
"Are you okay?"

The girl in the lake asked curiously, as she saw Jayden fall on his knees with teary eyes.

"Don't talk to me... I'm not the boy you knew few minutes ago... I'm now a Man"

Jayden said poetically, and turned to stare at the girl in the lake.

"What's your name?"

He asked with a calm tone.

"In-game or real name?"

The girl asked.

"W-what?! You mean, you guys also played... Hope online?"

Jayden asked in shock.

"Yeah, the game was made available to all the chosen races for beta testing"

The girl said casually, like it was a common knowledge.

"So it wasn't a normal game after all? And the government must have known about this"

Jayden muttered to himself, and a scene suddenly flashed his mind.


"Her majesty just sent a record of her conversation with this young man here. He is innocent and is to be released with immediate effect"


Those were the last words he heard before he passed out from Emily's electrocution torture.

Who addresses an AI with 'Her majesty' and with a respectful tone? who follows the orders of an AI with immediate effect? Why didn't I think of all this earlier?

"Do you perhaps... Know 'Her majesty'?"

Jayden asked curiously.

"Who doesn't, weren't you present when your government explained all those?"

The girl asked with a raised brow.

"They never said anything to us! Could you tell me everything you know about what's going on?"

Jayden asked in anticipation.

"I would have, but, I don't like you."

The girl replied in disdain, and averted her gaze.

"Come on! We can work that out"

Jayden said apologetically.

"There's no we, I can't be friends with someone who threatened to eat my pride"

The girl replied with a frown..

"I was only trying to scare you, I can't probably eat your wings"

Jayden pleaded.

"When I say No! I mean No!"

The girl replied irritatedly.

"... Why are you in the water?"

Jayden asked with a sigh, but didn't get a reply from the girl.

"I can safely get us out of here, Incase your wings are damaged"

Jayden said softly, but still got no reply from the girl who seemed to have erased him from existence.

"I saw a steel door which probably led to the basement inside... Incase you start feeling cold, you can come join me there. I believe it would be safe"

Jayden said as he stood up, and headed into the building without waiting to know if he would get a reply.


Jayden summoned his throwing knives as he stepped into the mall, and began picking his ear with the pointy blade while casually heading for the steel door he had seen earlier.



Jayden quickly muttered and stood still, as he heard the sound of something approaching with speed.

The Githzerai mutant which was approaching with it's deadly sharp claws drawn, helplessly phased through the empty air as it's target suddenly disappeared from the spot, and toppled over due to the momentum. 

It quickly shot back to it's feet when it saw it's previous target casually walking further inside, while nonchalantly picking it's ear with a blade.

It roared angrily and sped for it's target again. But just as it got close, it's target suddenly paused and mysteriously disappeared, and it helplessly phased through the empty spot again.

It turned to glare at It's target who had reappeared, and was still heading deeper while picking it's ear with a blade. But didn't give a chase again, and began scanning the area for the main target who was luring it away with an illusion.

Jayden safely got to a large steel door which was hidden in the shadows below a staircase, and quickly tilted it's lock-wheel to unlock the door. He slipped in after hearing an assuring click and pulling it open, and quickly closed and tilted it's lock-wheel to seal himself inside.

It was eerily dark on the inside, so he quickly summoned his binoculars which had night vision lenses, and began heading down the set of stairs he found himself on, cautiously.

[GPS navigation system have been unlocked.]

He quickly summoned the GPS navigation system at seeing the notification, and easily navigated through the narrow stairs, to a spot where the navigation system pointed out to be the electricity controls. 

And after a while of pulling random levers...


The entire basement got lit up by the numerous white bulbs fixated all around the ceiling, and the air conditioners began circulating fresh air in the previously stuffy basement which was as big as a large hall, and was occupied by numerous products which never got to be on sale.

Jayden was amazed at the sight of the stocked basement, and quickly ran to the bottled water section, to hydrate himself from previously getting trashed by the six mutant occupying the building.

After drinking savagely to his satisfaction, he ran over to the junk food section, and began devouring the expired snacks which were still tasty and edible to him.


Cassae stoic expression instantly changed to that of pain, as the black haired human boy who had been pestering her since he spawned there, walked back into the weird building which he had just thrown himself out from.

She instantly submerged her head inside the lake, and began pushing at the large boulder which was pinning her left wing to the rocky sea floor below.

Her arms were too fragile to move the boulder an inch, as that was their build to enable their flying ability. But she kept pushing at it in frustration, till she suddenly heard the angry roars of the mutated humanoids, which were inside the weird human building on the island.

She quickly swam to the surface, but because her wings were stuck below, she could only poke her head out.

She was shocked when she saw the previously dim building, lighted brightly from the inside. Which meant the black haired human had safely made it to the 'steel door' he talked about.

The mutated humanoids in the building were all scared of light, that was why she was still in one piece outside. And as it was getting dark on the outside, it would only be a matter of time before they all run out of the building, and tear her up.

The reason she didn't ask the human boy for help was because... One, she was too proud to ask for help from a weaker race, and two, she was scared of him. They were strictly warned before they came here that the humans might be the weakest race out of the chosen six, but they were the most dangerous of all.

She was already shivering fiercely in cold, and had no other choice but to ask the human boy for help, but there was another problem. Her soft voice wouldn't be loud enough to attract the human boys attention.

"What should I do Lethri?"

Cassae asked helplessly.

[I told you to ask him for help but you ignored me, and now you're asking for my suggestion.]

"I'm sorry, you know it's not that easy"

Cassae said apologetically.

[He's a system holder too, so let me try negotiating with his system.]

"Is that possible?"

Cassae asked in surprise.

[You really underestimate me. I'm the only system with a sentient, the rest are just fragments of dead celes.... #*#*#*#*#*#]


"Lethri? Are you okay? What's going on?"

Cassae asked in confusion.

[She will be... If you're willing to corporate.]