
Jayden didn't have much reaction when he saw Mia's notification, because the car already knew where to go, and didn't need the GPS for navigation.

While Isabelle was already on him, shirtless, with her brassiere being the only in-between Jayden and her flawless boobs.

Their kiss had gotten so intense that even if Mia was to take the car, they would resume on the dirt floor. But just as Jayden unhooked Isabelle's brasserie, the entire cave shook fiercely, and they instantly fell unconscious.


[You have been forced logged out!]


[Why do you sleep so much? The game have just begun!]

Jayden got startled awake by Mia's voice, and looked down in confusion to see Isabelle sleeping soundly on his chest.

"Hey! Isabelle?..."

Jayden called out as he patted her softly.

[She won't wake up. The system holders are given the previledge to wake up 24hours before the norms, that's why you're awake.]

"What's this all about?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[Step out of the car.]

Jayden quickly hooked Isabelle's brassiere which he had unhooked before he passed out, and put back on her shirt. He then moved her to the passengers seat and stepped out of the car.

[You have obtained the title 'Dungeon dweller']

[You have obtained a title skill 'Invulnerability']

[You have obtained the title 'Survivor']

[You have obtained the title skill 'Life saver']

"Woah!... What's all this?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[Do you want to see what really happened?]

"Of course I do..."

Jayden was saying, when his view instantly changed.


"W-what's going on?"

Jayden asked in panic, as he found himself floating above a large crowd of people, who were all counting down in unison.

[You've been out for seven days, and this was the night you passed out.]

"H-how are you doing this?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[No questions. Just watch.]

"Three!!... Two!!... One!!... Happy new year!!!!"

The crowd below screamed out excitedly.

Colourful fireworks were shot into the sky, and marksman players and NPCs opened fire into the air with their firearms.

The vibes were intoxicating.

But suddenly, the clouds in the night sky vanished, and the infinite stars in sky began moving randomly, while getting brighter with each passing minute.

The players all began cheering in amazement at the beautiful phenomenon, while the NPCs all had dread looks on their faces as it was their first time experiencing such.

As the stars got brighter, they didn't look like they were stars anymore, they were more like... Planets! Of different sizes and colours! And there was one of them which silenced cheerings of the players on sight... Earth!

"Guys!!! There's no longer a log-out button on my status screen!!! It's been replaced with a ranking button!!!"

A feminine voice suddenly screamed out in panic.

All the players present began tapping the air before them hurriedly, interacting with their status screen which was only visible to them, and began screaming out in panic.

"S-summon status"

Jayden stammered nervously.


Name: Jayden Logan

Race: Human

Age: 18

Class: Mercenary

Level: 9 [87/1005]

HP: 95/95

MP: 70/70


Strength: 18 (+3)

Dexterity: 30 (+5)

Agility: 22 (+1)

Intelligence: 50 (+20)



M16 rifle [Locked]



Summon [Active]

Invulnerability [Active]

Life saver[Passive]


SP: 45





Jayden unblinkingly stared at his status screen for a while, unsure of how to react. He then shakily tapped the rankings button.





•Avariel [Gold]

•Drow [Silver]

•Humans [Bronze]





[Individual rankings are currently unavailable.]


"T-there are other races involved?"

Jayden asked in shock.

[Yeah. The six chosen race for the evolution.]


Jayden asked in confusion.

[Don't sweat it. You'll understand soon.]

Jayden fell silent for a moment, but his mind was as troubled as the third world war. He then looked up at the last option in his status screen, and slowly tapped it.




[This contract page is only available to limited individuals, who have the potential for greatness.]


[Wow! You got the contract page!! All thanks to me!!]

"Could you tell me what it means? And stop keeping me in suspense"

Jayden asked helplessly.

[They won't let me say. But, If we both work as one mind till we get to... There'll be a chance to get contracted.... By... A... God.]

Mia said while cutting her words short, and using different pitches like she was talking about different things.

Jayden instantly understood that there were higher forces involved, and was shocked to his bone marrows when he heard Mia's last word.

[Keep watching.]

Jayden looked up again and saw innumerable tiny dots free falling from the sky, but as they drew closer, he was able to decipher what they were... Humanoids with different characteristics! And a particular set of them was very catchy.

"A-are t-those..."

Jayden stammered in utmost shock, as he stared at a set of humanoids who were spreading their different coloured wings, to break their falling momentum.

[Yeah, they are.]

"W-woah! I-i never for once thought they were real!! Fuck!! Angels!!"

Jayden stammered in shock.

[Huh? They're not, I mean they are... Angels are real, but those aren't angels, not even close. They are Avariel's, which you saw on the rankings boards.]

"W-what? Then what are they?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[They are a rare elf race which was thought to be extinct, but aren't.]

"Elf? Those are real too?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[Of course, as common as humans... See those gray skinned humanoids with white hairs, they are Drows, also classified below elfs, and are alluring creatures.]

"I can see that... I think I like that girl over there"

Jayden said shamelessly, pointing to one of the female Drows free falling in the sky, as they were now close to landing to their deaths.

[They're too proud of themselves, she'll be a hard catch... How about these ones? Tieflings.]

Mia said, directing Jayden's gaze to a set of goat-horned humanoids with reptilian tails.

"No way, what if she headbutts me, that'll be a straight kill... Why do these ones look evil?"

Jayden asked with a shudder, as he pointed to a set of bald-headed pale-yellowed humanoids, with pointy ears.

[Githzerais, they are actually the calmest... And last but not the least, Aasimar.]

Mia said, directing Jayden's gaze to a set of silver and gold coloured humanoids.

"They've got curvy hot girls, I'd go with one of these instead"

Jayden said as he stared at the female Aasimars with lustful eyes.