After the unexpected death of Lilliana the entire school of mythical creatures all mourned her, the professor had specifically asks for her body be transported back to the Academy where she will be laid to rest. At the Thestral Sherwood home Jaromir entered the basement to say his final goodbye to Lilliana however something had unexpectedly happened when the lights began to flicker he quickly spins around after hearing footsteps approaching the basement, at that moment he heard sobbing coming from Lilliana coffin which quickly catches him off guard Jaromir then proceeded to walks cautiously towards the coffin, upon approaching the coffin he notice that the sobbing had abruptly stops thinking he's hallucinating he made his way back to his room, Jaromir seems unaware that Lilliana had unexpectedly opened revealing bloodshot eyes. Lilliana slowly crawled out of her coffin and made her way to the kitchen where she saw Rhydian hanging out with both Melanie and Brooklyn, Brooklyn grab a knife from Rhydian to cut Melanie cake when she accidentally cuts the palm of her hand Lilliana hiding behind the wall sprinted towards her, Rhydian reacted fast by pushing Lilliana onto the ground, Lilliana quickly showed her abilities and leaped towards him straight away Jaromir knew something was wrong and rushes into the kitchen to find Lilliana throwing Melanie over the sofa and as she was about to sink her fangs into Brooklyn neck the door busted opened as Lauressa Cordelia Arianna Niccolò and Jazmin enter the house Cordelia shots out Jaromir name a Brooklyn told her that they're in the kitchen and after entering the kitchen they were also shock upon seen Lilliana while Jaromir and Brooklyn are forced to kneeled. Minutes later the entire pack had gathered at the Thestral Sherwood home and stared blankly at Lilliana, in Melanie head she wonder's how it's possible for Lilliana to be alive after dying for over eight days. At the meantime Justyce sat near Tj as the two glanced back and fourth at each other not knowing what to say he ask where Lilliana was Justyce reminded him that it's been eight days since Lilliana had died and before he could respond Justyce told him that she knows what he is, fearing that his secret will be revealed he swore that in another life he will keep his distance from Lilliana, at that exact moment the two notice that a the Rose near them had become rotten the two hurried outside the police station and notice that other Rose's had also turned rotten suddenly a vampire came rushing towards the two Tj reacted by staking the vampire his face turns pale as he realized that more vampires will be coming Justyce notice that a worried look was on his face the whole time they heads to the Thestral Sherwood home, near the dark alley the vampire that had attacked the two and died thought Justyce was the Thestral vampire. After reaching the Thestral Sherwood home the two hurried inside and just like the others reactions they was speechless Justyce accompanied by Tj Niccolò and Jazmin heads outside the pool area as she explained what had happened earlier seen the closeness between Tj and Justyce, Lilliana eyes changes colors as the pack screams in horror the four adults quickly rushes inside to see Lilliana unconscious Jaromir approaches her and once again he forced her eyes opened Justyce glanced at Tj as the two realized what's happening. The next morning the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings refused to leave Lilliana at home with Jazmin, Niccolò then convinced the siblings that Lilliana will be in safe hands and with Jaromir staring at them the siblings heads to school. At Aquarius high the students gathered in the hallway as Lauressa Arianna and Serena makes their way to Brooklyn locker after reaching the locker Brooklyn Josephine Hardin and Rhydian were already standing there they then discuss Lilliana situation Hardin then mentioned the fact that Lilliana eyes had changed color right after she had seen Tj close with Justyce, Serena then senses that there's a new vampire amongst them Serena then turned to see a female staring at her Serena glazed then locked in on the female barefoot covered in dirt the female instantly catches everyone's attention student's whispered about her torn dress that's covered in mud. Suddenly Hardin Brooklyn and Josephine had vanishes off the school premises Josephine was the first to go then Hardin followed by Brooklyn the girl standing in the hallway also vanishes. Meanwhile the trio had awaken to find themselves chained up in a old farm Josephine eyes wondered around the room soon enough the trio notice that there's over twelve vampires guarding them seconds later a male vampire introduced themselves as Collen. Knowing that Hardin has vampire blood inside him Collen snapped his neck as the two girls screamed in horror Collen then glance at Brooklyn before requesting her to scream as loud as she could, Brooklyn quickly refuse as Collen becomes angrier with range in his eyes he makes his way towards Josephine with the intention to harm her Brooklyn without much choice she screamed Collen quickly realized that they had kidnapped the wrong girl. Hours later Hardin finally awakes Collen jumps up and down with excitement he then signaled one of the vampire to bring the blood bag and after receiving the blood bag he handed it to Hardin so that he could feed Hardin was unaware that Collen had taken his phone and texted Lauressa his location pretending to need help. Falling into his trap Lauressa showed up to the location alongside Jace Rhydian Arianna and Serena, meanwhile Lilliana was on her way to see Tori-An, the others seems unaware that Collen had sent his vampire's to find her, Josephine then realized that they're falling into Collen trap and quickly screams to alert them, Collen immediately covered her mouth. At that moment Jaromir realized too late that Collen wanted Lilliana who had already left the house Jaromir texted Arianna before leaving to find Lilliana, while at the old barn they finds Josephine Brooklyn and Hardin, Jace notice something different about Hardin and realized that he's now a vampire without speaking they hurriedly back to the house to find Lilliana Jaromir and the others waiting for them the pack quickly stood together. And as it catches dawn the Thestral Sherwood home was immediately surrounded by vampires that wants Lilliana, Collen then makes it pretty clear that he won't leave without her. Hardin became worried after realizing what Collen is capable of, they all had underestimated Lilliana ability, despite the others warning her to stay inside Lilliana heads outside as the vampire quickly surrounded her Collen then stepped forward towards her and lifted his hand that's dripping blood with a cold bloodshot red eyes she stared straight into his soul then with one swift move she was able to bring him to his knees the vampires watches as she then levitates over him showing concern for her Justyce rushes outside and stood between the two before she could strike him, Lilliana eyes wide opened with surprise suddenly Justyce drove a stake through his heart killing him in the process Niccolò notice that Lilliana was about to faint and quickly went to catch her she then lay unconscious in his arms.
My name is Tylen Thestral and for century my siblings Lauressa Lilliana Lindsey Jaromir Jace my cousins Arianna Cordelia and Rhydian have been wandering through the veil venturing forth to fulfill earthly missions which is to protect humanity. We have face many mystical species and there are many other species we never knew had existed for example shadow demon and growing up we didn't learnt about shadow demon the professor didn't knew shadow demons are real so when a shadow demon showed up the pack won't know how to defeated the creature. After Lilliana received her sirenix powers she became unstoppable and with alongside Arianna and Lauressa by her side she's unbeatable. Earlier Tuesday morning Serena stretched her hand out to touch Kayla and realize that she wasn't next to her in a panic she rushes downstairs only to slip into blood upon standing up she realized that it's blood she immediately screams out Kayla name at that moment she remembered that there she had seen the bathroom door shout, thinking that she's in the bathroom Serena heads back upstairs upon opening the door she instantly fall onto her knees sobbing after seen Kayla strapped onto the ceiling suddenly she glanced at the mirror where she notices black smoke leaving the room. Second later she heard Lilliana voice behind her she quickly spins around and screamed in horror upon seen the creature up close. Hours later Cordelia shows up to Serena home after she didn't attend school seen her sitting in a pool of blood with Kayla body in the bathroom in desperation Cordelia called Jaromir for help, Jaromir after receiving the call introduced the girls to flee from the house Jaromir accompanied by Rhydian then heads to Serena home and upon stepping onto the porch the duo notice the weird symbol brandished into the door and without entering the house the two proceeded to burnt it down. As time passes the teenagers became increasingly worried after the shadow demon had yet to strike, at the meantime Lauressa secretly admired Hardin bravery after he stood up for another student who's been bullied Arianna standing behind her placed her hand around her waist then proceeded to stare her face. Ali walks into the police station with a Burnette hair and a bracelet with a T initial and just like that Tj gave up on Ali who constantly compares herself with Lilliana. At training Jaromir and Kyllian paired Maelyn and Tori-An against Alvaro and Jace as the training starts the four teens smiled at each other Jaromir seems confused when Maelyn quickly uses mind control on Kyllian. Days later Serena woke up at a barnyard and find herself bound to a chair though her eyes were quite blurry she was able to make out a dark silhouette and as she regained her sight she notice someone standing near the fireplace holding something she cried and begged to be release struggling to loosen the ropes the figure turned to stare at her and proceeded to walk slowly into her direction, with speaking the person completely ignored her crying and branded the same shadow demon symbol into her upper shoulder which leaves her to block out. The video of Serena been tortured was send to Tj who immediately went to the pack they then came together to locate her the figure watching from a distance and launched its attack throwing Rhydian into Tj police vehicle the shadow demon continues to attack the others and the minute Jaromir shows up the creature retreats Melanie quickly went to help Rhydian, and with her finger on the trigger Lauressa hesitates to shoot the shadow demon after locating Serena, Lilliana runs into her arms as she embrace her for a big hug. As the pack stood outside the building where the shadow demon hides Rhydian realized that the minute Lauressa walks in a bomb might go off he then signal for Candace to stop her from entering through the front door Lauressa alongside Arianna and Josephine heads through the window and as time passes Jace becomes worried as Josephine is yet to return it wasn't long before the shadow demon strikes again and this time Lilliana and Serena weren't lucky enough to escape the creature grip, the shadow demon then followed Candace and soon enough she was then surrounded by the dark smoke seconds as she inhale the smoke she blocked out Hardin quickly takes her to the car while Tori-An decided to stay behind with Maelyn. Inside the car Brooklyn stared at Candace who's fast asleep when she heard strange noises coming from behind the car she then proceeded to exist the vehicle and to her surprise she saw a that there was a dent onto the car door seconds later she saw someone's reflection in the car window before she could react the figure knocked her out and handcuffs her to the car door and after waking up she realized that someone was going to die Brooklyn then struggled to break the handcuff when a sudden vision of Lilliana appeared standing over Maelyn lifeless body, and in order to prevent Maelyn death Brooklyn escape and find to find Jaromir. While walking with Tori-An, Serena steps into the circles as it blazed up the fire trigger something inside her Serena her eyes then turned blue her teeth turned sharp as she searches for a way out the fire quickly engulfed the building trapping Serena inside Tori-An watches as Serena eyes went from brown to blue her heart sank as she turned her head away. As Lilliana was about to climb the stairs she turned and realized that Serena and Tori-An was no longer behind her she quickly went back to find the two meanwhile Brooklyn and Jaromir searched for the creature and accidentally pumps into Kyllian with the heads turing into the same direction at the exact same time they were able to see the smoke was coming from the other room opposite from them the smoke instantly spreads as fire busted out from the room they quickly rushes into the other direction and collided with Jace and Alvaro the duo claim that the exist behind them was also engulf with flames they all panics as the two exist was already engulf they were about to lost all hope when Melanie Lorelei and Josephine stood outside the building Rhydian then signal Hardin as he glanced at Lorelei before using his vampire strength to burst open an entrance the pack hurried outside when Jaromir then ask were Maelyn was they all stared at each other while inside the burning building Maelyn closed her eyes paying that someone would save her the smoke makes it hard for her to breath and as she's about to pass out Jaromir shows up and carried her outside as the fire engulfed the entire building the pack realized that they haven't seen the shadow demon existed the building as they all hugs each other with happiness Serena held Lilliana hand as the two heads towards Jace car. In Cordelia dream she lured Lilliana outside the house in the middle of the night to an abandoned warehouse where Valeria then sneaks and starts attacking Lilliana from behind stabbing her multiple times in her chest leading to her death Cordelia immediately woke up from her nightmare and began sobbing in Arianna arms.
After the shadow demon had vanish in the house fire Tj makes it clear that he needs Lilliana to know the truth as the two cross paths he tried to explain the truth however Lilliana turned around in shock as he went on to tell her the truth Lilliana with denial couldn't believe any of what he's saying and as she turned to leave he quickly stops her without staring at her she gently pushes away his hand. In the middle of class the new substitute pronounced Lilliana name incorrectly and was surprise when the entire class corrected her later on at recess Rhydian sat close to Tori-An Cordelia and Serena which he then notice Serena discomfort soon enough the others joined them Brooklyn then accidentally touches Serena shoulder and she flinched which caught Lauressa attention she then whispered something in Arianna ear suddenly Lilliana stood up and began shouting Alvaro name Cordelia quickly joined in as Alvaro kicks the ball towards Serena thinking she would dodge it Lilliana quickly reacted by blocking the ball. While Tika Library Jaromir heard a voice that made his heart stops, as his breathing became increasingly heavy suddenly there's a tap on his shoulder turing around in fright he saw Tj who notice how spook he is as the two existed the Library Tj clearly notice Jaromir discomfort however he decided not to say anything. At the Thestral Academy the professor seem to have notice that Tyson monitoring wristband keeps going and coming online at first he thought that it might have been a glitch, minutes later the wristband was fully disconnected Jaromir was then informed. Back at the Thestral Sherwood home Jaromir waited for the pack and as they showed up he sends Lauressa and Arianna to accompanied Jace Alvaro and Serena to locate the whereabouts of Tyson while Cordelia and Rhydian pay Thestral Academy a visit. A black hair girl with the Thestral pendant jumps off a high building and landed perfectly he male friend applaud for her the black hair girl heads to the swimming pool while her friend leaves, during her swimming she notice that a silhouette was standing behind a tree and in fear she held the pendant around her necklace and suddenly it releases a orange glow and just like the pendant Lindsey eyes turned orange. Just like the black hair girl the Thestral siblings pendant releases an orange glow their eyes also turned orange it seems like they were able to felt her presence Rhydian watches as the siblings went in a trance without realizing it the siblings head in the black hair girl direction, the minute the siblings wakes from their trance Lauressa glanced over at the black hair girl with a puzzled look the girl then ask Jaromir how they got here Lilliana remarks that the girl is wearing the Thestral pendant, Jace makes it clear that he has no intention of helping a stranger though the siblings had felt a connection with her. Later off the back hair girl stood onto the Thestral Sherwood pouch pasting back and forth wondering whether she should knock, inside the house Lauressa had notice her silhouette and decided to open the door the two glance at each other with silence filling the air the two wonder what to say the girl then decided to break the silence by asking where Justyce was and it was at that moment that her voice seems to bring back memories to Lauressa, and before seen Justyce the black hair girl had a feeling that Tyson was in danger she then informed Lauressa that they need to find Tyson, Lauressa still didn't know whether or not she should trust her upon seen her hesitation she called her Lauren, Lauressa realized that she's somehow related to her and without wasting much time the two immediately went searching for the pack, they were unaware of Denise's plan. Denise knew that the pack would came after Tyson so she divided a plan in order to fully capture the girl she will use him to lure her out. Running through the woods the pack came to a stop as the black hair girl introduce herself as Lindsey right before release an uncontrollable thunderstorm Brooklyn was surprised when Lindsey was able to control the thunderstorm Serena gently held Lilliana hand as they ran into the boys and with a heavy heart Rhydian informed the others that Tyson had died and that someone's using his wristband Jaromir then tells them that that need to leave before trouble finds them however before they were able to leave Denise pops up Lindsey quickly stepped in front of Lauressa, Lilliana notice that her powers are getting stronger while Denise welcomed Lindsey, Denise attention shifted to Jaromir suddenly Lindsey revealed a strong shockwave that thrown Denise off balance and with Lauressa protecting Maelyn, Denise wanted to go after Melanie before she could stand up three silhouette stood behind her Lauressa realized that they were responsible for Tyson death Serena and Cordelia stood in front of Tori-An while Kyllian Jaromir and Lorelei stood close to Ivanita and Candace, Lindsey tried to convince Denise that the creature they're hunting is dangerous Denise started to chuckle before reminding Lindsey that the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings are the most dangerous species ever lived, Lauressa stood close to Lindsey with fire in the palm of her hand, the way Denise wanted to prove to Lindsey that's she more powerful by absorb the lights around her which didn't seems to amaze her Denise showed her ice powers in the palm of her hand. Lauressa then realized that Denise will try to freeze Lindsey and she was right Denise wanted to take Rhydian out first as she tried to freeze him Lauressa with her fire magic stood between them she shot beams of flames towards Denise ice magic Denise then turned to Josephine and shoot beam of ice in her direction Arianna quickly reacted by creating a shield around Josephine, Jace immediately takes on his werewolf form his howls attracted Alvaro who quickly went into his direction Denise stood near the when she realized that Jace had transformed without the full moon she slowly stepped backwards trying not to make a sound she then accidentally stepped onto a broken tree limb which alerts Jace as he makes his way towards her and before her could attach her Denise had informed him that Lindsey is his sister Serena with high sense of hearing heard everything she had said and told Jaromir, Brooklyn called Denise bluff, Lilliana eyes fixed onto Lindsey pendant and realized that she wasn't entirely lying Jace howls once more and was about to slash Denise when Lindsey whispered his name, her voice seems to have an effect onto the siblings as Jace stood back. At that moment Lindsey held up the Thestral pendant and said she's Justyce and Niccolò daughter and the older sister of the Thestral siblings suddenly a portal opened the pack watches as two students from the Academy stepped out and grabbed onto Denise hand and carried her into the portal and as it closes. The pack along with Lindsey was ready to leave when suddenly Lilliana began to vomit black substances Jaromir face instantly turned pale after seen what she's throwing up, Jaromir stood in between Lilliana and Lauressa, then Lilliana blocked out. Lindsey realized that the nightmare was far from over outside the Raeken Skyscraper Kyllian sat in his vehicle unaware that Lilliana is standing few foot behind the car.