Shrine Of The DEAD Part 8

Her hands gripped his hair as she pulled him in for a kiss. They devoured each other's mouths hungrily as Takashi continued to rub her. When he finally stuck a finger inside her, Saeko pulled away with a loud gasp. Takashi lowered his head and took a nipple into his mouth, causing Saeko to moan, and he began moving his finger in and out of her, swirling it around and causing her to become even wetter. She was incredibly tight around his finger, and he mimicked what he longed to do with another part of his body.

Takashi may have been a virgin, but he wasn't clueless. Like most teenage boys, he had watched his fair share of porn online. Of course, he wasn't an idiot, he knew that most of it was staged, and that the couples in the video were putting on an act for the viewer's pleasure. But it still taught him some basic stuff of what to do. And based on how Saeko was responding to him, he was doing a good job so far.

Saeko whimpered as Takashi's mouth worked on her breast while his hand worked on her nether region. But she didn't want his finger, she wanted something else. She also wanted him to lose his pants, and for her to lose her skirt, and anything else preventing them from having full access to each other. She pulled his head away from her chest, regretting the loss of the feel of his mouth on her. He gave her a questioning look, but then her hands moved down to his belt, and she began to unbuckle it.

"Take this off," she ordered him breathlessly. "I want access to all of you."

Takashi smirked and suddenly curled his finger inside her. Saeko cried out, her hands flying from his belt that she had managed to unbuckle to grip his biceps. He rubbed her a few more times before removing his finger. Saeko watched with hooded eyes as he brought his finger to his mouth and sucked her wetness off of it, the sight sending another wave of arousal through her.

He gave her a serious, yet seductive look. "Saeko, you taste delicious."

"Takashi…" she breathed, feeling more aroused than she had ever felt in her life. "Pants off, now."

He obliged, kicking off his shoes as he began to undo his pants. Saeko's own hands went to her skirt, unfastening it and letting it drop to her feet, leaving her in only her panties, stockings, and shoes. She kept her eyes on him as he pushed down his pants and stepped out of them. This left him in nothing more than his boxers, of which inside was a very large, very noticeable bulge. He stopped there though, suddenly looking shy as color filled his cheeks, and diverted his eyes while letting out an embarrassed grumble.

Saeko giggled as she took hold of her panties and slowly pushed them down her legs. "Don't get shy on me now, Takashi. I promise you, I'm really liking what I see so far. And from what it looks like you have hidden in your boxers, I'm going to like what else you show me even more."

His blush deepened, and he looked even more embarrassed. "It's not that. It's just… this is the first time I've done something like this, and I'm a little self-conscious."

He was in good shape, and Saeko had made it clear that she found him attractive, but still, he was about to get naked in front of a girl, and he couldn't help but feel nervous. Especially when he was in front of a goddess like Saeko.

She giggled again and held up her panties. Stretching them out, she let them snap, and they flew over to Takashi and landed on his face, causing him to blink and her to let out another giggle. The truth was, she was nervous too. She had never done anything like this before, and yet here she was, about to go all the way with the boy she was crushing on hard. But she felt safe and protected with him. Plus, his own nervousness was making her feel better about her own, and it allowed her to take on a more playful and teasing nature to help alleviate his.

"Hey," she told him teasingly, "you're the guy, you're supposed to be the one taking charge." She bent down and began making a show of pushing her stocking down her leg, slipping her shoe off with it, then doing the same to her other leg. "So get a move on, I said that I don't want any barriers between us."