Flirting with Mia


"Hahahaha... Come on Mia, don't flatter yourself. Those are material love" 

Jayden laughed out of loud in amusement.

[So you love me as a thing?]

"Do you really need to ask that questions? You're a thing after all" 

Jayden replied with a wide smile.

[Ooh... Okay.]

"What do you mean by that? Aren't you in my head? You should've already known what I love you as" 

Jayden said with a raised brow.

[There are some things I can't access in you.]


Jayden asked in surprise.

[Things you lie to yourself about.]

"What do you mean by that?"

Jayden asked in confusion.

[Do you still love Amber?]

"I think so"

Jayden replied thoughtfully.

[Well, I have no access to that.]

"Huh? So you mean I'm lying to myself about loving her?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[Something like that. The concept is more complicated than just that.]

"So... When I said I love you just as a thing?"

Jayden asked.

[Let's not talk about that.]

"Why? Are you mad at me?"

Jayden asked as he sat up.

[Why would I be mad at you. Didn't you learn that 'Things' have no feelings or whatsoever.]

"Jeez. She's really mad at me"

Jayden muttered as he ran his fingers along his messy hair.

"I'm sorry"

Jayden said with an awkward tone.

He felt weird at apologizing to Mia, she was just a system after all.

[What're are you apologizing for? I said I wasn't mad at...]

"I love you.. as you, not a system"

Jayden interrupted her.

[Do you take me for a joke? You know I feel your feelings.]


"Hahahaha... N-no don't misunderstand me. I'm not laughing because I take this as a joke. I just remembered when I flirted with my first and only smartphone before the apocalypse struck"

Jayden said amidst chuckle.

[So I'm similar to a smartphone to you?]

"No. Don't get me wrong. You know I mean what I said"

Jayden said with a smirk.


"I don't just love you as a thing. I love as a best friend, I love as a family, and if you were to have a physical form, I bet I would love you. Really love you"

Jayden said with a wide smile.


"Are you speechless because you're flattered... or you do have a physical form?"

Jayden asked with uncertainty.

[There's a way to temporarily kill emotions if you believe it would be a hindrance to you. That's a privilege to all system holders.]

"What are you talking about?"

Jayden asked with a creased brow.

[To answer your previous question. I was silent for being both flattered at your sweet words and having a physical form.]

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Jayden asked in surprise.

[It was a gift from goddess Elpis after you passed the Test of Trust. Give me a credible reason why I should've told you.]

"We're bound for life. If I die then you die as well. We shouldn't be keeping secrets from ourselves"

Jayden replied thoughtfully.

[That's credible enough. I wanted it to be a surprise when you'll be in a dire need of help. But you've ruined it. And... Because of the stupid statement you made just now.]

"What stupid statement? Loving you if you had a physical form?"

Jayden asked in confusion.

[Yeah. Don't you think it's stupid to be loving me? It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.]

"That's not an excuse"

Jayden replied in distaste.

[Loving me would be a huge distraction to you. You know why? Because I won't be loving you back.]

"That's a stupid reason. You know what? This discussion is stupid as well. Henceforth, keep everything about you to yourself, okay?"

Jayden said as he laid back down on the soft cushion relaxedly.

[That's not the reaction of someone who just got disappointed.]

"Someone taught me to always be prepared for the consequences if each choices I make, and to do things for the personal benefits"

Jayden replied casually.

[What's that supposed to mean?]

"I was prepared for your rejection when you admitted having a physical form. And I see no personal benefits in loving you, is there?"

Jayden replied plainly.

[What rejection? We were just discussing not proposing.]

"Is that your way of telling me I'm not up to your standards?"

Jayden asked with raised brow.

[Why are you twisting my words? You never said you wanted us to be a thing and I said no.]

"So if I asked would you have agreed to it?"

Jayden asked with a serious tone.


"Jackpot! That's the rejection I'm talking about and your silence signifies I'm not up to your standards. Ouch"

Jayden said with a wide grin.

[I hate you.]

"Love you too sweetheart"

Jayden replied with a bright smile. He was having fun messing with Mia.


[Mission: Jump off the Chopper.]

Time limit: 5 minutes

Reward: 25points

Punishment: Death





"Woah!! That'll be so much fun!"

Jayden quickly summoned the parachute and strapped it on like it was done in movies. He then opened the door and peeked out.

"Fuck! My eyes!"

Jayden cried out as a wave of dust got blown into his eyes.

[You have obtained Goggles.]

"Seriously? What were you thinking? Wait a minute..."

Jayden said suspiciously.

[Shut up!]

"Were you thinking about our discussion?"

Jayden asked with a slight smile.


"Do you perhaps... Love me too?"

Jayden asked with a smirk.

"Don't be stupid! Jump!"

Jayden suddenly heard Mia's voice from behind, which was followed by a kick to the back which made him lose his balance and fall out.



Jayden was shocked when he saw a missile hit the chopper the moment he fell out. But because he was close to the explosion, the shockwave still nibbled at his HP.

"Who did that? I bet it was a human. Wicked creatures"

Jayden cussed angrily.

[Seriously? I just risked my life to save yours and you don't even care if I'm okay. Humans are truly wicked creatures.]

"Huh? We both know you have an infinite health pool so I should be more worried at the 50 health point I lost than about you who probably lost none!!"

Jayden screamed out as he free fell.

"Says who? Look at my arms"

Mia suddenly materialized beside him gesturing to her burnt sleeves which were exposing her pale flawless skin.

"Could you help me out here?!! We'll discuss about that later!!"

Jayden screamed out as he violently spinned in air.


Mia said as she calmly floated to where Jayden was and held him in place from behind. But Jayden suddenly turned around to face her and pulled her waist to him so as their bodies were now pressed against each other.

"Woah! This is more intoxicating than any hard drugs out there"

Jayden exclaimed with a visible shudder, as he felt all his masculine hormones on overdrive.