Chapter 336

""Hundred Thousand Rush"? Yes, I just saw this movie."

In front of the theater, Hiller was being interviewed by reporters. He felt a little complicated about the film he just saw. "In my opinion, this is a very interesting film. Both the final shootout and the reunion were done. It's great, but the rhythm is a problem."

He paused for a while, as if he was organizing the language, "If "Hundred Thousand Hurry" was the work of another director, I would say that he made a very successful film, but for directors at Duke's level, "Hundred Thousand Hurry" "It's a bit mediocre."

"In short, from my own point of view, "One Hundred Thousand Hurry" is the most mediocre of Duke's works."

After thinking about it, Shearer said again, "We are all looking forward to the second part of The Matrix. Movies like "Hundred Thousand Rage" really can't satisfy us."

This "The Matrix" **** fan's words undoubtedly represent the aspirations of many movie fans. "One Hundred Thousand Hurry" is not bad, and it is even very far away from the bad reviews, but the **** supporters of Duke were lifted by "The Matrix". Compared with appetite, it is really hard to talk about too good.

"The highlights of "Hundred Thousand Hurricane" are outstanding-wonderful shootout, and the shortcomings are obvious-the slow pace, the film did not disappoint, but ∮≦, did not bring us many surprises like "The Matrix", and From the scale of investment to production time, this is like a film that Duke didn't waste much energy."

On Duke's personal website, this comment from fans was pushed to the top by countless replies, which undoubtedly represents the aspirations of many people.

However, it may be that there are no outstanding films in this off-season, or it may be that the highlights are indeed outstanding. Although the film does not show a hot trend, there is no shortage of audiences.

It's just compared to popular summer films. The attendance and box office acquisition speed of "One Hundred Thousand Hurry" is a bit flat.

After getting US$4.21 million on the first day of Friday, the film ushered in a short peak in the following Saturday, with a single-day box office increase of 27% and a harvest of US$5.34 million.

On Sunday, "One Hundred Thousand Hundred Thousand Urgent" could not escape the normal market laws. The box office fell 21%, and a single day received $4.41 million.

"In the first weekend, I got 13.96 million U.S. dollars in three days, and the single-store box office was 6,345 U.S. dollars."

In the Paramount film industry, Michael Ovitz and Martin Bob are sitting next to Shelly Lansing. The former said to the CEO of Paramount Pictures, "In this low season, such box office is for other directors. It can be regarded as a success, but this is the work of Duke Rosenberg. This kind of achievement can only be said to be very average. Shelly. No one can succeed forever, and no one will fail forever."

Just like in the first caa, Martin Bob and Ovitz cooperated tacitly. At this time, he said, "The professional score of "Hundred Thousand Hot" is only 5.2 points, and the audience praise rate has dropped to 75%. This word of mouth For Duke Rosenberg, it was a failure. "A Hundred Thousand Hundred Thousand Rage" has set new lows in his directorial career!"

"Sherrie. You must be well aware that every director has creative peaks and valleys. Even greats such as Steven Spielberg are no exception."

Looking at Shelly Lansing next to him, Michael Ovitz is still full of confidence, "Obviously, Duke Rosenberg is entering a trough, I... oh no. The industry Many professionals, including Roger Albert, believe that Duke's next few films are likely to continue to decline."

Shelly Lansing kept frowning her brows slightly, her eyes gleaming with thought. However, these two brokerage giants from the artist management company were not accepted.

Yes, after leaving caa, after a period of thinking, Martin Bob became Michael Ovitz's right-hand man again.

"Therefore, Shelly, there is a huge risk in the conditions you put forward to us." Michael Ovitz continued the persuasion work that must continue for a long time, "You insisted on inviting Duke Rosenberg before agreeing to " "Star Trek: Enterprise" will be packaged by me..."

Shelly Lansing nodded persistently. The "Star Trek" series is undoubtedly the signature series of Paramount Pictures, but the last "Star Trek: First Strike" even includes all the income over the past few years. It just barely recovered the cost, and the audience's reputation was in a mess. Paramount Pictures naturally wanted to save the series instead of doing it completely.

Therefore, their original plan would rather wait for Duke to talk about it when there is a schedule than give it to others at will.

But Michael Ovitz's information was extremely well-informed, Shelly Lansing did not know how he got the relevant information, and recently appeared in front of the top of Paramount Pictures.

"Shellie, if I leave "Star Trek: Enterprise" to me, I will re-select suitable actors and directors and try my best to build a new team." Michael Ovitz also knows Shelly Lansing has no head. The problem is that I will not make a decision immediately. I will just try to strengthen the weight of my own discourse. "I can also sign a new sharing agreement with Paramount Pictures. If the profit of "Star Trek: Enterprise" cannot reach At the bottom line of Paramount's expectations, the artist management company will not have the power to extract any revenue share."

Michael Ovitz does not have a mental aura, Shelly Lansing is also a qualified film company executive, so she said, "Michael, I will consider it."

Having said that, Michael Ovitz knew that today could only end here, and after shaking hands with Shelly Lansing separately with Martin Bob, he walked out of Paramount Pictures.

"Don't worry, Martin."

Sitting in the car, Michael Ovitz turned his head and said, "The trend of "Hundred Thousand Rush" will not be a big hit. This will definitely affect the original intention of Paramount Pictures."

"Hmm..." Martin Bob thought for a while, and said, "Compared with Paramount Pictures, I am more worried about Walt Disney. I heard that Robert Iger, who is in charge of Touchstone Pictures, intends to hand over that major World War II project. To William Morris."

"They are not after William Morris, but Michael Bay."

He made a driving gesture to the driver, and Michael Ovitz said again, "Robert Iger's most admired director is Duke Rosenberg, but they can't invite Duke, so they chose the little blaster. ."

"what do you mean..."

"Very simple..." Michael Ovitz laughed. "I have reached out to Michael Bay, and I have everything to talk about."

"One Hundred Thousand Hot" at the first weekend of $13.96 million, with a box office of $6,345 in a single library. Although not impressive, it is also an unattainable figure for other films released in the same period when the market is generally cold.

Among them, the only film that can be compared with "One Hundred Thousand Fire". Only Miramax's "Slim Girl" was released the weekend before the Oscars. It's just that this youth comedy has been in theaters for three weekends, and the box office was only $5.28 million.

Therefore, on Monday, the number of North American theaters of "One Hundred Thousand Urgent" expanded to 2,652, but the box office on weekdays still showed a downward trend. It received 4.01 million US dollars every week, but rebounded slightly on Tuesday and gained 4.15 million US dollars. It fell to 4.02 million US dollars on Wednesday, and finally fell below 4 million US dollars on Thursday, closing at 3.98 million US dollars.

When the film was released in North America for a whole week, the North American box office reached 30.14 million US dollars.

On the second weekend, "One Hundred Thousand Hurry" still has no heavyweight competitors, and it is also the best single-store box office of all films released in the same period. Thanks to the communication and efforts of Warner Bros., it is not too big to expand the screening again. Difficult problem.

"One Hundred Thousand Hurry" in the next three days. The number of theaters has increased from 2,652 to 2,892, as the scale of screenings has increased substantially compared to the first weekend. This led to almost no drop in the box office next weekend, ending the journey of the next weekend with USD 13.56 million.

Ten days after its release, "One Hundred Thousand Urgent" reported in North America for $43.7 million.

The production cost of the film totaled 10 million U.S. dollars, and the publicity cost was only 6 million U.S. dollars. It took ten days to actually recover the cost.

Although this film has never been exposed. But it is not a failed work. Although the audience's reputation has fallen to 73%, the box office trend is still strong.

To a certain extent, it can even be said to be a more eye-catching movie in spring.

In the next four working days, the film received a total of 11.25 million US dollars. Due to the overall weakness of the schedule, the number of North American theaters increased to 2,966 in the third weekend of "One Hundred Thousand Hot".

There is no such thing as a spring file now. Looking at the history of Hollywood movies before, it is not difficult to find that the films that have been in the top ten or even the top fifteen of North America's annual rankings in the past ten years have been premiered in March and April. .

This is also the main reason Duke and Warner Bros. chose this schedule for this relatively lack of commercial competitiveness.

In the third weekend, the overall box office trend of the film finally showed a clear downward trend, with 10.35 million US dollars in three days.

Starting from the fourth week, North America is approaching the summer vacation, and most of the audience's attention has been attracted to the super commercial productions. The box office decline of "Hundred Thousand Hurry" is even more obvious, with only 7.85 million US dollars in four working days.

So far, "Hundred Thousand Urgent" North American box office has accumulated a total of 73.15 million US dollars.

Among them, Duke's commercial appeal established over the years must have played a lot of role.

This result is enough to make Duke and Warner Bros. large profits, and the film will be released overseas later, but at the weekend, the number of theaters of "Hundred Thousand Hot" suddenly dropped, because the first weekend of May, That is to say, the first weekend of the summer file has arrived, and many more commercial films will be released soon.

Among them, the most famous one is called "Star Wars: The Threat of Ghosts"!

After many years of absence, with the eagerness of countless Star Wars fans, George Lucas's Star Wars series has finally begun a new journey.

Duke also accepted the invitation and returned to New York specifically to attend the premiere with his mother. (To be continued...)