After reuniting with her family Lindsey decided to move into the Thestral Sherwood home to be closer with them soon enough she takes up the responsibility of taken care of them. Friday afternoon in a abandoned dusty warehouse a male silhouette watches with envy as Josephine kisses Maelyn passionate. Meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Lindsey began judging Lauressa after finding out that she's sneaking around by Lilliana back Lauressa who hates been judged reacts to Lindsey with anger and informed her that at least she wasn't sneaking around with Tj, Lauressa words instantly caught her off balance there arguments was then overheard by Serena who was about to say something when in rage Lindsey slammed her fits onto the table before storming off Lauressa turned around and was surprised to see Serena staring at her. Minutes later Arianna came running towards to two after discovering something strange the trio heads to Lilliana room and witness an unbelievable scene with Lilliana floating in tin air what Serena didn't expect was that Lauressa secretly take a self of Lilliana only Arianna knew how much Lauressa wanted to protect Lilliana. As the magical phenomenon occurred again the pack watches as fire ignited from Lilliana body. At night Jazmin watches Lilliana to see whether anything would changed unfortunately for her there was no results soon Jazmin let's down her guards and decided to trust her. In the middle of the night Lindsey informed her aunt that Lilliana might be waken her powers, standing at the door became curious Jace wanted to push opened the door however he was quickly stopped by Serena the two instantly heads back to their separate rooms right as Lindsey existed her room. The next morning everything changed when Lindsey approached Lilliana wanting her to suppress her powers it was at that moment Justyce realized that she had seen the ending before and knew it was pointless arguing with her Lilliana stared at Lindsey with murder in her eyes the way Lilliana didn't seems surprised upon seen Tj standing with her mom what Lilliana didn't expect was Lindsey used her powers to suppress her knocking her out in the process later on Lilliana awaken a realized that Lauressa had actually suppress her powers with Justyce Jazmin and Tj help, not wanting to argue she hurriedly got dress. Right before the match at Aquarius high Lilliana ask Serena to tag along and she reluctantly agreed the two were surprise how the place was overcrowded the duo quickly makes their way towards the bleachers and sat close to Cordelia and Tori-An, as the footballers made their way onto the field the crowd erupted with applaud. Minutes into the game Tj pushes through the crowd and made his way towards Lilliana at first she tried to ignore him however that quickly backfired when he grabs her by the arm dragging her into the school Lilliana with anger unexpectedly slammed him onto a desk breaking it as he landed onto it. Lilliana blamed him for the fact that her powers are suppress Tj without realizing instantly reacted by telling her she's the coast of everything that's now happening he quickly realized his mistake Tj repeatedly tried to apologize however Lilliana turned her back he catches helpless as Lilliana figure fade onto the distance, after seen Tj coming out of the school building with Lilliana, Serena ignore Lauressa warning and quickly went to find Lilliana. Back outside the field Jace Alvaro and Hardin leads their mate's to victory once more and been the center of everyone's attention Candace decided to throw herself a small party which Hardin makes it clear that it should be a huge party. At Candace party a misunderstanding arose when Lilliana stumbled upon Tj standing close to Lindsey, Lilliana was about to leave when Tj notices her although they both were overwhelmed with emotions he deliberately pretended to kiss Lindsey, unaware of tears running down Lilliana face as she depart from them. In Jace car Lilliana laid in Serena arm without speaking held her tightly in his arms and allowed her to cry. Back at the party Cordelia was surprised to see Arianna sitting in Khari lap the footballers then began shouting Khari and Arianna names with joy Ali turned to see Tj with Lindsey and Lorelei, Ali struggled to control her emotions breaking down in her friend arms. While at the police station a file with Lilliana name was seen laying on Tj desk and minutes after his colleague entered his office the file had mysteriously disappeared, Lilliana file that had vanishes from the police station was seen sunken at the bottom of June rive. It was then showed that Tj had secrets of his own he fear that he will be look down on once they figured out what he's capable of, At Brooklyn home Serena hears how Alvaro speaks proudly about Cordelia, she turned her gaze away trying not to make a scene seconds into their conversation the door opened as Lilliana showed up with Tori-An as Serena was about to run towards her she stood mid way upon seen Tori-An holding her hand, while at the Thestral Sherwood home Lindsey stared at a photo of Lilliana and realized that she's slowly slipping away, miles away Tj discovering that he can't be hurt he held his breath Khari fired the arrow into his direction Khari becomes surprise when Tj remained unharmed. As night falls Tj had a dream where Lilliana screams out his name as he quickly looks back he saw that she's turning back for Khari that's when he realized that he's torturing himself suddenly Khari ask him what had happened between him and the Thestral girl Lilliana which Tj respond by saying they became strangers with memories, amongst the drama Ivanita and Jace watches the shimmering blue water from a distance. At the hotel Lindsey awaken next to Tj her memories of that night became blurred he then realized that whenever he's around Lilliana he's vulnerable, at the Diner Lilliana learnt to Ali that Tj will soon welcomed his new born baby Reyna into the world she hurried to hotel where she saw Lindsey leaving, standing in front of Tj, Lilliana trembled as she asks him what his relationship with Lindsey is Tj instantly reminded her that Lindsey is just a friend in rage Lilliana showed her fangs and was about to bite him when he then pushes her to the ground. At the Thestral Sherwood home Jaromir realized that Penelope is a Alpha send to destroy Tj, Jaromir had ask Lindsey to stay close to him unaware that he'd created a drift between the two. Minutes later Tj showed up at the Diner with Lindsey, and upon seen the two Lilliana wanted the earth to open up and swallowed her the way Lilliana heart sunken upon seen Tj kissing Lindsey, tears falls from her eyes as she walks into the rain not knowing where to go, seen her distress Alvaro hurriedly to her side with an umbrella he then grips her allowing her to sank her fangs into his neck. Outside the Diner the same figure that catches Josephine and Maelyn now watching Lilliana and whispered she's his weakness, suddenly everything went dark and minutes later Tj awaken in a shabby rundown house his eyes wide with fear upon seen Eric and Khari, Tj covered in bruises as what's this for brother, Lilliana Thestral she's the one that makes you vulnerable Khari shouted to Tj before shooting several beans of ice towards him the powerful impact from Khari magic sends him crashing into a door Eric then used his powers to restrained Tj, Eric then went on to admits that she'd notice the chemistry between him and Lilliana in fear Ali grabs onto Tj shirt as he stood in front of her swearing that he will protects her at all cost. Overcome, with range Eric told him that Lilliana is the only one who should be protecting Eric began shooting several beams of ice towards Tj, at that exact moment Tj realized that he's bleeding upon knowing that something is weird wrong he turned around and saw Khari holding Lilliana against her will, that's when Eric explained to him that he'd discovered that Lilliana makes him vulnerable, Tj who already knew glanced at Khari and saw the look of satisfaction across his face Lilliana insisted on Khari loosing the ropes however he made it clear that she will unalive him either way she will be set free she then released a powerful shockwave alongside ice that she used to freeze the rope before breaking it she then helps Tj to standing and just like before the two teamed up against Eric it was at that minute that Lilliana realized that Tj was a sacrifice Tj laying on the ground with weakness glanced over at her, seen that his brother will be harmed Khari quickly blocked Eric magic in the meantime Lauressa uses magic to figured out Lilliana location and with the help of Arianna and Alvaro the trio went searching for her, and upon reaching the location the trio saw Khari fighting with Eric at that moment Arianna eyes landed onto Tj who's laying unconscious onto the ground Arianna quickly used a boundary spell to protect him while Alvaro went to help Lilliana, not wanting to surrender Eric began screaming few magic words when Arianna rendered him unable to speak it wasn't long before the entire pack showed up to help. And it was at that moment Lindsey appeared with Justyce and Jazmin the two applaud and explained that it was a test Justyce was about to send Eric away when out of nowhere Lilliana jumps onto him pinning him onto the ground before sinking her fangs into his neck Niccolò standing behind them then ask Lilliana to show her eyes every apart from Serena stood back upon seen Lilliana golden eyes. Without looking at her Tj throw a blood bag in her direction offering her to drink from it and been a big sister Lindsey then generated fire to separate Tj from Lilliana.
After missing school for four days Josephine finally returns her ironic glows up leaves everyone stunned as and walks the hallway with Jace by her side which quickly gains everyone's attention Maelyn standing near her locker had her eyes fixed onto her. In Mathematics classroom a student gave her opinion and Josephine face showed that she wasn't here for any of it. In the girls bathroom Brooklyn grabs Josephine arm and required why she's been rude, without answering she smirked before existing the bathroom Brooklyn quickly figured Josephine out. At lunch Josephine placed both her feet onto table Melanie who's sitting in Rhydian lap reminded her that they're in the cafeteria she needs to behave properly Josephine then turned her head to face Rhydian she gave him a death stare, Serena who wasn't sitting with them had notice her strange behavior. Later on at June river Josephine stand alone against Hardin and Tori-An and somehow defeated them both, staring at the pill laying in front of her Maelyn instantly realized that she's seen Cordelia taken the same blood pills seconds into the fighting match Josephine immediately loses control to show her hungry red eyes, the others gasps in fright Arianna quickly took Rhydian to the side before anything happened, she's the new vampire and you're just telling me this why, Rhydian shouted at Arianna while his gaze is fixed on Josephine. Upon seen everyone staring at her Josephine said in a upsetting voice i never ask to be a bloodsucking vampire so don't blame me for turning into the creature most of you'll feared. Hardin hugs her without thinking twice as the others joined in Melanie attitude changes she embrace her. At the Thestral Sherwood home Lindsey had her eyes locked onto Lilliana the entire time she's doing her assignment with Serena help. Lindsey knew that Lilliana would went to an extreme measure to get what she wants, and when she discovered her relationship with Tj she became furious though Lindsey apologized multiple of time reminding her she did it for a test and there's no real feelings between the two, both sisters were then forced to be in the field together, the duo started to trust each other. However things took a turned for the worst when a voice note of the two starts playing, despite Lilliana constantly remarks the two continued to see each other but it goes down the drain when Tj couldn't keep up with Lilliana harsh behavior, effectively ending their relationship and her friendship with Lindsey friendship. News spreads fast throughout the supernatural world about Josephine transformation, Josephine who'd just learnt to adapt to her knew life became a target. Lightning appears in the street of Lahey suddenly a portal appeared then mysteriously vanishes a blond hair girl then sprinted into the other direction Lilliana showed up to distract her runs towards the shed soon enough Corinna followed her the second she turned around she realized that it's another distract Corinna called her wise Corinna sets her eyes onto a gas pan without hesitation Corinna shots the pistol towards a gasoline as it sets ablaze Lilliana screams could be heard inside the shed, seen that Tori-An and Cordelia runs in the other direction while Serena grabs Josephine Melanie and Maelyn the four girls then runs into the woods on the other hand Corinna was excited to chase them, back at the shed Jace and Alvaro stood firm while the fire continued to blazed suddenly Lilliana emerged from the flames and the trio began to hunt down Corinna. Corinna with a smirk on her face stared at Cordelia and Josephine who's shaking in fear Corinna makes it clear that she will take Josephine life and when ask about Lilliana, she informed her that she'd set's the Thestral princess ablaze Cordelia tried to remind her of Jace and after hearing his name she calms down something inside her telling her that she's using his name as a distraction she then turned to face the trio and realized that Josephine and Tori-An had vanishes Corinna sets on hunting down Josephine immediately sprints off and after finding her instantly began shooting in their direction the duo quickly stops in their tracks, not backing down Cordelia kicks Josephine as she falls onto the ground Tori-An tried to help her up and was immediately stopped by the gunshot Corinna fired, she then told her that's the first warning to stay back. Josephine accepting her faith close her eyes the attempting to stand up right after standing up Corinna giggles. Suddenly without hesitation Jace quickly stands between Josephine and Cordelia and shouted wait she's a friend she's my best friend Corinna and I can't let you hurt her I love her Corinna, Corinna then lower the pistol with a burning feeling in her chest Corinna then said in a cranky voice with tears running down her cheeks you're my friend Jace you were suppose to be my best friend she's a ordinary human she won't survive in the supernatural world for long, Jace is she worth losing your life over. Jace glances at Josephine and swears to protect her with all his life Lilliana standing not far behind shake her head in disappointment Josephine then hold Jace hand, Ivanita who had just shown up with Candace quickly note the tension between the two and seen her holding his hand she felt a bit of jealousy, he's my boyfriend she whispered, promise me that you will take care of by baby she softly said to Josephine who then nod her head soon enough a portal opened up as Corinna backed away from him Corinna glanced in Lilliana direction raises her middle finger towards her, Lilliana reacted by cussing at her Arianna standing near her couldn't stop laughing Lindsey held Ivanita as Jace fell to his knees upon seen Corinna entering the portal and as the portal vanishes so did Corinna. The whole time Jace couldn't stop crying as Josephine gently comforts him Ivanita then rushes towards the two and helps Jace up the two cousins then carried Jace to the car where Josephine embrace Hardin and Candace the pack then leaves the field after been exhausted. My name is Corinna and Jace had taught me that some humans are worth dying for that's funny cause he'd once taught me that humans aren't friendly to the supernatural kids.
After she'd been turned Jace kept his promise by protecting Josephine after witnessing what the shadow demon is capable of Kyllian with the help of Jaromir trained the pack day and night until they have overcomes all the obstacles. On the other hand Lilliana became frustrated with Lauressa constant nagging, Tori-An also becomes overwhelming with the constant training and finds it hard to adjust and with Jace and Alvaro help Serena manage to stay in her wolf form, Rhydian showed Josephine how to adjust to her new life while Candace and Melanie practice their fighting skills at the meantime Ivanita decided to leave Sagittarius town her last goodbye was to Jace, and with her leaving the pack heads off to say their goodbyes Ivanita handed Jace her ring Jace with teary-eyed promises to wear the ring forever they then watches as Ivanita leaves. The next morning the entire street was sealed off by police cars ambulance truck and several other cars the police alongside the ambulance workers rushed into the Orlando house in search for Candace, a horrifying screams echoed throughout the house as Candace been placed on the stretcher then carried into the ambulance. Later on Hardin Josephine Melanie and Maelyn rushes to Gemini hospital to see Candace laying unconscious of a bed, she wouldn't resist the sleepiness as Hardin held her hand. At the Thestral Sherwood home Melissa conjure up a spell that created darkness inside the house her other sister Marissa also conjure up a cloaking spell that makes the house impossible to see, meanwhile inside the house the four girls Arianna Lauressa Lindsey and Lilliana were having a brief discussion about Ivanita leaving town Lindsey makes it clear to Arianna that she's going to get hurt after discovering she's secretly dating Khari, Arianna retaliate by asking she has all right to date anyone she's comfortable with, before things could get heated Lindsey Lilliana and Lauressa rushes into Lauressa room while Arianna stayed downstairs been bored Arianna had just leave the kitchen and heads to Lauressa bedroom where they were practicing spells suddenly Lauressa heard a dish crashing onto the floor the girls quickly glanced at each other, knowing that they're the only one at the house they realize that someone had break in. The girl immediately stood up and stood on the top stairs observing everything downstairs suddenly the girls screamed and bolted for the front door, Arianna quickly opened the door and the girls rushes into the streets barefooted suddenly rain began falling over their heads which leaves them completely soaked, Lilliana makes its clear that she won't go down without a fight the four teens turned around and their heart sunken upon seen three girls staring at them with ice fire and water magic, Lindsey tried to hold Lilliana hand she then instantly pushes away Lindsey hand Malissa immediately began shooting several ice beams towards them Lindsey was able to block every attack leaving Lilliana smiling, Malissa power was too strong to resist Lilliana saw that Lindsey is wearing Tj necklace and fell onto her knees sobbing as Lauressa kneeled down to confront her suddenly disaster strikes when the triplets combined their magic and swiftly knocks the cousins onto the ground, the cousins immediately stood back up and tries to attack the siblings Lilliana then notice the rubber band on Marissa wrist, Lilliana looked at Lauressa with fear across her face as tears streamed down her cheeks Lauressa glanced at Melissa before jumping in front of Lilliana, feeling somewhat safe Lilliana released the ice magic seen a sight of vampire in her eyes Melissa trembled as she uses telepathy to speak with her sisters Malissa makes it clear that she wants to talk to Lilliana however Lauressa Arianna and Lindsey stood in front of her suddenly Melissa teleported in front of her which leaves the cousins in fright, Melissa introduced herself to the cousin and also introduces her other two sisters as Marissa and Malissa Bailey, the last name catches the siblings off guard Lauressa remember seen their files in miss Carmella office stacked in a box Lilliana stepped away from her and stood behind of her Lindsey, and in that moment Melissa saw the three Thestral girls eyes glowed. And within minutes the Thestral girls were able to throw the Bailey triplets off-balance then proceeded to flee Arianna tried to reverse the cloaking spell. While hiding Lauressa glanced up to see a shining green star, while Arianna hid behind a tree not daring to make a sound, Lauressa carefully observed the stare and discovered that the stare keeps going in the same direction at the mean time Lindsey held her breathe while staring at straight at Lauressa, Arianna screamed upon seen a dark silhouette. The Thestral girls followed the source of the sound while the triplets watches from a distance sensing danger Lilliana sprint's off in the other direction Arianna ignored Cordelia attempts to stop her, Lilliana realized that for some unknown reason something keeps triggering Lauressa magic, Melissa immediately conjure up a strong wind without causing any damage. After confirming that they pose a threat the cousins began fighting back they the cousins had no idea who the triplets were they didn't hesitate to counterattack. After been separated Arianna picked up the bow an arrow then she drew back the bow as she sets her eyes on Marissa she releases the bowstring that went falling pass her. At the Raeken home the others began drinking and celebrating. Back at the Thestral Sherwood place Lindsey created a powerful wind that pushes Melissa back seconds into the fight Lauressa created a protective barrier that blocked Melissa attacks right as Lindsey tries to freeze Marissa. In order to break her Malissa created a memory she didn't realize that Lilliana would actually breaks down and the way Marissa stared at her as she breaks down in overwhelming pain Melissa knew that it shattered Marissa heart and decided to stop the triplets quickly apologized and informed them that they're Carmella younger sisters. Marissa immediately embrace Lilliana for a hug which melted the Bailey hearts. Outside the cloaking spell Carmella hurried to the Thestral Sherwood home after discovering that her sisters were back her eyes landed on the empty space where the house was supposedly be, Carmella instantly revised the cloaking spell of her sisters doing and her eyes then landed on Lindsey standing with Arianna and Lauressa, while Melissa and Malissa stands near each other Carmella then notice Marissa kneeling down near Lilliana who's seemly crying.