
[Five years ago...]


"Y-you have a beautiful smile"

Jayden muttered softly as he stared at the adorable oval face of a silky black haired girl, with striking green eyes.


Amber hummed as she glanced at Jayden, like she hadn't heard his words clearly.


Jayden quickly said with an awkward smile.

"I like you too"

Amber said with a adorable smile.


Jayden exclaimed in surprise, not sure if he had heard right.

"I said I like you, Jay..." 

Amber muttered as she entwined her fingers with Jayden's.


Jayden stammered nervously with a racing heartbeat.

"Do you like me too?"

Amber asked boldly, as she looked straight into Jayden's gray eyes.


Jayden muttered and averted his gaze from Amber's. He was surprised he hadn't had an heart attack yet, as his heartbeat were reverberating loudly in the flower garden they were in.


Amber stammered with tensed expression.

"Y-yes...Inhales... I meant to say yes"

Jayden gathered his wits and said.

"Look into my eyes and say it"

Amber said as she softly grabbed Jayden's cheek.

Inhales!... Exhales.


Jayden muttered as he stared into Amber's green eyes.

"No, I meant say it to me, tell me you like me too"

Amber said softly, which terrified Jayden as he didn't understand how the twelve year old girl got so much confidence.

"Amber, I like you... Alot"

Jayden said boldly as he looked into her eyes. He was ashamed at the girl being the one to make the approach, while he was cowering away. So he gathered up courage and decided to take up his role as the man... Thought the thirteen year old Jayden.

"Alot... I like you alot too"

Amber said with a wide smile, which almost tripped Jayden.

"Amber, will you be my girlfriend?"

Jayden asked with a serious tone, still looking into her captivating green eyes.


Amber said plainly.

"... W-what?"

Jayden stammered with a flipping heartbeat. He felt like wrapping himself up in his undies and jumping into a lake to end his miserable life.

"I want to be more than a girlfriend to you. Jay, I want to be your wife, and you my husband... Do you want that too?"

Amber asked with a serious tone.

"Y-yeah, I want that too"

Jayden quickly replied in relief.

"Good! I'm now your wife for as long as we will be alive, and you're my husband for as long we be alive, right?"

Amber asked excitedly.

"Yeah, for as long we will be alive" Jayden muttered with a wide smile.

".... Kiss me, to seal the deal"

Amber said softly as she stared from Jayden's gray eyes to his dry lips.

Jayden was stunned at her words, but quickly recovered and inched closer to Amber nervously.

"Amber! Come over quickly!"

A Nun suddenly called out to Amber, which spoilt the moment as Jayden had to withdrew before there faces were even close enough.

"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere!"

Amber voiced as she ran over to the Nun, and they both left the orphanage's garden.

But... Unfortunately for young Jayden, that was the last time he ever saw her again.


Jayden was stunned at seeing a beautiful, silky black haired girl with striking green eyes. She had a perfect figure which would make any man drool over, and was wearing a tight black robe which accentuated her hour glass shape, with a long intricate black staff in her left hand.

[That's it, I'm taking over!]

'W-what? Stay away from my body! I can handle this myself'

Jayden thought to Mia in panic.

"Uhhh... Do I know you?"

Jayden asked with a raised brow.

The excited smile on the beautiful girls adorable oval face wavered a little at hearing Jayden's question.

"It's me! Amber! Do I look that different?"

The beautiful girl asked with an amused smile.

"I'm sorry, who?.... You're from stronghold ninety one?"

Jayden asked with a surprised tone.

"J-Jay... It's me, your wife"

Amber said with a tensed tone.

"Hahahaha... That was a good one. What's wrong with these people?"

Jayden laughed amusingly. Then asked cautiously as every other person in the area were all standing still like dummy's, with blank eyes.

Amber didn't reply and just stared at Jayden with slightly red eyes, not knowing if he was serious about not knowing her, or was just acting to not know her.

"Well... Since you don't want to reply, I guess I'll be taking my leave then. It was nice meeting you though... And, you're talented at making people laugh like you just made me... I think you should pursue being a comedian when we get to the new world. Bye!"

Jayden said with a sincere tone and a wide smile, and quickly ran off to the distance before he would be joining her 'puppet collection'.

Amber stood rooted to the spot at hearing Jayden's last words. She had never felt so shocked and insulted to such level. She watched Jayden run off into the distance with blurry eyes, as tear drops streaked down her cheeks uncontrollably.

Blood began spilling out from the eyes, noses, ears, and mouths of all those who were standing still as dummy's, including Frederick. One by one, they all dropped to the dirt floor... Dead.


"How do we fly this baby here"

Jayden exclaimed excitedly, as he caressed the interior of his Airbus H130 helicopter affectionately.

[Ding: Autopilot activated!]

The helicopter's blades began spinning, and Jayden quickly adorned a headphone, and jumped to the backseat to lay on his back relaxedly.

[That wasn't nice.]

"You finally decided to speak! I was starting to think you had suddenly gone missing"

Jayden chuckled amusingly at his lame joke.

[I understand you are angry at her sudden disappearance but that was just... A little overboard.]

"Mia, you could read my feelings right?"

Jayden asked.

[Yeah, I can feel them as well.]

"Good, go to the LOVE section of my feelings, and tell me what you find there"

Jayden said nonchalantly.

[There are alot of love books here... Like love for your Galaxion Gunner, love for this chopper, love for... Me.]