Chapter 9 : Under the Pits

Poppy’s POV

The guards escorted me to the pits that morning.

My father assumed it was for a public appearance, not because I was actually working. He only agreed because I convinced him it would rally the citizens. Help the morale of our fighters and attendees.

The same excuse I told him every time.

He didn’t know that I used these “public appearances” to learn about the public. Citizens are surprisingly honest to those stitching wounds and caring for them. It earns trust that I could never get on a pedestal.

Taught me who was suffering the most and how I could subtly direct my father’s attention to those groups. If I told him outright, he never listened. A woman couldn’t possibly know what she was talking about.

Even if I saw more than he ever had.

I set up my table with directions from the physicians present. On top of the diplomatic reasons I did this, it was useful to learn these skills. Adept hands make for resourceful leaders. And I also enjoyed the work.