Love Affairs

The more I think about it, the more curious I get. Just what's wrong with this teacher asked me to make them fall in love with me.

"Don't be so alert. It will make you happy, I promise you." Said her with a sudden serious face.

Just what's this teacher?! Sigh* Are not there any normal people who can be read by me?! It just... Argh, fine!

"Then I'll take it easy about it." Said me after averting her eyes. I don't want to get involved with you anymore. Please, just let me leave already!

She approached me and passed me. "You should think about it seriously. This is not a request, but an order." Said her leave this classroom.

The thing I want to let me out of... Am I that attractive? My face is so-so but why?

I decided to leave and sit in the canteen to relax.


The time after Nina goes to her class...

"So, that's the normal she said about." Said Eluthya while looking at Nina leave out from the house.

"Monologue?" Said Tohru while looking at Eluthya with an intimidating face.

Eluthya gets a bit annoyed. "Just what's about you? Delinquent..."

"What!? Wanna fight?!!"

The atmosphere tightens and yet, none of them react to it.

Nexus stands up. "Let cut it out. We have the more important thing to do with now."

They stand up together and think about one thing.

(The first one who gets her falls in love, we will get what we want.)


Because Nina was too far away and her mind full of other students' thoughts, she could not read their minds at that time.


Sigh* The last thing I brought was this chocolate milkshake. Now, I feel anxious to go to that house. To think that I should make them fall in love with me. We barely know each other. It's right that we have lived in the same place for one month but I still didn't know their name. The same as them, they talked to each other like "name" is not necessary to be spoken.

If I knew this would happen, I would not locked myself in my room all day.

This is it... The moment.

I opened the door to my house and didn't see any difference in it. Fiuh... That makes me relieved a bit.

I can see Nexus still reading that book on the sofa. Her cool face makes me feel she is not a girl but a boy, a handsome one. But, I questioned her taste in clothes.


That sound from the kitchen!!

I and Nexus with a sudden reaction, run to the kitchen.

"W-what happen!!?"

My worry is useless. In front of me is two girls in black appearance. Just what they do is make their face covered with black ashes.

"Sigh* that's make me worried. Let it be easy you girl." Said Nexus and left.

(Sigh* Why they didn't get it already?)

"M-maybe, we should be brought food from the canteen or mall." Said Eluthya with a flat face with a sigh.

Beside her, Radiant tried to wipe all the black ashes on her face. "Sorry to make you do this, you can use this." Said Radiant giving her handkerchief.

"Want me to cook for you?" Asked me to give my help. I can't bear to see this girl's lack of girl power. And I don't want to smell over-burned food all day.

I grab the ingredients. There are scallops, vegetables, and some other seasonings. Should I make salted scallops?

I put down all the ingredients, cut all the things needed to cut, blend it, and cook it.

Eluthya looking at the way I cook and feel amazed. "I-I don't know you this talented."

"Yeah, no one knows me after all." Said me plainly.

...And the salted scallops are done on the dish. Eluthya, without any hesitation, eats the scallop.

(Hmm~ This is delicious!) -Eluthya

Looking at my clothes now, it full of a mess. Taking a bath should be my only option then.

"You should try it, don't hesitate." Said me be gentle to Radiant.

She nodded but didn't try it until I left from kitchen.

"So, what you made?" Asked Nexus with a flat face while focusing on her books.

"Salted scallops." Said me and went inside my room.

Dress, pants, towel, and then, let's go bath.

(Hey kid, didn't you want to grow up a bit?) -Tohru

(I didn't think about it.) -Yulia

(Don't you have manners?) - Linda

Get the towel and go inside this spring hot water. Washed my body, and then dived into the pool.

"Oh, is it our normal girl we see everywhere." Said her with a smile. Is she trying to annoy me?!

I ignore her and just bathe in peace...


Poke* poke*...

"Hey~ Don't ignore me."

I don't know what Yulia wanted me to do but please stop poking my stomach it feels tickled. Endure it... Endure it...

Yulia pouted at me.

(Fine then.)




She started to tickle me hard. I can't... I can't...

Pant* pant* pant*

"What's with that pervert face." Said me while looking at Yulia's face.

(Don't know, it just appears after I tickle you)

(Should I tickle you again?)

"P-please no, and please don't use your thoughts to communicate with me." Said me a bit tired from what she did.

"You really ignore us here." Said Linda with a blushed face.

Tohru who sees that, feels a bit reluctant. "Sigh* Just what you think to make a fuss in the bath." Said her with a crossed hand.

That's shocking that no one asked why I replied to Yulia when she didn't say anything! It's my ability normal?

After that, Yulia didn't say anything and we bathed peacefully.

I get up and leave. While leaving I met Nexus with...

"Leave already?" Asked her.

I am stunned, is she... Nah, don't think about it. Uh... Why living in this house is that hard?

"Don't you feel ashamed about it!?" Said Tohru from behind me getting a bit angry.

"Heh! My body is perfect and I am proud of it." Said her after walking passed Tohru.

Didn't want to go into conversation with Tohru, so I decided to leave quickly.

Sigh* What a tired day.

Knock! knock!*

"Could you open the door?" Asked Yulia.

While opening the door, what I see is the most precious scenery I've ever seen. A little girl with black-white gothic and full of frilly accessories. I close it quickly. This is bad, just what's that? That person is not human. She is too cute...

I open it again.

"Can't I?" She pled me with a cute and nice voice.


It's like Cupid's arrow has stabbed me from far away with this girl.

She got inside and said. "I know you might be happy to see me cosplaying." Said her with a smile at me.

Huh? Did I mention it to anyone? My sweat suddenly falls over. I-If she knew it, what should I do?

What should I do... It's nothing. If she volunteers it by herself then I just want to accept it with my heart.

"Then, I have a snack..." Said me while grabbing a snack from a bag.

She sat on my bed and said. "You seem shocked a bit but suddenly feel normal."

Is she curious? Maybe I will start with this first.

"How do you know it?" Asked me flat.

"Your clothes are not right in sizing. And there are still some strings on your clothes that are not fully cut. You seem amazed with Nexus clothes. I bet you wonder why she wears waiter's clothes in your first meeting." Said her after laying her body on my bed.

I prepare snacks on the table and sit on the floor. "So, your conclusion?"

She stands up and sits on the floor. "You are just a weirdo who loves looking at someone cosplaying." Said her with a flat face.

If that counts as weird then that crazy teacher should forced me to do this. Make these girls fall in love with me? That's impossible!! Not about orientation or not, it's like they didn't have a reason to fall in love. Yeah! The reason! Loving someone is not about reason but I bet they are just thinking of it as it!

The same as this girl. She forced herself to tease me because of her curiosity. Just that... That's why, it's impossible.

"Is there something bothering you?" Asked her worried.


Maybe because I told them I can read my mind, they are well-behaved and don't dare to think anything. It's just as always. People have secrets, the same as me. But with this ability, the barrier where people have secrets is destroyed. In the end, they will be angry or scared because feel threatened.

I mean, who would want their secret to be known by someone they are not familiar with?

"Someone just asked me to make you all fall in love with me." Said me without any hesitation.

As a result, I forced myself to open up all my secrets for it. They didn't believe it and just said bad things in front of me. But, that's a habit still I use. Even now, I tell my secret without any hesitation to someone I am not familiar with.

  1. forgot comma