Shrine Of The DEAD Part 9

She finished removing her remaining stocking, and then stood up in all her naked glory. Takashi found he was unable to tear his eyes away from her nude form, not even to remove the panties hanging from his face. She really was a goddess. Tall, slim, an athletic build, pale skin, long purple hair, she was utter perfection. His eyes traveled up and down her body, from her toned legs to the crop of hair of her nether region, up her flat stomach to her perfectly shaped breasts to her beautiful face. He was staring at her so intensely that the playfulness Saeko had just displayed vanished as her own nervousness took over, and she blushed and looked away.

"S-Stop looking at me like that," she said shyly. "You're making me feel embarrassed."

Mouth dry, Takashi had to struggle to find his voice. "Saeko… you're gorgeous."

Her blush deepened as she brought a hand up to cover her mouth while diverting her eyes. "Hey, come on, it's not fair that I'm the only who's not wearing clothes."

Takashi blushed again as her eyes returned to him. His whole body seemed to become stiff, but he also looked determine. Inhaling deeply, he grasped his boxers and pushed them down, leaving him just as naked as her. He then stood up straight, as still and as stiff as a board, his arms at his sides as if he were standing at attention. And a certain part of him was, standing just as tall and stiff as he was.

Saeko's eyes drifted down to that part of him, and a small squeak escaped her as her entire face turned red. Her assessment of what he had in his boxers based on his bulge had been correct, but now that she saw it, she felt a little uncertain. But that was natural, she assured herself. It was designed to fit, even if it did seem like it was too big. Lots of girls became doubtful upon seeing one for the first time; it was just a part of being nervous. At least she was fairly sure that was the case.

Takashi's heart was racing as he watched Saeko stare at his equipment. She looked bashful and nervous, and he wasn't sure what to make of that. Was her reaction a good thing, or was she unimpressed?

"I'm sorry!" he suddenly found himself blurting out.

Saeko blinked, seemingly snapping out of her fixation at his words, and she gave him a confused look. "Why are you apologizing?"

"I… uh…" he muttered, and sweat-dropped as he realized he had no clue as to why he had said that. "I have no idea."

Saeko stared at him for a few moments, then began to laugh, feeling herself relax as her anxiety dissipated in light of his reaction. He was just as nervous as she was, she realized. Despite the confidence the two of them often exhibited, they were still just two, normal teens feeling anxious over their first time. It made her feel a lot better, and her confidence returned as she pushed aside her shyness. This was something they both wanted after all, and she wouldn't let a few nerves interfere.

Takashi looked on in confusion as Saeko laughed, feeling even more confused by this reaction. But at least his confusion seemed to eliminate some of his own anxiety. But then Saeko stopped laughing and smiled, looking more relaxed and more sure of herself once again. And when she stepped forward, he started.

He remained where he was though as she came right up to him until their chests were nearly touching, her pebbled nipples just barely grazing his chest. "Saeko?"

Her arms came up to wrap around him. She pressed herself against him as she pulled him into a hug, resting her chin on his shoulder. Their naked bodies were in full contact with each other, and Takashi sucked in a breath as he felt her smooth form against his.

"Is this better?" she asked as she leaned her head against his, a content smile on her face. "Now it's not so embarrassing."

No, it was still embarrassing, just for a different reason. They might not be able to see each either while embracing like this, but he could feel all of Saeko pressed against all of him, and he knew that she could feel him as well. That included his erection that was currently trapped between his stomach and hers. But arousal overpowered shyness, and Saeko felt so good pressed against him. His own arms slowly came up to wrap around her, and he held her tightly.