the pack, staring at her Candace told Lilliana that Parker would love her without answering she rolled her eyes before changing the topic.