After the new arrival of the Bailey triplets the pack felt like more powerful, and with Lilliana new found powers Lindsey finds new ways to suppress them. Kyllian begs Lindsey to trained the witches Kyllian becomes surprise when she agrees to trained them, her first task was to have the witches in showed the magic they possess. Lauressa and Maelyn magic was incredible however Lindsey becomes intrigued with the Bailey triplets magic, and with a slight move of her finger Lindsey created a fence around the battlefield and gave the witches a task to bring her and Arianna down before she brings them down, Lauressa and Maelyn use sound wave and tried to defeat Lindsey however Lindsey fought back and defeated both her them, Melissa feeling powerful shoot several beams of ice towards her while Malissa stood at the other side shooting beams of fire, and with one swift move Arianna knocks the two onto the ground the pack standing outside the battlefield watches intensely, at that moment Marissa eyes sparkled as she levitates with dragon forming around her, as Lilliana levitates her eyes also sparkled as a bright light eliminating behind her, Lindsey quickly glances over at Jaromir as everyone's eyes wide opened in surprise. Not wanting the duo to create any damage Justyce waved her hand as the fence vanish she then told the duo to stand down which they quickly do, Justyce pulled Jazmin aside and informed her that she'd seen darkness emanating from her behind the duo. We are the creatures of the night with our glowing eyes sharp teeth and our incredible powers, werewolves can be killed by wolf bane they burnt by the sunlight, and for vampire's they're easily killed by stake the creature is affected by vervain yet theses witches practices witchcraft and are burnt alive, we are monsters who feeds on innocent humans we compelled them worst we used our magic on them so when you're talking about monsters aren't real think again cause we are real. At Aquarius high school during recess Melanie rested her head on Rhydian shoulder Melissa Malissa Lauressa and Arianna sit near them when Melanie whispered that they aren't humans anymore, at that moment Rhydian just wanted to turn her into a vampire. Meanwhile at the Raeken skyscraper Lindsey assist Lorelei with a document when out of nowhere the glass from the ceiling shattered Lindsey react in time and use her body to shield Lorelei, later on as Lorelei bandages Lindsey hand. At the Thestral Sherwood home the Bailey makes their way to the pool area where the others were waiting for their arrival, Serena buried her face in Lilliana arms which catches Marissa attention. While the pack was drinking and celebrating, they were unaware that a wide crack spreads throughout the June river bank, as the crack opens a pairs of hand sticks out. Minutes later Lindsey enter the house and walk straight to the pool area and informed Arianna that she's going to accompanied Lilliana Lauressa and the Bailey witches to a apartment. Upon reaching the apartment Alec whisper to Merliah that the witches are here, Merliah with a smug look across her face polity ask, him to bring them to her, Alec hurried to the witches and accompanied them to her, Alec watches as Lilliana eyes wide with tears she couldn't compose herself and rushes into Merliah arms, it was clear that girls knew that Cordelia has resentment towards Merliah. Jaromir conformed to the others that Merliah is somehow alive she was immediately brought to the Thestral Sherwood home for questioning, Lilliana didn't once take her eyes off her fearing she would lose her again. Alec glance over at Merliah as he clasp a necklace around Lilliana neck, Merliah had a look of concerns after Alec place the necklace around Lilliana neck Alvaro Jace and Josephine turns their head at the exact same time to face her. At school Lilliana stare at Merliah who's wearing only a white collared button up uniform shirt along with a yellow an black with white and gray skirt the principal stops her and require about her tie and blazer, which Merliah had completely ignored her, during recess Merliah stood with the pack at Hardin locker suddenly miss Alexa passes by them and Merliah raise her middle finger in the air, Cordelia tries to warn Lauressa that Merliah doesn't act like the one they once knew, eventually Lauressa slowly realized that she's right, finally its lunch time Candace shouted as she alongside the other students makes their way to the cafeteria, meanwhile Cordelia slowly makes her way down the steps and place her hand in Lilliana face the duo notice Merliah passing them Serena glance at Cordelia before shoving Merliah head which Merliah quickly turns to push off her hand and made her way over to principal the two girls laughs before walking off, and the pack made it pretty clear that they didn't want anything to do with Merliah, Brooklyn and Josephine informed the pack that they had witness Merliah eyes turning blue. Finally having enough of Merliah strange behavior Alvaro confronted Lilliana at her locker trying to convince her that Merliah is evil, and upon seeing Merliah approaching Lilliana slam her locker shout as she walks off with her the pack stared blankly at the duo when Merliah slowly turns to look at them with glowing blue eyes.



Imagine been betrayed by the person who swears to protect you at all cost, swears not to harm you, betrayal doesn't come from the enemy that you hated it comes from the person you adore the most, we all have been betrayed by someone close enough to us. The pack decided to lower their guards after they haven't face any threat. While on the phone with her mom Lauressa heard her screaming and Lauressa wasted no time she threw the phone onto the ground and teleported to her house with Melissa Malissa and Arianna by her side the four girls searches for Justyce and despite the fact that they've searched the entire house Justyce was nowhere to be found Lauressa immediately breaks down and at that moment Arianna accidentally hits a record player, shadows waits for no one take a look around you already know who i am so let's not pretend you don't know what am capable of, Lauressa knew the voice sounded familiar yet she refused to believe she's the shadow demon. Upon realizing the gravity of the situation Arianna texted the enter pack for help, after rushing home Lindsey heads straight to the living room with Lorelei and realized that the four girls had already sets out to find Justyce everything inside the kitchen was thrown to the floor, plates an cups were all shattered broken, the recorder continued to play, Lauressa best isn't good enough and choosing who's good or who's bad isn't up to Arianna destroying life's is Cordelia specialty too bad Jace isn't a strong hybrid or he would have been able to overthrow most creatures on his own image how many people died in Jaromir arms Lilliana isn't in charged here nor at the Academy and that's a good thing cause everyone would have died in her hands Lindsey isn't a leader she isn't that special, the Sherwood and the Thestral siblings are powerless weak cowards fools can't even save your own people. Lorelei immediately shattered the recorder. The entire pack confronted the shadow demon, and seen Justyce laying inside a circle Lauressa screamed out her mom name and suddenly as she's about to approach her fire rise high around her and created a burrier soon the dark smoke appeared and transformed into Valerie, the pack stood backwards in shock, Valerie then began peeling the flesh off her skin revealing her demonic form the fire rise into the air just as Lilliana came running towards the circle Jace reacted fast and grabs her by the waist they bout hits the ground. And without wasting time Valerie ripped Justyce heart from her chest the others looked away while the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings screamed in horror, Justyce lifeless body then hits the ground as Valerie stood over her locking eye contact with Merliah before vanishing. After returning to the Thestral Sherwood home Lauressa fell onto her knees and began sobbing Hardin and Malissa tried to comfort her, Lindsey eyes landed on the trail of blood and suddenly remembered Niccolò and immediately followed the trail with the others behind her that's when they located him not in the condition they wanted Niccolò chest was ripped opened with his throat slashed and his heart was missing. After losing both parents Lauressa felt broken the pain she felt after losing both her parents was the worst pain a child could ever feel, even though Lauressa isn't the only one who lost them her siblings cousins along with their relatives the main reason Lauressa heart sank with rage flowing through her like lava she brace herself for the pain remembering her mom last moment.


After the death of Justyce and Niccolò the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings were consumed by rage and with Jazmin disappearance the Thestral Sherwood siblings knew Valerie has something to do with it and decided to take a cautious steps. London a student of the Pisces College wasn't aware that his three best friends Kate Nicklaus and Andrew had decided to throw him a surprise party and invited half of the college students, after been swarmed with studying London had forgotten that tomorrow is his birthday. The day had finally arrived for London surprise party, upon entering the compound house London was became curious upon seen that the house is consumed with darkness suddenly the lights turned out and everyone sounds surprise happy birthday London, at that moment London realized that it's his birthday he became ecstatic upon seen his sister Izzy everyone drink to celebrate his birthday. Melissa excitedly heads to the party alongside Lauressa Arianna and Malissa soon Arianna gotten intoxicated and accused Kate of wanting Khari, Lauressa knew that Kate had said something to Arianna cause she wouldn't just accused someone unless they'd said something to her, as the argument escalate farther the two girls breaks into a fight Malissa Melissa and Lauressa jumps in to defeat her. After tracking down Maelyn location Cathy took her to her apartment at first Cathy wasn't sure that Maelyn is the one she's searching for however upon discovering that Maelyn has the Thestral blood she hesitates to tell her the truth and with Maelyn constant pressure Cathy finally opened up. When the Thestral and the Sherwood family bloodlines were on a brink of dying they turned to Jules for help. However little did they know Jules was about to turn on them, after figuring out that the book of darkness was in the Sherwood possess Jules convinced a demon to drained the life from Niccolò and when they figured out Jules plan's, Ambrose send several werewolves after her, Nessa relying on her grandson Jaromir and his girlfriend Carla to protect the book, and to ensure that the location of the spell book of darkness was never revealed to the enemies Carla drank a potion that place her in a deep sleep and when the enemies figured out Carla plan it was too late, it was then revealed that Carla had given baby Maelyn to Jazmin to protect her the whole time Jazmin knew that Maelyn is a Thestral by blood and she's the daughter of Jaromir Thestral. Maelyn you're the Thestral sole heir, Cathy informed Maelyn while hiding the Thestral pendant in her hand Maelyn eyes filled with confusion and anger at the same time, she didn't know whether she should trust her. Maelyn immediately bolted from the apartment and rushes towards the Thestral bridge she then releases several lightning's, Maelyn began screaming while pulling her hair suddenly she opened a portal and was about to cross over. Meanwhile at the Thestral Sherwood home Jaromir felt Maelyn slowly disappearing, and right at that moment Lilliana and Cordelia came running towards him as they also felt Maelyn vanishing the Thestral and the Sherwood siblings immediately went straight to the Thestral bridge, Just as they reach the bridge Maelyn was about to enter the portal sensing their presence Maelyn turned to stare at them with teary swollen eyes, she then locked eyes with Jaromir and immediately rushes into his arms. At that moment all memory of Maelyn reappeared along with her true identity. Jaromir realized that Maelyn is his biological daughter and promises to protect her with his life. Jaromir words to Maelyn were, You're my daughter Maelyn and you're a Thestral I can't lose you I have already lost both of my parents now I can't lose my daughter.