Chapter 7

Having walked through the purple-twisted trees for a couple of minutes, Shiva started his nagging.

"Remind me why we are walking through this forest?"

Stasius looked at Shiva confused.

"Don't you find this fun? It's a completely untouched forest."

"You're probably the only person in the entire world to think of that right now."

Proteus had decided to interrupt their nice chat.

"Honestly, we could be getting watched right now."

Shiva turned to Proteus.

"Why would you say something like that?"

Proteus shrugged.

Then the ground slightly shook.

"It's funny you say that considering there's a giant tree coming our way."

In the distance coming toward the boys was a giant wooden golem. The monster looked like it was ripped out of the roots of a tree. The golem had Moss covering its backside, and on the moss was an abundance of different vegetation.

"This is your fault Pro."

"How would I have known, it's not like I have foresight!" 

The three boys started running but Statius was a bit slow to catch on.

"That thing looks pretty interesting. It looks like it was a part of the trees."

Shiva and Proteus looked back at him and yelled."What is wrong with you? Run!"

Stasius stood up and started running but considering he's not the most athletic he was a bit behind his two friends.

It was then that the golem had closed the gap between them and every step the golem took made him bounce off the floor beneath him. Could he escape? The ground beneath him shook and Stasius had a good look at the golem in front of him. The golem was twice his size and had a top heavy build.

Stasius was helpless, what could he do against something twice his size? The golems arm shot out and grabbed Stasius. The golems hand covered his body completely and squeezed his whole body. He was losing his vision and could faintly hear his two friends shouting something. The golem then threw him hard towards Shiva and Proteus. Stasius passed out mid air and collided against the two boys.They got toppled back into a tree and Stasius fell to the floor.

The golem started to charge them. They couldn't react, they saw what the golem did to Stasius, how could they fight that? They couldn't do anything and just helplessly watched as it charged towards them.

They closed their eyes, the world went dark, then silent and they heard something hit the floor with a thump.

"Look at you three. Weak! You just gave up!"

They opened their eyes and saw a man standing on the golems' body, It had been cut in half. The man seemed a little old and rough. His black hair had some white strands in them and he carried a sword on his hip and had a traditional japanese outfit. He didn't seem to be from around here but they could somehow understand him.

"Get up. You two look weak. You couldn't even protect your friend."

Proteus and Shiva looked at him confused. Weren't they supposed to die? Had this man cut down that monster? 

Shiva was the first to say something.

"Thank you.. Sir?"

"Repay me."

The swordsman seemed angry even though they had just met.

Proteus looked at him and asked "How would we do that? We don't have anything."

The swordsman looked at them and smirked like he already knew what he wanted.

"Fight me. All three of you."

The swordsman looked at Stasius and added "Wake him up too, he's going to fight too."

The Two boys looked at Stasius who was laying on the floor unconscious.

How would they get out of this? Could they run? Could they fight? It's useless, how could they fight someone that just slayed a golem like it was childsplay.

They scanned their surroundings but then the swordsman spoke.

"If you run I will kill the boy on the floor. Choose, fight for your lives, or run and leave the boy to die."

Shiva and Proteus were left with two choices but what could they do? Either way they were going to be in danger. Shiva was mad at this and cried out. "How is this even fair? You're clearly stronger and have a weapon that could easily kill us!"

The swordsman looked at him unfazed.

"It's either you wake him up and fight, or im killing you all where you stand."

Proteus punched the ground then looked over at Stasius. He had to choose.

He looked over at Shiva, Shiva was kind of scrawny. How could he even fight? Proteus knew simple kickboxing but how would that ever help him against someone with a lethal weapon? He looked back at Stasius and made up his mind. He had to wake him up, a three versus one was the only chance they had.

He walked over to Stasius and propped him up against a tree. He stared at Stasius and shook him. He noticed the swordsman starting to lose patience so he shook Stasius more aggressively. Stasius started to wake up slowly, his eyes were bloodshot and his glasses were somehow still on but cracked. He was wheezing for air but Proteus still had to wake him up.

"Stasius, listen to me. We have to fight, it's life or death."

Stasius looked like he couldn't process what Proteus was saying.

"Fight? The golem? Where's the golem?"

As Proteus tried to explain the situation, he was uninterrupted by the sound of a sword being drawn from its sheath.

"Okay, It's been long enough, it's do or die, prepare."

The swordsman had drawn his sword from its sheath and was now pointing it at shiva. Proteus turned around one last tiem to check on st Stasius.

"Stasius we fight or we die."

"I understand?" Stasius was still lost but he understood that he had to do this no matter what. Stasius got up and looked at the Swordsman that was aiming his blade towards Shiva, then he charged at him.

"Finally! I've been waiting!"

When Shiva saw Stasius he wondered how he could even think of charging him? Wasn't he scared? 

When Stasius charged his glasses finally fell he couldn't see but he had to charge. His friends were next to him. 

Behind him Proteus took a stance and charged in, his legs were shaking a little but he charged forward towards the swordsman. Shiva saw this and realized they had to. He couldn't fight but he had no choice. He charged forward then his legs gave out. He fell to the floor. He had to sit there and watch his friends risk their lives and he couldn't do anything but sit there and watch.

Stasius and Proteus charged at the swordsman. Stasius closed the gap between him and the swordsman and swung. The swordsman easily dodges and goes for a counter attack but Proteus came from behind the swordsman and Threw a punch. The swordsman was off balance and took the hit but he looked unfazed. He laughed.

"Yes! This is how it should be!"

Then Stasius reached for his sword and clasped it. The swordsman used his strength to pull it out and cut Stasius' palm.

'Not enough dammit! Why am I even fighting him?"

The swordsman swung and cut Stasius' arm, he couldn't react in time.

Stasius grunted and gritted his teeth looking at the swordsman. The swordsman looked like he was having a blast, he was playing with them.

'Damn it!"

"Is this all you can do? Come on, show me more!"

Then Proteus came in with another swing but the swordsman could see it. He blocked it with his sword and kicked Proteus in the stomach, sending him back a bit.

Stasius clenched his cut palm and swung but he missed, he couldn't hit what he could hardly see.

This went on for a few minutes. In this time Stasius only landed 3 hits while Proteus landed 5. They had cuts and bruises on their body but they couldn't stop. They had to do this. 

Then the swordsman stopped. He stopped and looked at the boys.

Proteus was the first to notice and looked at him and said "What. Finally tired?" He coughed and wheezed and the swordsman looked at him.

"I'll get nothing if I keep going. But I admire your tenacity. You could've stopped and gave up like him." He then pointed at Shiva who was on his knees and staring at them blankly. He then added "I'll let this go but if I see you three again it's a fight till the death. Then the swordsman moved and hit them in the back of their necks with the back of his sword.

He then stared at Shiva with disgust and said one word.


Shiva stared at the man's back as he walked away. He stared at him till he was out of sight.

"Damn it damn it damn it! I couldn't do anything! I was weak!"

He put his hands on the floor.

"It's people like him I should be getting rid of! But instead, I crumbled and watched him beat up my friends! Damn it!"