Chapter 337

The shot of a black Bentley parked on the red carpet. After Duke got out of the car, he took his mother and walked towards the theater. This is the premiere of Star Wars. He was just an invited guest, and he did not communicate with fans around him. His plan was to walk into the visiting area at the end of the red carpet almost at the fastest speed.

As one of the great directors in Hollywood, of course the media waiting here will not just let him leave.

Duke also knew that his mother didn't like dealing with the media, so she took the initiative to say something.

"Star Wars is a great series, it opened up a new era of science fiction."

Now that he is standing here, Duke can't help Lucas brag a few words, "George's world is wonderful and unique. Star Wars is not just a movie, but also a cultural phenomenon that affects the world. I am a Star Wars fan. , I have waited too long for this day."

Although the reporter asked about his new film, it was someone else's premiere. Duke pushed aside and found his mother who was waiting at the entrance of the theater. Under the guidance of the staff, he walked towards the VIP lounge.

When walking to a place with few people, Mrs. Leah suddenly asked, "Why do you think of being a shareholder in Marvel Comics?"

"I am optimistic about the future of comics and movies."

Knowing that mother cares about herself, Du ≠≦, Ke slightly explained, "Mom, the development of movie special effects is very fast, and it won't be long before you can use special effects for those scenes and special abilities that can only exist on imagination and on paper. Easily displayed on the big screen."

Mrs. Leah nodded and didn't say anything. She faintly knew Duke's real fortune and knew that this large amount of funds came from stock market transactions. Even if the investment fails, it will not hurt Duke.

Besides, after Duke came back yesterday. He signed an investment agreement with Marvel Comics and got 25% of the shares. Now it's useless to say anything else.

Duke returned to New York, first to participate in the premiere of George Lucas' Star Wars, and second, to sign a personal investment agreement with Marvel Comics.

After several months of long wrangling, the surprise was due to lack of funds. And after being rejected by the bank for a new copyright mortgage loan, the agreement was finally reached with Duke's agent.

However, even after signing the agreement, Duke did not stupidly jump out, telling the surprised management like a magic stick how the superhero movies will become popular in the future...

This is a business circle that pays attention to data and practical benefits. Even with his current status, few people will believe that the empty words spoken will wait for the X-Men and Little Spider to exert their power. As long as the surprised executives are not stupid, they know what to do in the future.

At that time, he made some superhero hodgepodge opinions in a timely manner, and the effect was much better than it is now.

Anyway, the copyright of the X-Men and Spider-Man cannot be taken back, so let them wake up the surprised executives.

Entering the VIP lounge, neither Duke nor Mrs. Leah had any social interest. Just as they walked to the quiet resting place and sat down, a girl followed a middle-aged woman.

"Hello, Leah."

"Hello. Shirley."

Mrs. Leah greeted each other familiarly, after the respectful greeting from the brown-haired girl. Nodded to her, "Hello, Nat."

"Hi, Duke."

Seeing her mother talking with Mrs. Leah, Natalie turned to this side and sat next to Duke. Duke shook his stretched hand gently. "It's been a long time, Nat."

The girl opposite seems to have grown taller, but the body under the dark little dress is still slender and thin, and her long brown hair is just casually knitted into a bun behind her head. On the surface, her dress is arbitrary and casual.

In the last conversation, the two broke up unhappy, and the atmosphere this time was a bit strange.

Mrs. Leah turned her head at this moment, "Duke, I went to meet some friends with Shirley."

Soon, only Duke and Natalie were left here.

"How will you be here?"

Looking at Natalie, Duke asked with some curiosity, "Aren't you supposed to take a photo with the crew and accept an interview in front of the red carpet?"

Except for Natalie Portman, no members of Star Wars have entered the lounge.

"I don't want to face media reporters."

After thinking about it for a while, Natalie slowly said softly, "I don't want the media to cause trouble to me. I will take the sat test soon. If it weren't for George's insistence, I would not come over today."

Hearing this, Duke could only secretly sigh that Lucas has a good temper. If the heroine of his film makes such a fuss, he will definitely let the producer deduct her remaining pay for a period of time...

Think about Natalie Portman's experience, Duke suddenly became interested again, and deliberately asked, "Why do you want to take the sat test? Could it be that you don't plan to enter Hollywood?"

"I am going to apply for Harvard." Natalie said without thinking, "Actors will not be my main profession. I am going to enter Harvard to study clinical psychology."

"It's a shame." Duke sighed slightly, as if it was a pity, "Hollywood has one less talented actress."

Suddenly, Natalie turned her head and looked directly at Duke, "Do you really think so?"

Duke shrugged, but said nothing.

The dialogue between the two is far from harmonious. To put it bluntly, whether it is Duke or Natalie Portman, they are separated by two Pacific Oceans from the simple-minded good people.

"Nat, we don't have much contact."

There was silence for half a minute before Duke spoke, and stopped going around in circles. It would be better to go around in circles with such a complicated girl. "But my interest in you hasn't diminished at all, it's more."

"Why?" Natalie couldn't understand, she asked directly, "I'm not pretty. Compared with the actresses who rumored you about the scandal, I am simply an ugly duckling."

"Because we are the same kind of people." Duke pointed to his face and then to his heart.

Natalie's face turned dark, "You are indeed a different person, but I am not!"

"Nate, are you really not interested in Hollywood? You really went to Harvard to be a scholar? Planning to be a clinical psychologist in the future?"

Perhaps Natalie Portman is still a little bit behind the adult spirits of Nicole Kidman, but Duke believes that those people at the same age are far worse than this girl. "If it's true That's right, why not give up your identity as an actor? Acting in Star Wars will only cause trouble for your future studies."

"Why... why do you say this?" Natalie's voice was soft, "We are not friends."

"Because I am interested in you, because I like you very much."

Taking off the mask of a girl with a complicated mind is a very interesting thing. Duke looked straight into her eyes and deliberately said, "I want to make our communication more sincere, not just saying something. The so-called lies go in circles."

"Do you like me? Are you interested in me?" Natalie's mouth quickly rolled away, "Will you officially pursue me?"

Duke thought for a moment, "No."

"Really frank." Natalie's sarcasm smile was fleeting. "Playboy."

"Will you give up Hollywood?"

Ignoring Natalie's smile completely, Duke said seriously, "If you really plan to become a scholar in the future, or give up the career of an actor completely, I will pursue you with the fiercest offensive."

"Why should I give up?" Natalie's mouth twitched slightly, trying to keep her voice within this narrow range, "I vowed to be a successful actor early on! I will not give up Hollywood!"

"So, you entered Harvard just to add a halo to yourself?"

After going around such a big circle, Duke finally put out Natalie's words, "Let me guess? After you enter Harvard, you should hide from the media, but with the help of classmates or teachers, you will be released from time to time. The news of being kind and trying to adapt to the school and the identity of ordinary students may even create some self-defeating topics in order to make your image more in line with an ordinary college student."

"Right, Nat?"

The girl next to him suddenly weakened. Duke held back a smile and said seriously, "If possible, you will also collaborate with your supervisor on some papers, but when you publish, you can let the media ignore the name of the supervisor, a wisdom and appearance. Coexisting, actresses who don't miss Hollywood fame and fortune are gradually taking shape."


Duke shook his finger and interrupted Natalie, "You are an orthodox Jewish descent, and you must have a certain plan in your heart. Let me guess, how can you please the academy and the Jewish forces in Hollywood? Well... graduated Later, if you don't enter Hollywood and go to Israel to study, it doesn't take long. It's enough to stay there for the first half or one year."

"At that time, all, it should be known to all Jewish forces in America," Duke leaned a little closer and said, "Miss Natalie Portman is from Jerusalem."

Natalie Portman pursed her lips, neither admitting nor denying it.

She just looked at Duke, her eyes gradually becoming complicated. Some of the words he said were indeed something she did not expect, but some of the words were indeed planned by her, such as why choose Harvard!

These things are not even known to her mother and agent. But he saw it...

Suddenly, Natalie thought of what Duke had just said. Are they really the same kind of people?

"Duke," she said slowly, "why are you saying these things?"

She didn't believe that the other party wanted to have a sincere communication with her.

"Why?" Duke frowned and thought for a full minute before giving an answer, "Because I think it's very interesting to see through the mind of a very smart girl who is good at covering up."

Speaking of this, Duke stood up, "The time is almost here, come into the theater. Nat, I like chatting with you very much." (To be continued...)