The Worm

As the test commenced, many candidates seized the opportunity to charge toward Joseph. Seeing that his mech was built from scrap materials, they believed it to be weaker and less formidable than their own. The initial rush of competitors targeting him showcased the ruthlessness of the test and the fierce competition among the candidates.


In the midst of the intense action, Joseph found himself fortunate when Scarlett suddenly appeared in front of him. Scarlett, she began to charged forward and delivered a powerful kick to one of the attacking mechs. By her bold action shocked everyone, defying the expectations associated with her royal status.


Commander Alexander, observing the unfolding events, couldn't help but be slightly amused by Scarlett actions. He chuckled softly while puffing on his cigar, appreciating the display of moral values and unexpected alliances forming among the candidates during the test.


The reputation of the Crimson Queen was well-known to everyone. Her rule was marked by a cold and ruthless demeanor, and her unit squad, known as the Crimson Knights, was infamous as the most fearsome and formidable unit among the royal forces. Scarlett's actions, contrary to her mother's reputation, highlighted her unique character and willingness to defy conventions for a just cause.


Observing Scarlett's protective actions towards Joseph during the test, both Erina and Jennifer felt a sense of relief knowing that Joseph was in safe hands. In the midst of the tense silence that had fallen over the testing area.


William unexpectedly launched an attack on Joseph. He fired his mech's laser gun at Joseph's mech, taunting, "Let's see if you can dodge this!" Joseph's quick reflexes kicked in, allowing him to narrowly evade the incoming laser attack.


Scarlett, concerned about William's sudden aggression, admonished him, saying, "What has gotten into you? This is just a test!"


William's response was resolute as he said, "To be a mech pilot, one must be prepared to deal with the job of killing!" He then charged forward towards Joseph, making it clear that he intended to engage in combat. This time, he had switched his mech's weapon from a laser gun to a sword, intensifying the confrontation.


The fierce battle between William and Joseph continued, with William launching relentless attacks while Joseph desperately maneuvered to evade them. Amidst the intense combat, William confronted Joseph with a challenging question, shouting, "What's the point of becoming a mech pilot if you don't have the guts to attack?!"


Joseph, in the midst of the intense battle, passionately responded to William's provocation. He declared, "Becoming a mech pilot is my dream, but for me, it's not about killing; it's about being a savior."


William scoffed at Joseph's idealism, retorting, "Playing the hero, huh? Very naive. Don't you understand why we have mechs? It's because of war. Humanity in conflict is the nature of our existence. Even with different social classes, conflict is an inherent part of our lives." William's response highlighted the harsh realities of their world.


Seizing an opportunity to turn the tide of the battle, Joseph fired a flashbang from his mech's shoulder, temporarily blinding William with the intense burst of light. While William struggled to regain his vision, Joseph made a decisive move.


He swiftly attacked William's mech, cutting off its right arm, which held the sword, and followed up with a forceful thrust kick that sent William's mech stumbling backward, causing it to lose balance and stumble to the ground.


Joseph's tactical prowess and strategic maneuvers in his battle against William did not go unnoticed. Commander Alexander, who was observing the test, was impressed by Joseph's combat skills and resourcefulness. The audience, too, was captivated by Joseph's strategic approach, which added an unexpected layer of excitement and intrigue to the test.


Scarlett, watching Joseph's impressive performance in the test, couldn't help but break into a smile. She found herself genuinely impressed by his determination and combat skills.

Amidst the intense battle among the candidates, a sudden huge earthquake happened. The ground trembled, causing panic and chaos among the participants.  As the announcer urgently instructed everyone to evacuate, a new and ominous threat emerged. A massive mechanical worm, unlike anything they had ever seen, erupted from beneath the ground in the area where the candidates had been conducting their test. The colossal creature's appearance sent shockwaves of fear and astonishment through the candidates and the spectators alike.


In the midst of the chaotic situation, with the test abruptly canceled and the menacing mechanical worm threatening their safety. Amid the turmoil, Joseph acted quickly to assist William. He managed to get William to a safer area away from the immediate threat of the mechanical worm.


As the chaotic situation subsided, it became apparent that the mechanical worm had sensed the energy emanating from GENESIS core within Joseph's mech. With a surge of energy, the worm abruptly retreated back into the underground, leaving the candidates and spectators in a state of astonishment and confusion.


While Joseph and William landed safely. Joseph coming out from his mech as he greeted by Erina and Jennifer. "Jennifer, Erina i'm so glad both of you are safe" Said Joseph. 


Jennifer embraced Joseph tightly, her eyes filled with worry and relief. "Thank goodness you're all right, Joseph," she exclaimed.


Erina, too, was visibly relieved. "You did great out there, Joseph," she said with a smile. Joseph, still catching his breath, managed a grateful smile in return.


"tsk!, you be lucky today" said William with his words held a hint of frustration, but there was also a begrudging respect in his tone. He extended a hand toward Joseph a silent acknowledgment of their shared.


Joseph grasped William's hand firmly. "Likewise, William," he replied.


With a final "hmmph!," William withdrew his hand. As Jennifer asked Joseph who is that guy, Joseph introduced him "He's William Lockhart, from Lockhart family".


As William saw Jennifer, he couldn't help but feel his heartbeat quicken. He blushed slightly as he introduced himself, saying, "Nice to meet you. My name is William Lockhart, and I'm from the Lockhart family. It's a pleasure to meet you, ma'am." Joseph was taken aback by William's newfound politeness, shocked that someone who had been so rude before could display such good manners now.


Jennifer smiled politely "Nice to meet you too, William. I'm Jennifer, Joseph foster mother"


As William saw her beautiful smile, his heart began to race uncontrollably. He couldn't help but wonder, "Foster mother? Why does her smile affect me like this? Could this be... "


William realized that he had fallen in love with Jennifer. William decide to asking Joseph, "Hey... can I stay with you for a while?"


Joseph replied with a puzzled look, "Ehhhh?! For what?"


In the midst of their conversation, a stunning white-haired woman approached them, and upon seeing her, William immediately turned his head.


His sister addressed Joseph with an apologetic tone, saying, "I apologize for any trouble my younger brother may have caused you." She then expressed her gratitude, acknowledging Joseph "And thank you for saving my younger brother. I truly appreciate it."


With a warm smile, she introduced herself, "My name is Alisa Lockhart. I am his sister. It's a pleasure to meet you". Joseph was taken aback by the vast difference in manners between William and his sister, Alisa. It was clear that she got polite demeanor, unlike her impulsive younger brother.


As Alisa and William continued to converse, Alisa extended a small gesture of goodwill to Joseph. She handed him a Lockhart family admission pass, a symbol of her appreciation and an open invitation to visit their family whenever he wished.


"Joseph," she said with a warm smile, "here's our Lockhart family admission pass. Please feel free to pay us a visit whenever you'd like." The pass was a sign of gratitude and an indication of the budding friendship between their families.


At Scarlett Side


Meanwhile, Scarlett approached her mother, Karina, the Crimson Queen, with respect and a sense of accomplishment. Mother," Scarlett greeted her as they stood near their respective mechs.


Karina, the Crimson Queen, inquired, "Who is that young man? A friend of yours?" She was referring to Joseph, whom Scarlett had assisted during the test.


Scarlett responded with fear and respected "Yes, mother."


Karina, the Crimson Queen, remained silent but walked away in her cold presence, her crimson ship is ready for departure. Scarlett followed her mother as they boarded their ship, which ascended into the sky, heading back to their residence, leaving behind the eventful day.


At Commander Alexander side


Meanwhile, Commander Alexander returned to his office, his dedicated secretary, Lindsay, was at her post. As Commander Alexander settled into his imposing chair, he summoned her.


"Lindsay," he called.

Lindsay swiftly responded, entering his office with a respectful demeanor. "Yes, Commander?"


Commander Alexander leaned forward, his gaze focused on a specific matter. "I would like you to arrange a meeting regarding the recent mysterious mechanical worm attack during the mech pilot candidate evaluation," he instructed.


"Yes, Commander. I will make the necessary arrangements," Lindsay replied with unwavering respect.


With that, Lindsay leaving Commander Alexander alone with his thoughts. He reached for his cigars and ignited one, the tendrils of smoke swirling around him. As he reviewed documents and data pertaining to a certain individual named Joseph, Commander Alexander couldn't help but ponder the significance of recent events. "Joseph, huh?" he mused, his curiosity piqued.


As Lindsay knocked on the office door, Commander Alexander's commanding voice invited her inside.


"Come in," he said, looking up from his documents.


Lindsay entered, carrying essential news about the upcoming meeting. "How, Lindsay?" inquired Commander Alexander with interest, his curiosity evident.


"Everyone can attend the meeting this time, and it appears that the Black Queen will also be joining us," reported Lindsay.


"I see," Commander Alexander acknowledged. He expressed his gratitude to Lindsay, saying, "Thank you, Lindsay."


As she left the room, Commander Alexander was left alone with his thoughts. He mused, "To think that this is the first time the Black Queen has expressed a sudden interest in joining a meeting. It's quite the mystery."

The virtual meeting commenced with an impressive panel of attendees. Karina, the Crimson Queen, was a striking presence. Alongside her were the Azure King, the White King, and the enigmatic Black Queen, each representing the highest echelons of royal status. These four individuals exuded an air of authority and power that set them apart.


Among the others present, the Lockhart Family was in attendance, known for their unwavering loyalty and service to the Crimson Queen. Zacharias, a formidable figure, represented the Azure King's interests, while the esteemed Baron Family stood for the White King.


However, a noticeable absence was the lack of any elite family serving directly under the Black Queen, leaving an intriguing gap in the assembly.



In addition to the royal and elite representatives, another panel of influential figures from the corporate world also joined the meeting. These corporate held significant sway over various aspects of society.


Goro Industry, known for its cutting-edge technology and innovations. VoyageCenturyCorporation, a conglomerate with diverse business interests spanning across multiple sectors, was also a key participant. The Valkyrie Sisters, a formidable group of businesswomen known for their strategic prowess and philanthropic efforts, added their perspective. Meanwhile, TheForesight, a corporation renowned for its forward-thinking vision and strategic investments, completed this assembly of corporate heavyweights.


Commander Alexander initiated the meeting with a formal tone, addressing the gathered representatives. "Well, now that everyone is present, let us commence."


He continued, "During the recent mech pilot candidate test, an unexpected and unidentified mechanical entity suddenly appeared in the vicinity, catching us completely off guard. We currently lack information about its origins and the source of this anomaly. Lindsay, please display the images for our distinguished guests."


As he spoke, Commander Alexander gestured to his secretary, Lindsay, who began to project the images onto the screen for all to see.


As the meeting progressed, Azure King interjected with a provocative statement. "Could it be one of the Crimson Queen's schemes?" He attempted to insinuate that Karina, the Crimson Queen, might be involved.


Karina, maintaining her composure, responded calmly, "I'm afraid not, Azure. i know, i used to cause such a havoc in the past. this time I am here as an examiner for the candidate test. My primary concern is to observe my daughter."


The exchange between the two revealed an underlying tension, but Karina's assurance that she was not involved in any plot seemed to quell further suspicions.


The CEO from TheForesight suggested, "Pardon me for interrupting this meeting, but perhaps we should inquire with the Black Queen since she has some knowledge about our government, THE ARTIFICIAL."


Commander Alexander quickly interjected, "No, you cannot say that. If the mechanical worm is indeed connected to THE ARTIFICIAL, it could pose a grave threat to us all."


As the Black Queen activated her camera, a mysterious figure wearing a full mask appeared, exuding an enigmatic aura. She began to speak, "I understand why you've made that suggestion. Even though I possess some knowledge about our government, known as THE ARTIFICIAL, the truth is that I don't possess all the answers. Our government operates under a veil of top-secret protocols. Even those of us in the Royal class are not granted permission to access all information. We merely follow their directives to preserve world peace."


Before concluding the meeting, Commander Alexander inquired, "Does anyone have anything else to add or any questions before we adjourn the meeting?" However, the room remained silent, and he proceeded to thank all the participants for their attendance.


As the meeting ended, Lindsay came to Commander Alexander's office and informed him, "Commander, our guest has finally arrived."


"Let them in," said Commander Alexander.


The guest entered, and Commander Alexander greeted her, "Long time no see, Eliza, the Silver Prism."


Eliza inquired, "What do you want from me?"


"I've got something interesting to show you," replied Commander Alexander. He then presented recorded footage that showcased Joseph during the mech pilot test, highlighting his strategies, tactics against William, and the Mechanical Worm's reaction to Joseph's mech.


Eliza commented, "Interesting... but who is that young man?"


"Right? He's Joseph. According to the data, he works as a junk part collector. But it seems that a lowest-class human like him has some incredible potential. Eliza, I want you to recruit him into The Prism."


"But why?" asked Eliza, her curiosity piqued.


"Have you ever heard the secret story that even the ARTIFICIAL have kept hidden? That young man, Joseph, may be using the GENESIS core," explained Commander Alexander.


Eliza fell into deep thought and then replied, "I will recruit him."


"Thank you, Eliza," responded Commander Alexander.


Eliza left the office in silence, her mind clearly preoccupied with the new task at hand.