Chapter 3

The 3 boys sat in Anastasius's living room silent for a couple of moments.

Proteus decided to be the first to break the silence.

"We gon talk about these vines on the wall?"

Stasius sighed.

"Let's start from the beginning. You guys said you had a dream?"

He looked at Shiva who had originally brought up the topic.

"I suddenly felt sleepy, then I kind of drifted off. After I had drifted off I saw an angel in my dream, they asked me what I desired most."

Proteus added:

"I felt like I had to answer like I didn't have a choice. Then I woke up with pain all over and a terrible headache."

Stasius looked at them and shook his head a bit.

"But why does everything outside look like it aged hundreds of years?"

Then something came to Stasius. He looked at Shiva and Proteus with wide eyes.

"Wait, if that building fell on the girl then it could've happened to anyone else. Where are your guy's parents?

Proteus stood up as if he remembered something and then started rushing to the door.

Stasius and Shiva stood up a little surprised that he just got up and started running without a word.

Shiva spoke out first:

"Where are you going? What happened?"

Proteus hadn't stopped running even after Shiva asked.

Then it hit Stasius.

'Wait doesn't his dad go boating around this time? If we all passed and woke up with terrible pain, his dad could've passed out while driving the boat!'

Stasius looked at Shiva and said with a little bit of panic in his voice:

"His dad goes boating around this time! His dad could've passed out while controlling the boat!"

Shiva cursed under his breath.

Stasius and Shiva ran out trying to catch up to Proteus as he was running out the door.


Proteus was running as fast as he could as if something deadly was chasing him. He had a serious face on as if he was only thinking about one thing.

He was running around the old-looking street corners trying not to lose as much speed as possible avoiding the many things growing from the floor under him.

Stasius and Shiva eventually lost sight of him not being able to keep up with his speed.

'Dammit, he's too fast to keep up with.'

Running as fast as he could Stasius looked at Shiva.

"Follow me, I think I know where he's headed."

Shiva nodded his head.

'He has to be running to the docks, that's the only place his dad could be.'


After running for a bit around town Stasius and Shiva finally reached the docks and saw Proteus.

Proteus was running on the docks towards something.

Stasis looked past him and in the distance, he saw a small fishing boat swaying with the water. It looked old and rusted as if it had been at sea unattended for years and years.

Reaching the end of the dock Proteus dived into the water and started swimming mindlessly towards his dad's boat.

All Proteus could think of was one thing.


The water around him started to shift as if making way for a king.

He reached the boat but didn't have any way to get on. A frustrated look appeared on his face. He didn't know what to do. Then the water started to bubble up around him. Frustrated not paying any attention to it he closed his eyes.

Then the water around him shot up into the air pushing him up. He was launched high i to the air high enough to grab the edge off the boat.

He pulled himself with everything all the strength left in his body. The water behind him turning into steam mid air.

Stasius and Shiva looked from a distance in shock.

'Was that a water geyser…?'

Proteus pulled him self up and flopped onto the deck.

Getting up as fast as he could he rushed towards the captains quarters as fast as he could.

'Whats going on? I cant see from here.'


Proteus was swimming back to the dock, nobody else in sight.

He reached the dock completely soaked and climbed a ladder to get up to where Stasius and Shiva.

When he got up something about him looked different… He had desire burning in him. He looked determined.

He laid down on the wooden planks, the adrenaline finally wearing off.

Stasius and Shiva looked at him completely taken aback by what they had seen.

A little shocked Shiva asked:

"What the hell happened?"

Proteus laid on the floor and let out a laugh.

"He's not there. He's exploring. He left all his research behind. He's searching for Atlantis."

He laughed even more. This time a sea full of desire swirled around in his blue eyes.