Love Affairs (2)

"I bet, Alice is the one who tells you." Said Yulia after closing her eyes with a sigh.

Sitting on the bed, I asked her. "Um... Okay." 

Okay, what's next? Her reaction was not what I expected.

There is a silent moment. I don't know what to say next and she didn't quite talk about herself.

She glared at me and said. "Why don't you try your ability to me?" Asked her flat.

"And you think I don't know what's your purpose?" Asked me back to her. Even without using my ability, I know your obsession with curiosity is big.

She stared at me seriously. It makes me avert my eyes, I don't know why. Her stare intimidates me. She is a bit creepy if she is serious. But, I looked at her and didn't find her umbrella. Sigh* Relieved...

"Sigh* what about this, you do what I said and I will do what you said. Win-win right?" Asked her with a faint smile.

Hoh... Then, I will be serious.

"What's matter, your eyes... a bit creepy."

She stands back. I raised my hand and moved it weirdly. I tilted my neck to left and right, relaxing my palm, and started the section.

She walks back slowly. It's the end. She can't escape.

"W-w-w-wait!! You look creepy!"

(Danger, danger, danger, danger,...)

I tilt my neck to the left and said. "Don't worry little girl, just one minute." Didn't realize I started to smile creepily.

"Then, excuse me..." My hand starts to reach her body.



(What's that?) -Nexus


Nexus rushed to Nina's room and opened the door strongly.

"What happened?!"

She is looking at two girls on the bed. The one wanted to strip the other one. She was stunned and didn't know how to react.

Yulia is trying her best to fight back but that's no use.

"Muehehe~ You said that I can do it so why do you fight back?"

Nina smiled at her creepily and just made Yulia feel more fear than before.

"You scared me!! Don't you have manners!!!? W-w-w-w-wait! Don't strip it on that part!! HELP!!!!"

Nexus back to her consciousness.

"Just! What are you doing!!?" Shout her and get annoyed.


I look at Nexus. She walks at me trying to help Yulia. Think... Ah, get it.

I reach for my phone in my pocket and throw it to Nexus.

She caught my phone. "You think that's will- Ack!"

(W-why are there two phones?)

That's Yulia's phone stupid. The only reason to always keep your phone with you is because it can break.

I release my hand on Yulia and shut the door. Click* Hope there is no one entering now.

I look at Yulia, she is trembling. Alice said I should make them fall in love with me but, looking at her half-naked with a bra on, I don't feel anything about it. All my handmade costume is on the desk. I open it and smirking. She is white-haired in color, so Let's start with Kanna's suit don't we?


"This is your all-day Idol, Geraldine! I sense someone in danger, who could it be?" Said, Geraldine without any reaction from what she called the shadow audience.

Nexus stands up and tries to pull the door forcefully.

(Tsk, at least give me a reaction.)

She walked behind Nexus and said. "If you break it, you will get a problem."

At that second, Nexus stopped and thought it back.

Geraldine stopped her walk and said. "Just what's happened inside?"


The door opened. Geraldine and Nexus get inside. Nexus is worried about Yulia and Geraldine just... She was curious about it and had nothing to do.

They are looking at soulless Yulia sitting on the bed with a fake white horn while hugged by Nina. They didn't know how to react.

"J-just what happened?" Asked Geraldine confused about what just she was looking at.

"Don't ask me." Said Nexus with a pitiful face while looking at Yulia.


I carry Yulia and bring it like a doll. While in front of them, I show Yulia with Kanna's suit proudly.

"It's her cute right?" Said me with a joyous feeling.

(Weirdos) -Nexus, Geraldine

"You can't blame it but, she provoked me so... and here she is now." Said me carrying up Yulia with my hands.

She is faintly said. "I-I am the number one genius and yet I get this kind of treatment..." Without any spirit.

"You just killed Yulia." Said Nexus while looking at her dead eyes.

"T-then, excuse me." Said, Geraldine.

She was excited before right? Oh, I did something crazy again.

Thinking it back makes me feel sad. "Sigh* then, you can carry her." Said me while giving Yulia to Nexus.

I closed the door and said. "Goodbye."

I relaxed my body on the bed and thought. What happened to me? I should not like this before. Is it the after-effect of that? I just want to try to know how it feels around nine geniuses like them. Now, getting excited is as easy as turning my hand.

I cover my head with my hand. Sigh* If I think back, I always force my sister to try the clothes I made. And yeah, I get excited a bit by looking at her cosplaying but, just a bit.

It's not like to this extent. Just what happened to me?

(After school, where we will go?)

(Hey, that's park really beautiful)

(Want to go canteen?)

(This cheeseburger is really delicious!!)


This sound keeps annoying me!! My head... Pant* pant* Looking at the window, the sunlight is lighting up my room. Maybe, changing place should make me feel better. I open the door and leave.

Walking without any purpose while looking down...

"Oh, is it not the one of Lordeca?"

One girl appears in front of me. She has a tag name. Youna Hilde, chief of SGS.

(She looks sad, anything happened to her?)

I look up. Sigh* even if her face looks at me seriously, she worries about me.

Didn't realize I smiled faintly and said. "Thanks"

(Huh? Why she is thanking me?)

She is still in her serious face. The false dignified person huh? She looked like a tiger but her heart was like a fluffy cat, calming. Even if my ability was not capable of reading her emotions, I knew it just as simply read it.

She pointed her finger at me and said firmly. "I know you do something to break the rule!"

I still faintly smiled at her. "But, we are Lordeca. This school rule is futile in front of us."

I feel a little bit happy to get cocky like this... No, It's not like this. Should not I have less of this level of communication skill? I still remember the day I met Eluthya. What happened to her next I didn't know but, the problem is I don't know what's happened to me.

It's like my excitement getting stronger than normal.

She looks confused. "Heh? Futile?"

(Does that mean they are invulnerable?)

(What is even SGS used for?)

"Why don't you keep an eye on me for now? I want to walk around." Said me while walking past her.


She follows me from behind.

(I should think about how to make them stand below the rule.)

This makes me feel... Normal. It's normal for me to get talked to from behind. It's normal for me to read other minds endlessly. Not like inside that house. It's too quiet for a creature who has a brain inside its head.

It makes me feel lonely. Usually, there is my mom who keeps thinking about her daily life and my sister who constantly thinking about me while looking at my photos on her wall.

The canteen can be found on each floor of the main building. There is an outside canteen too on this island. Or maybe should I go to the cafeteria? Mall? Each of these ideas is good but, I feel in a good mood to drink hot chocolate.

The cafeteria building is behind the left-side big building. Turn left, turn right, and I can see the left-side big building and I walk on the left side. Arrived in the cafeteria behind this building.

On our way, this person didn't stop thinking about the idea of how to make us, Lordeca stand below this school rule. It makes me happy because her constant thoughts make me can't read other people around the cafeteria. 

(Hey, that's the one of Lordeca right?)

(M-maybe we can ask her to join us?)

(This avocado is delicious!)

(Just what's going on between them?)

I smiled. Sigh* I just got happy and she suddenly stopped thinking. Ignore it, ignore it...

"Let's sit and we can talk about it." Said me while looking at the empty seat.

"U-uhm..." She nods at me.

At the time we sat, the waitress suddenly came and asked for our order.

"One hot chocolate and..." I glance at this person.

"Oh, one grape juice." Said her after knowing I glanced at her.

Like other people, she rushed to the receptionist and asked them to make our order. Even without using my ability, I could hear what she said because of her loud voice. Once again, this title makes people fuss around.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Asked me to start the conversation. Please, keep thinking because other people's thoughts around me make me get annoyed.

She looks around, I don't know what she does but I don't want to comment.

"You seem normal than them." Said her furrowed her eyebrows.

That's... not what I expected to come. Should I get annoyed by that word? Or should I be happy by that word? However, it makes me feel sick.

"Normal is always what I do." Said me with a sigh.

"No, no, that was rude for you I think... to be called normal. Umm... let's back to the topic." Said her worrying about whether I get offended or not.

I just kept silent and waited for her to talk about it.

"Can I ask you to monitor them?" Ask her to feel hesitant about it.

(Is it that easy to ask her?)

Yes! That's really easy to ask me! Really, Why do you think that I am untouchable like them? Ehm... Anyway.

"Yeah, but in exchange you should tell me all the databases about them." Said me with a serious face.

Let's try to trade. I need this information... Wait, it's not like Alice threatened me right? Why should I do what she talked about?

"Ah, in the second thought. It's no-"

"Wait! I will do it!" Said her cutting my words.

Okay, that will not hurt to know my housemate more I guess?

"Then, this conversation is over." Said me after leaving.

(Do all of them feel this intimidation? I am chilling about three times just talking in front of her.)

Intimidation? What the hell is she talking about?! It's just my communication skills... Nah, I think it's not. Just... I don't want to think about it further. Let's go home and look what the result.