Chapter 6

"It's time to go."

The 3 boys headed out of the overgrown home, out into the abandoned-looking city.

"Where should we go first?"

Stasius looked at Shiva.

"I have something I want to check."

"What Is it?

"The neighborhood."

"What? Why the neighborhood house?

"We can't be the only ones that had that dream."

Proteus was tying his shoe.

"I would hope we are a bit special."

Stasius looked down at him.

"You two are a bit special."


The three boys started walking around the neighborhood looking for buildings that hadn't collapsed.

'No matter how I look at it, it's weird. Why are some buildings collapsed and others aren't? Why was mine still fine?'

The three of them eventually found a house that was still intact and decided to knock on the door to see if the owners had fled or not.

After waiting for a second an old man with a cane and his wife opened the door. They still had their pajamas on as if oblivious to what had happened around them.

"Ah hello."

Stasius stared at them for a few seconds before responding.

"Ah hello, sorry to bother but me and my friends have a question."

The old man reached into his pocket, pulled out a pair of glasses, and placed them on his face.

"Ah hello. Do what do we owe the pleasure?"

'Did he not hear me?'

"We just had a question is all."

"Ah, come in."

'Is something wrong with this old man?'

"Oh thank you but we are okay."

"Suit yourself."

His wife nudged him a bit to the side.

"Sorry about that he's getting a bit old. What was your question, young man?"

"It's fine. But have you happened to have a strange dream lately?"

"A dream?"


The husband butted in.

"I happened to have a strange dream yesterday morning."

"Could you please tell us?"

"Oh sure, if I can remember. I think it was back in the war. I-"

His wife had cut him off.

"I'm sure you're not here to hear him talk about his past are you."

"Ah no… But have you two had a dream where someone asked what you desired?"

"I think so maybe. My memory hasn't been the best these past few years…"

"Ah, no need to worry, it's fine if you didn't."

"I'm sorry I couldn't be any help, old age has been getting to me recently."

"It's okay have a nice day."

The boys started to walk away from the house, and as they were walking Proteus chuckled a bit.

"What did you expect when asking an old couple if they remember anything."

"Anything helps…"


The boys were walking around town asking people they had seen if they had a weird dream. Some people were sitting in front of their ruined houses while others were walking around looking for help.

'The few people whose houses weren't destroyed didn't remember it while some did only a little. But the people whose houses were destroyed could.'

The boys had found out that almost everyone they asked had remembered the dream. But why? It didn't make sense. It was almost as if they were being taken out of their homes by the world.


The boys eventually stopped and sat down on an old bench they found.

Proteus was the first to speak.

"I guess that answers a question partly. Almost everyone had the dream."

Stasius got up and looked at them, desire burning in his brown eyes. It was like you could see an entire forest if you looked closely. It was a forest waiting to be explored.

"Isn't this amazing! A world waiting for us! It's telling us to chase our desires!"

Shiva looked up at him. Stasius looked a little crazy, his eye bags were still as dark as ever and his glasses were slipping down but his eyes were on fire.

"I think you need to calm down a bit."

"You're right, but when do you ever get a chance to explore the world and do what you desire?"

"He has a point."

"Do you two want to explore with me?"

Proteus looked at him.

"I'm down."

Stasis looked at Shiva.

"What about you?"

Shiva looked a bit hesitant.

'Our desires don't align.'

"I'll go"

"That decides it. Let's go."

Proteus looked at him and asked at the same time.


"Wherever we want."


The boys had started walking away from the old town. The road had broken off at one point. In front of them was a forest.

Proteus noticed it first.

"Was there always a forest outside the city?"

Statius looked confused.

"If there was a forest I probably would have known about it."

"Right, I forgot you were obsessed with nature."

Shiva looked at them.

"Should we go in?"

"I don't know if I recognize these trees."

The trees were wrapping around each other while others connected at the roots. The trees stood tall and the leaves were purple. You couldn't see anything past the leaves.

Stasius pulled out a notebook and pencil from his bag and walked towards a tree.

"What are you doing?"

"Look at it, isn't it beautiful? Look at the color of the leaves, and how the trunks intertwine."

Stasius was drawing the tree in his notebook that he had brought in his bag.

"I don't get how you see the beauty. It looks odd."

Stasius stood up.

"Shall we go in?"

"Are you crazy?"



The three boys started walking into the forest to start their adventure.