Chapter 4

As the 3 boys sat on the dock recovering their stamina they sat in silence for a moment.

Shiva was the first to speak out:

"Pro, the water… did you do that?"

Proteus sat up and looked at Shiva.

"I don't know. The water just listened to me, all I could think about was swimming, and once I got to the boat I was frustrated that I couldn't climb the water. That's when it shot me up as if listening to my thoughts."

Shiva shook his head.

"I don't understand any of this."

Stasius then looked at Shiva and asked:

"Shiva, where are your parents at?"

Shiva looked at him a little confused.

"I think they are at home, why?"

"Well, considering how Pro's dad is missing and buildings are crumbling your parents might be in danger. We should go check on them."

Proteus nodded in agreement.

Shiva didn't look too worried for some reason. He looked a little bothered that he would have to walk all the way home.

Stasius stood up and then looked at Shiva a bit concerned.

"I think we should go check. Show us where to go."

Shiva stood up slowly.

"Alright follow me."


Shiva walked to his house, Stasius and, Proteus following behind.

Stasius was looking around at the overgrown and collapsing houses as they walked.

Oddly enough some houses didn't seem that old compared to others. Some were fully intact, some slightly old and others collapsed and overgrown.

'Why is everything like this? My house was still perfectly intact, only slightly overgrown.'

While Stasius was stuck in his thoughts, Shiva stopped causing Stasius to almost bump him.

The house that stood in front looked abandoned and like it just started to crumble.

Shiva rushed through the front door with a worried look on his face.

"Mom, Dad, where are you guys?"

Shiva looked back at Stasius and Proteus and worriedly said:

"Guys, help me search the house."

Stasius and Proteus nodded and walked inside, Stasius walking into what seemed like a kitchen, and Proteus entered a random room.


After a bit of searching, Stasius and Proteus met up at the entrance of the house.

Stasius looked at Proteus and asked.

"Hey, Pro where's Shiva?"

Proteus shrugged.

Stasius a bit worried called out his name.

"Shiva, where are you?"

Stasius and Proteus walked around the house and found what looked like an entrance to the basement of the house.

They started walking down the stairs and saw a scene no person should ever see.

There against the back wall of the basement, they saw Shiva on his knees weeping silently next to what looked like… a woman tied to a chair. Her face was mangled and she had cuts all over her body as if she was being tortured for somebody's pleasure.

Stasius and Proteus vomited at the sight.

Shiva was still kneeling on the floor weeping and holding onto the woman's leg whispering something.

"Mom… mom… this isn't funny… get up…"

Suddenly realizing that she wasn't going to wake up, Shiva stood up and turned to the middle of the basement, where his father was… crushed to death by a thick slab of concrete that fell on his chest.

His eyes were deep blood-red, and his mouth was covered in his own blood. His stomach was open revealing his insides.

Next to his hand was a knife covered in blood.

Shiva walked over to him covering his shoes in blood.

Shiva stood over his corpse, his fists were balled, and his eyes burned with rage.

Shiva muttered to him:

"You… you did this… people like you…"

He knelt down and placed his hand on his dads arm.

"People like you should be purified from this world…"

With desire burning in his dark eyes, he grabbed his dad's arm and it started to shrivel up and die slowly.

Stasius and Proteus were still vomiting at the scene painted in front of them. They couldn't see what Shiva was doing, nor did they hear what he said.

Gripping tighter and tighter, Shiva stared at his father's face. His arm was starting to shrivel at a faster pace, eventually going down to the bone.

Stasius stumbled toward Shiva with his vision blurred and vomit dripping from his mouth. He grabbed Shiva and started to pull him towards the basement stairs.

Shivas' eyes looked lifeless as Stasius dragged him from this dreaded scene.


Stasius had dragged Shiva all the way up the stairs and out of the house.

As soon as he got him out he passed out from all the fluid he had lost, and all the strength he had used to drag Shiva out.

Proteus soon followed after, leaving a trail of vomit behind him. Proteus laid down in the front yard and closed his eyes trying to forget the scene.