Kaito Chapter 70

Kaito Chapter 70

Kushina peaked her head out from the kitchen with a warm smile on her face. "Welcome back, honey," she greeted him, before a blond bundle of energy who came running out from behind her. "Big brother!" Naruto squealed happily as he threw himself into Kaito's arms for a hug.

Kaito smiled and patted Naruto's head affectionately. "Good to see you too, Naruto," he said with genuine fondness in his voice.

Kushina watched the two interact with a smile before reminding Kaito that dinner would be ready soon. "Go take a bath, honey," she instructed him with a loving smile. "I'll have dinner ready for you when you're done." Kaito nodded and headed to the bathroom.


The sun shone brightly in the sky, casting a warm golden light over the village hidden in the leafs on a sunday afternoon. Inside the uzumaki residence, there was a lively buzz of activity as the family prepared for their outing. Kaito sat on the front porch, his feet clad in sandals and dressed in casual clothes. Today was his team's day off from training.

Beside him, little three-year-old Naruto eagerly attempted to put on his own sandals but struggled, his excitement getting the best of him. Kaito chuckled at his younger brother's efforts and reached over to help him. "Here, let me help you ," he said with a smile.

Naruto beamed up at him and exclaimed, "Thank you, big brother!"

Their mother Kushina emerged from the house, closing and locking the door behind her. She saw Naruto's excitement and couldn't help but giggle as she ruffled his wild blonde hair. "Ready to go, Naru-chan?" she asked with a fond smile.

Naruto eagerly nodded his head and declared, "I'm going to make lots of friends today! believe it !" Kaito smiled at his little brother's enthusiasm and called out to them, "Well then, we should get going! ya know"

And so, with Kushina holding Naruto's hand to prevent him from running off in his excitement, they set off towards Senju Park. On the way, Kaito's mind was occupied with thoughts of yesterday's altercation with Danzo and his 'Root'. The third Hokage had intervened just in time to prevent Kaito from killing Danzo along with the root. and he knew that Danzo would not take this lightly - revenge was surely brewing in his mind.

Kaito thought to himself worriedly, "What will you do next Danzo? How will he try to get back at me?" He knew that Danzo was a cunning and vengeful man who would stop at nothing to achieve his goals.

As they walked, Kaito couldn't help but notice the sharp glares from some of the villagers. He brushed them off, used to the animosity directed towards his family since Danzo's malicious rumors about his mother being the previous Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Fox had spread. The village was divided in its opinions - some respected Kushina as she was the wife of the beloved Fourth Hokage, while others harbored a deep hatred towards her and chose to ignore her existence. Kaito knew that even though his mother didn't show it outwardly, she was still deeply saddened by the treatment she received from the villagers. It hurt him to see his mother ostracized and mistreated in her own home.

After a leisurely stroll, they finally arrived at the serene Senju Park. The park was conveniently located near the Senju compound and just a stone's throw away from the Uzumaki residence. As they stepped inside, the sounds of laughter and shouts filled their ears.

Naruto's excitement couldn't be contained any longer, and he began jumping up and down, pleading with his mother to let him go play. "Can I go, mom? Can I?" tugging at his mother's sleeve. Kushina couldn't help but laugh at her son's antics and gave in, saying "Hai hai, you can go! Just be safe, okay?"

With a bright grin on his face, Naruto bolted off towards the group of kids his age. Kaito watched with a smile on his face as Naruto joined in on their games. He had already created a shadow clone to keep an eye on Naruto and make sure he stayed out of trouble.

As they walked through the bustling streets, Kushina suddenly heard a familiar voice calling out to her. "Yo Kushina, long time no see!" Turning towards the voice, she saw a woman sitting on a nearby bench. Her long, spiky brown hair was wild and untamed, matching her fiery personality. Vertical slit-like pupils gave her an almost feline appearance, and her elongated canine teeth and nails added to the intimidating image. Clan markings adorned her cheeks, along with intricate designs over her eyes. She wore dark purple lipstick, adding a touch of mystery to her already striking features.

The woman was dressed in regular clothes. By her side stood a large white and grey dog with a distinctive eye patch. Seeing this, "Isn't that Hana and Kiba's mother?" kaito thought to himself. "What was her name again... tume?"

Kaito remembered seeing her at the academy when she came to pick up Hana Inuzuka, but he couldn't recall her name. he didnt know that his mother was friends with her. Kaito always made his way to the academy on his own, not wanting to burden his mother with the extra trip. He hadn't known that Kushina and Tsume were friends, but it made sense now. They were both were around the same age and probably at the academy during their time.

Kushina's eyes lit up as she caught sight of one of her old friends, and she called out in a joyful tone, "Tsume! How have you been? The last time I saw you was during Kaito-kun's Academy orientation." Kaito couldn't help but think to himself, "Ah, Tsume. That's her name," as he and his mother walked over to join them.

As they walked, When they finally reached Tsume, the two friends embraced tightly, having not seen each other in a long time. Kushina eagerly asked, "Did you come with Kiba-kun and Hana-chan?"

Tsume nodded in response, adding, "Hai. Had to bring them to socialize." Then, she turned to Kaito and introduced herself, saying, "Hmm, this must be Kaito-kun. I'm Tsume Inuzuka, a friend of your mother's and Hana's mother. I hear you graduated from the academy in just one year."

Kaito politely bowed and replied, "Nice to meet you, Lady Inuzuka." He scratched the back of his head bashfully before continuing, "Umm...I'm not the only one that graduated..."

Kushina playfully ruffled Kaito's hair and boasted, "Of course! Kaito-kun is a prodigy just like his father." A faint blush appeared on Kaito's cheeks at the praise from his mother.

Kaito's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as his mother praised him. "Um, I'll go find my friends," he stammered before quickly scurrying away.

Meanwhile, Kushina took a seat beside Tsume as they caught up on old times. The two women exchanged stories and laughed heartily.

Kaito made his way towards Hotaru, he had sensed her presents just as they entered the senju park, he folowed the familiar chakra. He found her sitting under another tree with Hana Inuzuka and Izumi Uchiha, chatting and laughing together.

As he approached, Kaito called out to them, "Yo guys, mind if I join you?" Hotaru's face lit up with a smile as she greeted him, "Kaito-kun." and patted the spot next to her under the tree .

Hana nodded in greeting "Hey Kaito, no we don't mind at all," she said warmly.

Izumi smiled and nodded in agreement as Kaito settled himself into the small group. He then turned to Izumi and asked, "Did Itachi come along?" She shook her head and replied, "No, he said he was training with his father today."

Kaito nodded understandingly before turning to Hana and Izumi. "So how have you two been?" he asked, starting a conversation with his friends.


From a safe distance, Kaito's shadow clone kept watch over Naruto from atop a tall tree. The clone had activated his stealth seal to ensure he couldn't be detected by anyone. Below, Naruto had managed to join a group of kids playing in the open field. As the clone looked closer, he noticed one particular kid with a lazy demeanor and spiky ponytail - undoubtedly Shikamaru. "Huh, that must be Shikamaru," the clone thought. "No need for a DNA test, he's a carbon copy of sensei."

Beside Shikamaru was a plump kid munching on a bag of potato chips - "that's Choji for sure", the clone deduced. "Let's see if there are any other Konoha 12 around here," the clone thought as he scanned the area. His eyes landed on a girl with blonde hair and green eyes playing with some civilian girls - "Ino" he presumed.

His attention then shifted to a brown-haired kid with spiky hair and red markings on his cheek - "that must be Kiba, i guess he hasn't met his dog partner yet". The clone recalled Hana having her triplet puppies when she came to the academy. "What kiba's dog's name again?" the clone thought.

Kiba eventually joined Naruto, Shikamaru, and Choji as they played hide and seek with some other civilian kids. The shadow clone watched on, taking note of all the potential members of the Konoha 12 present today.

From his perch, Kaito's clone observed the scene unfolding below. The group had split off to find a hiding spot, with Naruto taking on the role of seeker. After counting to 100, Naruto began his search for his new friends.

While Naruto scoured the area, Kaito's clone followed closely behind. Suddenly, Kaito caught sight of something that struck him as familiar. A scene from his past came rushing back to him.

A small girl, around the same age as naruto with dark blue hair, porcelain skin, and pupilless white eyes, was surrounded by three older kids who were mocking her and calling her names.

Kaito recognized the girl immediately - it was Hinata, the same girl who would go on to capture Naruto's heart many years later. He couldn't help but notice how cute she looked as a child, with an uncanny resemblance to Hotaru.

The memory of how Naruto and Hinata first met flooded Kaito's mind, and he couldn't help but draw parallels to his own past. He and Hotaru had also met in a similar situation, under very different circumstances.

As Kaito perched atop a tree, watching the scene unfold before him, he couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and concern. Naruto had clearly heard the cruel words that had made Hinata cry and was now running towards the group of bullies, "hey cut it out" his voice ringing out for them to stop.

The boys, who were twice Naruto's size, turned to face him with smirks on their faces. One of them sneered, "What's it to you?" while another taunted, "Who are you supposed to be?"

But Naruto stood tall and proud, his eyes blazing with determination. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki," he declared boldly. "And I'll become the future Hokage. I won't let bullies like you hurt anyone. believe it"

"The future Hokage?" one of the bullies mocked, now fully focused on Naruto. "come on what are you stupid" The others joined in with jeers and insults, mocking Naruto for his dreams.

Undeterred by their words, Naruto's anger flared up inside him. He would show them just how wrong they were. With a swift hand sign, "ill show you stupid, shadow clone jutsu" he called out the name of the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Kaito watched in shock "huh… how does naruto know the shadow clone justu's hand-sign, he must have seen me using it". but nothing happened. seeing that the bullies laughed even more and Naruto shouted the jutsu's name again, nothing happened. Kaito knew "well that is expected he doesnt know how to chanel his chakra yet" - after all, Naruto hadn't been taught how to properly channel his chakra by either his mother or Kaito yet.

Naruto attempted the shadow clone jutsu again, his face contorted in concentration and determination. But to his disappointment, nothing happened. The bullies surrounding him erupted into laughter, mocking and taunting him for his failed attempt. One of them, fueled by their cruel amusement, lunged forward with a punch aimed straight at Naruto's face. Closing his eyes, Naruto braced for impact, but instead some had caught the bully's wrist. Opening his eyes, he saw that it was his older brother Kaito who had caught the punch.

In a menacing tone, Kaito growled at the bullies, "What do you think you're doing?" Startled and afraid, the bullies quickly scattered as Kaito released his grip on the bully's wrist.

Seeing them run away, Naruto pouted at his brother and muttered that "i could have handle them, belive it". Turning to Naruto, he ruffled his little brother's hair and remarked, "Maybe next time."

Turning his attention to the little girl who had been watching everything unfold, Kaito walked over to her and he asked kindly, "Are you okay Hinata-chan?"

Hearing her name being said, Hinata nodded hesitantly and stammered out a response. "Y-yes...b-but how do you know my n-name?"

Naruto also seemed curious and asked "you know her brother?"

Kaito smiled at her and explained, "Well, you look a lot like Hotaru-chan and I know she came to the park today with her sister...so I just put two and two together, ya know"

Both Hinata and Naruto looked at Kaito in surprise as he mentioned Hotaru's name. Then Naruto spoke up eagerly, "You're Hotaru nee's sister?"

Hinata shyly nodded her head in response and Kaito's introduction himself. "I'm Kaito Uzumaki," he said with a warm smile. "And I'm your sister's teammate." He nudged Naruto, motioning for him to introduce himself as well.

Naruto stood tall and proud, his eyes filled with determination. "I'm Naruto Uzumaki," he declared boldly. "The future Hokage, believe it!" Hinata's eyes widened at his confidence and she bowed her head respectfully. "M-my name is H-hinata Hyuga," she stuttered out. "P-pleased to meet you, and t-thank you f-for helping me e-earlier."

Naruto blushed but couldn't stop the grin from spreading across his face. "It was nothing," he shrugged, scratching the back of his head.

Kaito could see that Hinata was a perfect match for his brother and he didn't want Naruto wasting his time chasing after an abusive pinkette. So, he decided to help things along a bit. Turning to Naruto, he suggested, "Why don't you let Hinata-chan join your game? You two could become friends."

Then, turning to Hinata who had been listening quietly, he added, "If you don't mind being friends with Naruto, that is."

Hinata shyly nodded her head and agreed, "If it's okay with N-naruto-kun."

Naruto excitedly nodded his head and took Hinata's hand, pulling her along as he ran off to find the other kids.

Kaito's shadow clone followed behind them as they found Shikamaru, Choji, and Kiba. To their surprise, none of the boys seemed to mind Hinata's presence at all. In fact, they all welcomed her warmly into their group.

As the sun began its descent, parents trickled in one by one to collect their children from the playground. The civilian parents, upon seeing Naruto among their kids, quickly snatched them up and marched away.

But one man who had noticed Naruto playing with his child walked over and shoved Naruto aside, shouting at him, "Get away from my son, you monster!" His words struck a chord with everyone present.

Kushina, who had come to pick up Naruto, immediately rushed over and bellowed, "Hey, what do you think you're doing?" She helped Naruto up and shot a fierce glare at the man.

Kaito, too, joined his mother's side and stood protectively beside Naruto as tears welled up in the young boy's eyes. The man sneered back at her and yelled out, "Keep your demon of a son away from my kids! It's bad enough that you live in this village, but now they let a demon live here too?" Other civilian parents echoed his sentiments with shouts of agreement.

Kaito's eyes widened in shock as he realized how they knew about Naruto being the jinchuriki. "How did they find out?" he thought to himself before narrowing his eyes in anger. "Danzo," he muttered under his breath, knowing that the bastard was most likely behind this revelation.

Kushina's heart sank as she heard the hurtful words. She lowered her head, trying to hide the tears that glistened in her eyes. She took Naruto and Kaito's hands, naruto also had tears in their eyes, and said, "Come on, let's go." They walked away quietly, not wanting to cause a scene or make things worse.

Hotaru followed close behind, holding Hinata's hand firmly. As they left, Kaito couldn't help but glare and emit a dangerous aura towards anyone who dared to continue staring at his mother and brother with disdain.

As they made their way out, the person who had pushed Naruto and shouted at them couldn't resist mocking, "That's right, leave. You are not welcome here." throwing a rock at naruto's retreating figures.

As the sharp rock flew through the air towards Naruto, Kushina's ninja senses kicked in and she swiftly moved to cover her son. Bracing for impact, she felt a jolt of pain in her abdomen - a reminder of her weakened state.

But to her surprise, the rock never reached them. Kaito, quick as ever, had caught it in his hand before it could do any harm. A wave of intense killing intent filled the air, causing everyone to freeze in fear.

Before anyone could react, Kaito was already standing in front of the man who threw the rock. before anyone cloud react chakra chains wrapped around the man's body and brought him to his knees.

Slowly opening his fist, Kaito revealed that he had crushed the rock with ease. From his outstretched palm, chakra began to rotate and form into a massive rasengan.

With a focused expression, Kaito made a finger gun gesture and began compressing the rasengan until it was the size of his finger. The power rasengan was palpable as he stood aiming the jutsu at the man. It was clear that Kaito meant business and was not afraid to use his immense strength if necessary.

As Kaito muttered in a low voice,"rasen-" But before he could finish calling out his jutsu name, someone grabbed his wrist and stopped him.

"That's enough, Kaito," came a stern voice from behind. It was Shikaku Nara, his sensei.

Kaito's jutsu dissipated as he turned to face his mother, who stood beside him with worried look etched on her face. He started to walk away, but then suddenly stopped and turned back to look over his shoulder at the man.

"If I ever see anyone trying to hurt my mother or brother again... I'll kill you," he said in a cold voice.

The stunned crowd watched as Kaito walked over to his mother and left with them, leaving behind a tense atmosphere.

Shikaku ran a hand through his hair and let out a sigh while muttering "troublesome." Turning to the man who had held onto Kaito's wrist, he said calmly, "You're lucky that he listened. If not, you would have been dead by now."

The man nodded, sweat pouring down his face as he realized how close he had come to death.

Meanwhile, Shikamaru walked over to his father and asked with a contemplative look, "That guy is one of your students?"

Shikaku nodded with a small smile on his face. Shikamaru shrugged and replied nonchalantly, "Well, he deserved it if you ask me."

As they made their way back, Kaito couldn't help but notice the defeated look on his mother's face and the sad expression on his brother's. He cursed Danzo and the third Hokage under his breath for interfering at the last moment before he could take out the traitor. His fists clenched in anger at the thought of it all.

Taking a deep breath, Kaito forced himself to calm down. "It's not over yet, Danzo," he thought to himself. "I'll make sure your dead."

Turning to Kushina and Naruto, who were walking beside him, Kaito flashed a wide grin. "Hey guys, how about we go get some Ichiraku ramen? I bet both of you are starving, I am, ya know" he said playfully.

Naruto's ears perked up at the mention of ramen and he looked at Kaito with excitement in his eyes. "Ramen?" he questioned eagerly.

Kaito laughed and replied, " all-you-can-eat ramen! My treat!, ya know"

At the words "all-you-can-eat", Naruto's eyes practically sparkled and his mouth watered in anticipation. "All-you-can-eat ramen? Count me in!, believe it" he exclaimed, turning to Kushina with pleading eyes. "Can we please go, Mom?"

Kushina chuckled at her son's enthusiasm and nodded with a smile. "Hai hai, let's go then," she said.

kushina smiled gratefully at kaito and mouthed a silent thank you as they made thier way towards the famous ramen stand. As they sat down and dug into their bowls of steaming hot noodles, Kaito couldn't help but feel content seeing his family happy again. Even if it meant spending a significant amount of money from his savings, it was worth it to see his mother and brother smile.

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