I am... A OP player

"Hey! Isn't that Emily?"

Jayden asked in surprise, as he saw the blonde haired interrogator free falling along with innumerable humans.

[Why's she screaming like a banshee, I had a good impression of her.]

"Do you know what it feels like to fall from space?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[How do you think I came here? With wings?]

"You know? I've always been asking myself, how a 'celestial being' like you call yourself, have no magic. That's probably why you're fall..."


Jayden's words got stuck in his throat when he heard the sound of a cocked gun from behind.

"I dare you to complete that sentence"

He heard Mia's voice say coldly from behind.

"Woah! My lovely Mia from yesterday, is now so cold today. Does this have anything to do with Isabelle? are you perhaps... jealous?"

Jayden asked amusingly. How could a system with just a sentient and no body probably shoot him? 

"You think I won't shoot you?"

Mia asked in annoyance from behind.

"I don't 'think' you 'won't', I 'know' you 'can't'"

Jayden said with a smirk, and began chuckling in amusement.


[You have committed suicide!]

[Penalty: -1 level, your M16 rifle have been dropped in your death scene.]


[You have obtained the title 'Suicidal']

[You have obtained the title skill 'Self Indestructible']

Jayden's view changed to the sight of a large building, which looked to be a mall from back when earth was safe, but was surprisingly on a small island, in the middle of nowhere.

"What happened?"

Jayden asked in confusion.

[I killed you, and you have been spawned in a random location, after 24hours.]

"W-what? Why would you do that? After talking shit about 'one mind'!"

Jayden voiced out in anger. He had just lost a hard earned level, and his cherished M16 rifle.

[It's your fault...]

"I do not want to hear your voice again! I won't be talking or listening to you anymore... Ptui"

Jayden interrupted angrily, and spat out to the side.

"You're a system holder?"

Jayden suddenly heard from behind, and turned around to see the pale adorable oval face of a girl who had silver-white hair, and had her body submerged in the lake surrounding the miniature island.

"... Are you a mermaid?"

Jayden asked in surprise, after keeping silent for while.

"What's a mermaid?"

The silver haired girl asked in confusion.

"Do you have a tail?"

Jayden asked instead.


The girl replied in disgust.

"Ohh... Do you have wings?"

Jayden asked expectantly.

"You haven't answered my question yet?"

The girl said solemnly.

"I have no idea what a system folder is. You should know that I'm a different race, and that whatever applied in your previous world have nothing to do with mine"

Jayden replied, feigning innocence.

"So who were you talking to?"

The girl asked unconvinced.

"What makes you think you can dive into this planet with those hidden bird wings and question me as you wish?"

Jayden asked with a raised brow.

"Because you're in my territory"

The girl said coldly.

"You know what this is called?..."

Jayden asked as he summoned his machete.

"A machete... My race occasionally use it to butcher feathered winged creatures... And do you know the sweetest part of those creatures?... Their spiced wings, I fucking loved those"

Jayden said plainly, as he unblinkingly stared at the girl's purple eyes.

He was really pissed at his loss, and the wasted 24hours which would've topped his level to nothing less than 12.

"I have no business with you being the beast king of this island, and just want to gather my thoughts together before I leave. So if you try anything funny with me, I'll be having spiced wings for dinner tonight"

Jayden added with a cold tone, and walked into the large building which looked to be a mall... While wondering why the girl kept smiling amusingly.


[Five minutes later.]

"What the fuck!!"

/Bang! Bang! Bang!/

A panicked scream which was followed by intense gunshots suddenly rang out from a lone building, standing tall on a miniature island, located at the middle of nowhere.


Jayden ran as fast as his legs could go, towards the nearest window, and quickly threw himself through it, and into the surrounding lake.


"What's wrong? I thought you loved spiced wings? Cause there's one in there"

The silver-white haired girl asked sarcastically, and began giggling in amusement.

Jayden swam out of the lake with his tattered bloody clothes while gasping heavily for air, and cautiously scanning the area vigilantly to know if he was followed.

"W-what the fuck are those?"

Jayden asked with a frown, as he tore off his tattered ski mask in anger.

"I thought you had a problem with bird winged creatures who dived into this planet uninvited?"

The silver-white haired girl asked sarcastically.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Jayden glared at her and asked.

"You've given me a bad impression of you, so I won't be answering any of your questions"

The girl replied solemnly, and averted her gaze from Jayden.

"Summon status"

Jayden didn't bother replying the girl who was still hiding her body below the lake, and summoned his status screen.


Name: Jayden Logan

Race: Human

Age: 18

Class: Mercenary

Titles: Dungeon Dweller, Survivor, Suicidal.

Level: 8 [000/918]

HP: 90/90

MP: 65/65


Strength: 21

Dexterity: 35

Agility: 23

Intelligence: 70





Summon [Active]

Invulnerability [Active]

Life Saver [Passive]

Self Indestructible [Passive]


SP: 40





Jayden quickly began assigning his free 40 stat points according to the boost he would be needing, to defeat the six mutated races inside the mall.


Strength: 21 (+15)

Dexterity: 35 (+10)

Agility: 23 (+15)

Intelligence: 70


He instantly felt vitalized and refreshed after assigning his free stat points, and decided to check what his title skills could do, and how they could help him in the fight for a sleeping space.



Summon [Active]

Summon any tool or equipment related to a mercenary.


Invulnerability [Active]

Makes you ethereal and invisible for as long as you stand still.


Life saver [Passive]

Saves one percent of your HP on a finishing attack from an enemy, and teleport's you a mile away from the scene.


Self Invulnerability [Passive]

Makes you indestructible whenever you try to harm yourself.


"I am... A OP player"

Jayden fell on his knees and muttered with wet eyes.