Though it's been a week since Isaac burial his kids continued to visit his grave. At Aquarius high school Lilliana existed the car with Lauressa when they're approached by Selena the trio headed inside the cafeteria where they meet Candace Brooklyn Maelyn Josephine Arianna and Marissa already having their meals the trio immediately joined as Tori-An appeared with Ivanita the girl's began discussing Melanie and Rhydian relationship Candace gave her a small advice Selena then brought up Tj party which they all wanted to attend, Melanie began speaking on tj girlfriend Ali, that's when Lauressa coughs then proceeded to start at Lilliana who then glanced straight back at her sensing the tension between the sisters Selena quickly changes the topic which Brooklyn accidentally speaks about Isaac death seen Melanie quiet Brooklyn teased her and was unaware that Melanie had teary-eyed she stood up slamming her hands onto the table after saying your father chooses to abandon you my father is dead Brooklyn he's gone and you still have yours. Before things could escalate Rhydian showed up and take Melanie for fresh air, soon the bell rings which separated the girls into different classrooms. In the middle of class Tj barged into the classroom in search for Lilliana, and upon seen him she instantly stood up slamming her hands onto the table and before he could speak Rhydian stepped simply pushing him out the way Tj stepped closer towards Lilliana while saying you're my weakness Lilliana responded by saying you're not mine, suddenly she received a gently tap on the shoulder as Cordelia awaken her from daydream the students suddenly went quiet as miss Alexa enter the room inside the girls bathroom Selena takes a few steps and nearly collapsed when Lilliana showed up with a wild smile across her face the smile instantly vanishes after seen the state Selena is in. Inside Lilliana bedroom Selena began to scream gripping her while having a breakdown Lilliana reacted by holding her calmly in her arms minutes later Selena falls sleep in Lilliana arm while the rain began pouring suddenly there's a knock at the front door Lilliana quietly slipped out of the room heading downstairs she opened the door and was in complete shock after seen Tj drenched in the rain Lilliana pulled him inside before slapping him hard across the face and in retaliation he shoved her against the door while grabbing her neck seen that she wasn't wearing the necklace he'd given her, his eyes landed on the trash bin right as he released his grip he instantly began rimming through the trash can that's where had find the necklace he had given to her as a gift. The next morning as Lilliana was driving to school Tj deliberately called in several police cars to block her path, after recognizing Tj car Lilliana texted him asking him to move his car out of her way she can't be late for school once he received her text message he existed his car and throw the necklace onto the hood of her car seen that he won't move Lilliana stepped onto the gas as she spins her car around she notice that Tj was speaking as her eyes fixed onto his through the rear view mirror. Weeks later at Tj mansion his guests arrived and his house was then overcrowded soon his girlfriend Ali showed up alongside her two girls Ivy and Neka while talking with her friends she overhear few guest talking about Tj blocking Lilliana path two days ago, before she could speak Tj raises his glass as the crowd becomes quiet Tj small speech makes his guest cheers for him as Tj walks downstairs his eyes locked in with Lilliana, the way Selena notice that both Lilliana and Tj can't seem to keep their eyes off each other and seen Ali glancing at her Selena whispered in Lilliana ears while Tj glanced at them both and seen Lilliana standing on the other side Tj stared at her with envy minutes into the party Tj pushes Ali aside as he stormed over towards Lilliana and reminded her that she's always showing mercy to those who truly doesn't deserved it before she could answer he gently grabs her by the arm as the two existed the house the two instantly got into a disagreement when she accidentally revealed that's she's a witch seen that he wasn't upset at the fact that she's a witch he's upset that she was flirting with another guy right in front of him Lilliana reminded him of the age gap between them, been miles away from Tj house she suddenly had a feeling that something wasn't right she instantly used her magic to send Lauressa a distress signal when they're both attacked by two brothers who introduced themselves as the Thunder brothers Tj motioned for Lilliana to quickly leaves however luck wasn't on their sides as the brothers refused to allow her to leave during the bottle field Lilliana and Tj stared into each other eyes as the thunder brothers Nathan and Nate showed up the brothers began to attack the duo as they fought back with all their strength seen both Lilliana an Tj doing the same techniques Nate had a worried look across his face during the fight Nathan overpowered Tj kicking him to the ground as Lilliana attacks them both at the same time with the techniques Tj had taught her however the brothers decided to take a different approach and overpowered her minutes into the bottle field the rest of the pack showed up just in time to save the two Rhydian alongside Lauressa teams up to attack the brothers and were proven no match for the brothers Jace and Alvaro decided to jumps in and fought against the brothers their counterattack threw the brothers onto the ground victory didn't lost long as the brothers soon remained their full strength the battle field quickly turned into a dangerous battle field as the pack groups up to fight together the way Tj turned his attention to Nathan, Jace thought he'd seen fire in his eyes and seen Cordelia standing close towards the edge of the cliff and Nathan approaching her, Alvaro rushed towards him grabs him as the two falls off the cliff the instantly stands down as Cordelia screamed Alvaro name Jace rushed towards the cliff soon enough Alvaro began floating up the cliff Jace quickly grabs his hand helping him up as they turned around they were happy to see Maelyn and Josephine after Nathan falls to his death Nate chuckled as another brother Blake showed up the brothers instantly overpowered the entire pack knocking them to the ground Blake then grabs the gasoline as he throws it all over the pack and was about to ignite them when Lilliana stood up Nate throw the lighter onto her as Tj screamed out her name, the pack watches as Lilliana is engulfed with flames Tj stood up and was about to rushes towards her when Jaromir held him back the pack alongside the brothers gasps as Lilliana walks out from the fire untouched with fiery eyes upon seen her eyes the brothers instantly became scared fear grips them as she began floating in thin air she began chanting the most power fullest spell known to most witches as she created purple flame and burned the brothers from the inside Jace voice brought her back to reality and upon turning around she saw the look on their faces she then locked eyes with Tj and at that moment her magic vanishes as she fell onto the ground Selena hurried to her side, while the others stood back as Lilliana stood up she approached Tj who instantly pushes her aside and decided to break all contact with her as he fear the monster she'd becomes with tear eyes she glanced at at him as he walks off Selena saw how Lilliana wanted to go after him yet Jaromir stops her. Days later Lilliana called Tj hoping he's alright and he calls didn't go through, at the diner Lilliana eyes locked with his as he walks pass holding Ali hand at that moment she realized she'd completely lost him she quickly exist the diner with teary-eyed while he sat down with his girlfriend in his arms while his eyes started through the window at Lilliana as she entered Rhydian car. Weeks later Lilliana heads to school and at the gate entrance she saw Tj smiling happily with Ali in his arms Lilliana turned her face away as she walks pass the two Tj glanced at Lilliana photo one last time before deleting it. At the Thunder brothers home their last brother entered a room filled with witchcraft onto the floor is a photo of Lilliana and Tj torn in half. Seven days later Tori-An began training with Kyllian when all of a sudden she had flashbacks of the time she had flipped Parker onto the ground as he pulls her on top of him memories of the time he saves her from a pack of werewolves came flooding in meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Jazmin realized that's was where there friendships grows however Lilliana had dark secrets, that she tried to hide from him she ended up hurting him Tj then finds out her secret which torn them apart Jaromir realized what he had to do, Lilliana held her head as millions of memories with Tj came flooding in suddenly she wipes the tears from her face as every memories of him vanishes. At school during a altercation between Cordelia and another student, Lilliana was standing close to Selena the two were seen hyping her up that's until they saw another student about to join in both girls stepped in front of Cordelia and was ready to protect her at all cost.
At the Raeken Skyscraper Lorelei reminded Tori-An that Alvaro is her brother which makes him her responsibility Tori-An promises her that she would look after him before leaving for school. At the edge of June river a red hair girl fell onto her kneels pleading to a mask girl for a second chance seen the mask girl hesitation the girl stood up and began running through the forest with several vampire's behind her. After putting the past behind her Tori-An jumps into Lauressa arms as the others joined them meanwhile inside Carmella office Lilliana had both foot placed onto the table as she awaits Carmella. After spending a year at boarding school Khari had returned back to Sagittarius town Alvaro and Tori-An eyes wide opened with surprise after seen him standing at her driveway Alvaro reminded Tori-An that Khari genuinely cares for her and the second those words leaves his mouth he instantly regrets it when Khari reminded him that he's not back for them he's back to reclaimed his status, before Tori-An could speak Tj car suddenly pulled up as Khari walks towards the car be glanced at his brother as he immediately entered the car he was able to catch a glimpse of her teary-eyed right before the car speeds off. Around nine pm Arianna climbs out of her window and was instantly caught by Jaromir who threatened to informed Justyce, in the early morning at the Thestral Sherwood home the girls were awaken by the boys constant shouting the girls slowly makes their way downstairs and was surprised upon seen that the boys were playing video games Cordelia eyes locked in with Alvaro which distracted him from the games causing him to lose he then grabs her arm pulling her into his lap and continues to play the game been tired Arianna headed back upstairs' in her room to sleep. Standing outside Tj apartment Jada began chanting, Khari walks onto his balcony glancing outside while gripping his place station when suddenly there's a knock at the door upon spinning around Khari backflip over Tj before grabbing his bow and arrow later on Tj sat Khari down and reminded him that he needs to regain his status. Later at the police station Khari Arianna and Cordelia began arguing onto the rooftop while Tori-An sat down watching the trio Khari then turn his attention towards Tori-An asking for her advice upon rolling her eyes she told Arianna that she's the bait as Khari lower Arianna inside the station Selena showed up along with Lilliana and Jace and before Khari could react Lilliana grabs onto the rope as she attempted to pull her back up Khari quickly let lose of the rope and sprinted towards his bow and arrow as he's about to shoot Lilliana in order to protect Lilliana, Arianna stepped in between the as she attempts to block Khari aim. As they jumps from the roof they were confronted by both Kyllian and Tj who didn't seems surprised by that they're there seen Lilliana twirling her hair Tj cough before heading back inside the station. Later at the Raeken skyscraper a silhouette lurks within the darkness watching the girls closely at the meantime Lorelei brought the girls lemon iced tea and the way Selena fell off the bed makes Lilliana chuckled the girls began throwing pills at each other later on Kyllian brought the girls several new towels later on in the middle of the night during training the boys were placed against the girls in the middle of the fight Lilliana instantly uses her powers to create a shock wave that temporarily disabled Jace, Ivanita throws Jace off his balance as the two falls into the pool the others stop to state at them as they all chuckled after training Lorelei brought them two boxes of pizza with milkshakes Selena handed Lilliana a slice of pizza when suddenly Jace eyes locked onto the safety pin around Ivanita neck, upon hearing the door unlocking and footsteps approaching Lilliana turned her head around after smelling Tj perfume Khari enter the kitchen with Tj when Arianna approached him hearing Candace speaking Khari slowly turned his attention to her Brooklyn then accidentally touched Khari arm when she had a vision of Jada forces him to tell the truth while she records it, Cordelia kisses Tori-An on her forehead before running to protect Maelyn which distracted her from Lilliana, that's when Jada forcefully opened Lilliana mouth to feed her blood Lilliana quickly retaliate by kicking Jada foot coughing out the blood she turned angrily at Jada, Lilliana slowly backs away from Jada as she began to chant meanwhile Alvaro began slamming his fist against the wall as Tori-An approached him upon turning around Lilliana stood back after seen Khari standing few feet from her Tori-An hurriedly to help Lilliana while the two are surrounded by Jada Khari and several other vampire's in order to make Tori-An feels guilty Khari reminded her of what had happened to Parker. The very next day Lorelei seems to notice something strange about his behavior as he heads to school with Cordelia meanwhile near the parking lot Jada had informed the mask girl that Jace had become the hybrid the girl giggles before telling her that she already knows about Jace, Jada quickly shifted the girls attention to Lilliana right after shoving Lilliana against the wall Khari stood back in horror as he swear he had seen a reflection of her been a vampire. Later in the hallway Khari kisses Arianna on the head his eyes locked in with Tori-An. Meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Tj sat on Lilliana bed holding his phone while staring at her picture Justyce was warned that her Lilliana will bring death to all supernatural as Lilliana returns home with Lauressa, Tj and Justyce glanced at the two and seen the watch on Lilliana hand Tj instantly covered her mouth stopping her from speaking he pointed towards the watch and whispered in her ear that it's a spy watch given to her by Jada, Lauressa quickly grabs the watch from Lilliana hand and destroys it she then glanced at Tj who seems thankful that Lilliana wasn't harmed. The next day all the students had gathered around Khari as he walks pass Arianna the first thing she had notice was his ocean blue eyes that's locked in with hers as he walks by, meanwhile inside the Spanish classroom Brooklyn had called out Candace for been a terrible friend Melanie was quick to back Brooklyn which leaves Ivanita and Josephine confused not knowing which side to take the two stared back and forth at them Melanie shakes her head after hearing Candace telling Brooklyn that she had always been there for her more than she have for Melanie, seen that the situation was about to escalate farther Ivanita stepped in and reminded them that they needed space from one another suddenly Candace went up in Melanie face Josephine place her hand in front of Melanie attempting to shield her from Candace. Inside the cafeteria Arianna had learnt from Hardin that Khari and Alvaro were once best friends and that the two followed in Parker footsteps, when ask who's Parker, Hardin told her that Parker is the ring leader and that he's also Candace elder brother. After school Ivanita searches for Jace and accidentally pumped into Selena she quickly apologized before continuing her search meanwhile in the parking lot Melanie was seen shouting at Brooklyn, which Candace was quick to stand in front of her, Melanie then turned to see Josephine staring at her with concerned. The next day all everyone could talk about is Khari beef with Alvaro, later on at the booth Khari had gotten intoxicated and got into a fight with Alvaro the two were instantly separated, at the meantime Hardin saw how cheerful his sisters and cousins were as the girls began to dance Josephine bracelet accidentally got stuck in Candace hair which Melanie quickly helps to pull out the bracelet the girls starts giggling Jace told Khari that he knows what it's like to crave the taste of blood Khari glanced at Alvaro before walking off. Hours later the pack came face to face with Jada who had a evil grin across her face seen Khari standing on the other side Alvaro wanted to go after him however he was quickly stopped by Jace and seen that Lilliana is about to cast a protection spell Alvaro reacted by kicking her in the stomach trying to prevent her from casting the spell Lauressa and Arianna then got separated from Lilliana leaving her to face Khari on her own turning around Lilliana eyes wide opened with the look of confusion as Khari pulled the knife through her stomach staring blankly at him she told him that she will never hand over the bracelet. As Jada attacks Ivanita with dark magic rage flowed through Jace like a lava as the color drained from his face as he transformed into his hybrid form meanwhile Lilliana escape from Khari as she tried to make her way towards Selena she then stumbled into the road when suddenly she heard Selena screamed upon seen the speeding car with bright headlights approaches and began anyone could react Lilliana was immediately hit by the speeding car as she rolls on top of the vehicle then fell onto the road Rhydian eyes landed on the bracelet that Lilliana is still gripping in her palm everyone was in complete shock while Lauressa Arianna Cordelia and Selena had fear across their faces there screams echoed throughout the silent street the pain surge through their bodies Arianna somehow managed to find the strength and quickly rushes towards her Jace fell onto his knees beside Lilliana, upon seen the blood flowing from her head Jace removed his shirt and held it against her head trying desperately to stop the bleeding and with Jaromir help Lilliana was brought to the hospital after receiving Jaromir message Justyce Jazmin and Niccolò showed up to Gemini hospital and saw Lilliana strapped to several machines the patient monitor slowly beeps Jazmin gave them hope by reminding them that Lilliana will heal that's when the fear was shown across their faces the minute they realized that Lilliana is only a witch which means she's human that makes her chances of surviving low. Meanwhile at the dark alley Alvaro exited his car to answer a call from Cordelia turning around the phone fell from his grip upon seen that the car was slightly damaged with cracks all over the windshield his car had dent and the headlight was broken and after rubbing his hand onto the side of his car he glanced back onto his hand and was in complete shock after seen his hand cover in blood which he quickly began to throw up. While at the Raeken skyscraper Tori-An received a distress call from her brother and remembering what Lorelei had said Tori-An quickly went to the location he sends her, at the location Tori-An and Khari stood near Alvaro car while he's panicking Khari quickly grabs the gasoline from his car and throws it all over Alvaro car Tori-An then throw the lighter onto the car as it catches a blaze suddenly Tori-An had received over twenty miscalls from Arianna Selena and Hardin as she listened to one of Selena voicemail they learnt that Lilliana is in the hospital the two glance at Alvaro and realize that he's the one who had hit Lilliana, the trio promises to keep it a secret as they watches the car went up in a blaze. My brother my responsibility Tori-An whispered while glancing over at Alvaro.
In the town of Sagittarius something was about to happened that will send shock throughout the folks with his new confession. Early Saturday morning a cellphone was place inside a wrapped box onto Tj table, and after returning from a protocol Tj enter his office and saw the box laying onto his table upon opening the box he saw the tape that says play me as he played the tape he heard, my name is Khari and this is my confession for over a hear i have been keeping a secret tampering with evidence thought i was protecting my friends when really i was protecting myself you will find the truth about Parker death at the abandon cabin close to the Rae home. Early Monday morning Aries police sirens could be heard an seen driving in Aquarius high school parking lot the students alongside their teachers an principal gathered outside the parking lot Alvaro stood close to Cordelia while Tori-An stands in front of them as the police existed their cars Tj glanced at Khari who had locked eye contact with Alvaro, Tj along with three other police arrested both Khari an Alvaro in connection to Parker Alysson accident, an with the new evidence piling up along with the confession police now knows who they were searching for. Tuesday night Parker navy blue Mercedes was discovered few blocks from the abandon cabin with several scratches and dent the windshield was cracked blood was inside the car an several bullets were also inside outside an outside the car Khari fingerprints was all over the murder weapons located at the bottom of a cliff. At Tj apartment Khari sat in the living room and realized that his past actions had finally catches up on him suddenly there's a knock at the door with his hands shaking he opened the door and was instantly punched by Kyllian. On July third days before Parker accident a distress call was made to Aries police station and later a restraining order was made against Khari, two weeks since Khari joined Aquarius high school he became best friend with Parker who had convinced him to join the football team Alvaro didn't seem pleased to see Parker getting close with Khari. Alvaro sister Lorelei had informed her friend that Alvaro and Parker knows each other since childhood the trio were inseparable they won't leave each other sides for a second. At the station the witness claims that on the ninth of July Parker went to a bar to meet few of his friends a disagreement took place between Khari and Alvaro which leads to Parker taken Alvaro side Khari didn't seems happy and decided to leave later on Khari called to apologize to the two who then reconcile the witness confirm that around nine thirty pm Khari an two other guys changed clothes the witness claimed that the two boys seems nervous while Khari seem rather happy minutes later the three boys heads back to the bar with cleaning supplies and a black garbage bag the witness ask what their reasons for the suppliers were Khari claim that they hit a puppy on their way to the club, he also notice that Parker wasn't with them Khari claim that Parker went to meet up with Alvaro though the witness felt a bit suspicious she brushes it off as Parker had always stayed close to Alvaro. On the night of Parker murder investors claimed that Parker was one of six people fatally shot during a shoot out early on July ninth and when the Aries police arrived at the crime scene Parker wasn't located there he was already on his way to Gemini hospital that when his vehicle collided into few other cars the boys who were at the scene was charged with first degree murder it turned out that Khari was the one who staged the crime scene to have it looks like an accident. The witness takes the stand against Khari the defense attorney claims that both boys are innocent they were at the wrong place at the wrong time the boys were handcuffs and detective finds more evidence leading up to Parker case which will either have the boys arrested or place on bail or set free. As the trail continues new evidence keeps piling up Alvaro lawyer claims that hours before the shootout Alvaro and Parker heads down the Lahey street Alvaro had notice that Parker was holding something in his jacket as his hands were kept in his jacket the entire time they were walking Alvaro also notice that Parker wanted to cross over to the other side an when confronted by him Parker received a phone call and the two went their separate ways Alvaro heads back to his block when he received the message that Parker had been shot Alvaro refused to believe due to the fact that he was just with him Alvaro blamed himself for not staying he told his friend that maybe he should've stayed with him Parker he might have been here that night Parker should have return to the their block. Khari changes lawyers four times as the boys tried to get their stories to match with the each other the trio went over their stories a couple of times just so they would have the same story to tell. Sunday morning the case was drop after the third witness refused to testify against the boys the other witness hang himself leaving only Alvaro as the soul witness Charity claims that when she heard the news of the boys arrested in Parker case she was surprise because the boys had never argue before and their friendship was solid, even with the new evidence the boys were set on bail. Candace glance at them from time to time wishing she could have done more to help her brother case even now that Parker story is been told Alvaro feels guilty for not protecting his best friend like he protected him Parker case is now closed until feather notice. Meanwhile in the hospital of Gemini the violet rose fell from Lilliana hand as she takes her last breath the pack breaks down after her death Cordelia blocked out from the heartache while the pack clenched their teeth as the pain hits them Jaromir then lays Cordelia on another hospital bed.