Pilot Candidate

The next morning, Erina paid a visit to Joseph at his backyard workshop. She entered and curiously observed what he was working on. "What are you doing?" said Erina.


Joseph, while doing his work, looked up and replied, "Oh, Erina, I'm trying to make the control system easier for me to handle."


Erina, asked, "Joseph, are you sure you want to be a mech pilot?"


"Yes, Erina. Being a mech pilot is my dream," said Joseph he affirmed, his words resolute and unwavering.


Joseph, intrigued by Erina's question, asked, "Why did you ask?"


Erina's concern as she replied, "I'm just worried about you, Joseph."


"Why? Are you still thinking about that moment when we met that old man?" said Joseph while  searching for clarity in her hesitation. Joseph's words held a sense of determination and acceptance. He continue "Do not worry about me, Erina. If it was fated, what can I do? Perhaps it has become my responsibility to take care of this GENESIS."


Erina, with a warm smile, responded, "If you put it that way, I'll try not to worry too much. But what can I do for you right now, Joseph?" Her willingness to support him in whatever way she could.


Joseph as he continued, "Sure, you can help me. Can you come with me to the central today? I want to register and take the test to become a mech pilot."


Arriving at the central, Joseph and Erina approached the registration counter. An officer greeted them with a professional demeanor. "Yes, how can I help you?" the officer inquired.


Joseph stepped forward "I want to register as a candidate for the mech pilot program."


The officer nodded and handed Joseph a form. "Sure, here. Write your name and provide details about your mech," the officer instructed, facilitating Joseph's application process.



After Joseph completed the form, the officer examined it and then began to speak. "So, Joseph, before you enter the test, I'd like to see the condition of your mech."


Joseph agreed readily, saying, "Sure, you can."


With that, Joseph led the officer to a location where they could assess the condition of his mech in preparation for the upcoming pilot test.  Arriving at Joseph's backyard workshop, Joseph unveiled his own mech to the officer. As the officer inspected the creation, he couldn't help but express his admiration. "To think that a young man like you can build a mech from scratch, I respect that,"


Joseph, humbled and appreciative of the officer's praise, replied, "Thank you, officer."


"Okay... can I see the control system?" the officer requested.


Joseph nodded, his eagerness palpable. "Yes, you can," he said, allowing the officer to examine the controls and mechanisms of his meticulously crafted mech.


Upon inspecting the controls and mechanisms of Joseph's mech, the officer couldn't hide his surprise. "Whoa, that's going to be very complicated to control," he remarked. However, he quickly added, "But it's okay, proceed."


Joseph's determination and his ability to construct such a complex machine had left a lasting impression on the officer, who was willing to give him a chance to prove his abilities during the pilot test.


The officer assessed Joseph's mech and then spoke candidly, "So, Joseph, it looks like your mech's condition, from my inspection, rates at 6 out of 10. I'm afraid that might be a burden for you during the Mech test."


Joseph asked, "A burden? But why?"


The officer explained, "You see, during the test, you will be competing with other candidates. These candidates come from different classes of humanity, each with very different mech builds. I'm concerned that you might find it challenging. If you're still willing to take the test, you can sign up here."


Joseph considered the officer's words, realizing that he might be facing candidates from higher classes, possibly even elite or royal ones. However, he remained resolute in his dream. "Different classes, huh? That means there's a chance that elite or royal class individuals might be in this test... It's okay. I'll join the test. Becoming a mech pilot is my dream," he affirmed and signed the form.


"Okay, the form is complete now. I'll meet you tomorrow at 10 a.m. sharp. Remember, don't be late," the officer reminded Joseph, finalizing the registration process and setting the stage for the upcoming Mech test.


"Joseph..." Erina, she began with worried.


Joseph, wanting to reassure her, responded with a warm smile. "What is it, Erina?"


"Are you sure you're going to be okay?" Erina asked, her worry still apparent.


With a playful. Joseph attempted to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, Erina. I've heard the mechs are more scared of me than I am of them!" His attempt at humor was meant to ease her anxiety about his upcoming Mech test.


Erina couldn't help but chuckle at Joseph's attempt to inject some humor into the situation. Despite her worry, his lightheartedness brought a smile to her face, if only for a moment.


As Joseph sat down to have dinner with Jennifer that night, he couldn't hold back the news any longer. He decided to share his decision with her. "Jennifer," he began, "I've decided to join the pilot mech test tomorrow."


Jennifer, her worry for Joseph palpable, responded with concern in her voice. "Are you sure you want to join the test?" She continued, her words carrying a sense of dread, "Those tests are more like a bloodlust. Candidates have to fight each other to survive."


Her protective instincts were evident as she tried to dissuade Joseph from taking part in what she believed to be a dangerous and brutal competition.


Joseph gently held Jennifer's hands, "Jennifer, I know you're worried, but please understand that being a mech pilot is my dream," he said earnestly. "And don't worry, I've taken precautions, and I'll do my best to ensure my safety."


"It's not like that," Jennifer she began, "I don't want you to take another person's life, Joseph. You must understand that when it comes to taking a life, it's not just a matter of survival. It's a profound and irreversible act that changes a person forever. You will lose a part of your humanity, and it's not easy to extinguish another person's life. They have their own hopes, dreams, and lives..."


Joseph contemplated Jennifer's words deeply, and after a moment of reflection, he proposed a new idea. "Okay, I won't take another person's life," he began, his resolve unwavering. "But I'll do my best to disable their mechs, to the point where they have no choice but to withdraw from the test. In this way, I can avoid causing harm to them directly."


His compromise sought to strike a balance between pursuing his dream and maintaining his moral principles, offering a potential solution to the ethical challenges he would face during the mech pilot test.


Jennifer, moved by Joseph's determination to pursue his dream while upholding his values, offered her support wholeheartedly. "If you're resolved to go through with it like this, then good luck. We'll be there with you, Joseph. Both Erina and I will support you," she said with a reassuring smile.


Thank you Jennifer "you're the best!" said Joseph with happy and blissful.


As Joseph, Jennifer, and Erina arrived at the central for the Mech test, they heard the announcement echoing through the area. "Hello and good morning to all the candidates. Please proceed to the preparation room," the voice declared. "And Everyone else, please take your seats."


As the moment of departure neared, Joseph turned to Jennifer and said, "Okay, Jennifer, I have to go."


Jennifer, offering a final reminder, spoke earnestly, "Remember my words, Joseph."


Joseph nodded with determination. "Sure, I remember. Don't worry," he reassured her.


Erina, standing beside them, chimed in with well-wishes. "I wish you the best, Joseph."


Joseph smiled at her and replied, "Thank you, Erina."


In the preparation room, Joseph couldn't help but be captivated by the array of different mechs on display. Among them, one particular, exceptionally well-designed mech caught his attention. "Whoa, look at that mech," he exclaimed to himself, marveling at its craftsmanship.


However, his awe was interrupted when a white-haired young man with piercing blue eyes addressed him rudely. "Get the hell out of here, you lowest scum," the young man spat, his condescending tone and appearance suggesting he was from the elite class.


In contrast, a young woman with crimson hair color and a more compassionate demeanor stepped in to reprimand him. "Don't speak to him like that, William. Show some manners," she scolded, indicating that she, too, might hail from an elite family.


As Scarlett extended an apology to Joseph, she continued with introductions. "I'm sorry about him. He's not in a good mood," she explained. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Scarlett Winstanley. My mother is from the Crimson Queen family." She said with pride.


Joseph listened to her introduction and took note of the prestigious lineage she hailed from. She then gestured towards William, saying, "And this is William Lockhart. He represents the Lockhart family."


As the introductions unfolded, Joseph couldn't help but overhear the murmurs from other candidates nearby. They whispered in hushed tones, expressing their curiosity about the skills and abilities of these candidates from the royal and elite families.


Scarlett extended her hand to Joseph, a friendly smile on her face. "What is your name?" she asked.


Joseph shook her hand with a warm smile. "My name is Joseph. It's a pleasure to meet you," he replied. "It's my fault, you know. I couldn't help myself when I saw all these different types of mechs."


Scarlett chuckled in response. "I see. Nice to meet you, Joseph," she said, the tension from earlier dissipating as they engaged in a more cordial conversation.


William's interruption and disapproval were evident as he reacted to Scarlett shaking Joseph's hand. "You shook hands with him?! Oh, gosh!" he exclaimed, clearly uncomfortable with the interaction.


Scarlett defended her actions, saying, "What's the matter? They're human like us too."


However, William's reaction was less accepting, and he left the two of them with a dismissive gesture. "tskk!"


Scarlett's friendly asked  and invited Joseph to explore her mech. "So, Joseph, you love mechs, right? Come with me, you can see my mech," she offered.


Joseph's eyes lit up with excitement as he accepted her invitation. "Sure, I'll come with you," he replied eagerly, eager to explore the intricacies of her mech and perhaps learn something new.


As Scarlett proudly showed her crimson-colored mech to Joseph, he couldn't help but be impressed. "Whoa, a crimson-colored mech. It really suits you," he remarked, admiring how the color and design seemed to reflect her own personality and background.


Excitement brimming in his eyes, Joseph asked, "Can I see the control and mechanism?"


Scarlett couldn't resist chuckling at his enthusiasm. "Sure, you can," she replied.


As she showed him the control system, Joseph was genuinely impressed. "Wow, it's very different from mine," he observed, his admiration evident. "Even though I've tried to build my own control system, I'm still impressed with yours, Scarlett."


Scarlett's curiosity piqued by Joseph's mention of his own mech, she asked, "So, you built your own, Joseph? Can I see it too?"


Joseph nodded with a smile. "Sure, you can. Come with me," he said, leading her toward his own mech with enthusiasm.


As Joseph unveiled his own mech to Scarlett, he downplayed his accomplishment, saying, "Here's my mech, but there's nothing to be surprised about. I built it from scratch."


Scarlett, however, was genuinely impressed and offered a heartfelt compliment. "To think that a young man like you can build something like this, it's a gift, Joseph. You are gifted," she remarked, recognizing his talent and dedication in constructing his own mech.


Their conversation was interrupted by the announcement that the examiners had arrived and the candidates had only five minutes to prepare.


Joseph, curious, asked Scarlett, "Who is the examiner?"


Scarlett explained, "The examiner is selected from the elite, royal families, industry leaders, and businessmen. They come to observe us, and if you're lucky enough to be selected by them, you'll become a mech pilot and worked under them."


Curious about the examiners, Joseph asked Scarlett, "Is your mother one of the examiners too?"


Scarlett nodded in confirmation. "Yes, of course. My mother is a part of the examiners as well."


As they discussed the upcoming test, Scarlett offered Joseph a gesture of support. "Oh, Joseph, I just realized you don't have a weapon. You can take this one from me; I bought an extra," she said, handing him a sizable mech weapon, a massive sword.


Joseph expressed his gratitude, saying, "Thank you, Scarlett." The exchange symbolized the bonds forming between candidates from different backgrounds


Meanwhile at the examiners side


As the examiners settled in their seats, each representing different social statuses and backgrounds, the officer welcomed Commander Alexander and directed him to his seat. He took his place, and beside him was an examiners included Karina, known as the Crimson Queen.


Commander Alexander couldn't help but think to himself, "Hmm, to think that even the Azure king never come as examiner but, Crimson Queen came as an examiner."


As the candidates began to enter the testing area, Commander Alexander's sharp eyes caught sight of the crimson mech. Inwardly, he mused, "I see... must be her daughter." The presence of the Crimson Queen's daughter among the candidates added an interesting to the test.


Jennifer and Erina watched as Joseph entered the testing area, their hearts filled with concern and hope. They could only wish for his safety and success, silently sending their prayers that he would be protected during the challenging test ahead.


One of the examiners couldn't hide their disdain as they observed Joseph's mech. With a condescending tone, they remarked, "Huh, what a piece of junk. I bet that kid will not survive." With the announcer's countdown reaching its conclusion, the tension in the testing area grew palpable. "3... 2... 1..." and the test began.