Love Affairs (3)

The sun is setting down. Walking around was a good idea for me. Reading someone's mind, meeting with someone not familiar with, aiming for nothing...

It reminds me of my old days. Quiet yet crowded, they didn't talk a lot but could be read a lot. It's just... If there is one day when I can't ever use this ability again, that's truly the best day I will have.

But... I already didn't have friends so, that's not my wish anymore. Ah, here we go again, my beloved quiet pink house.

After opening the door, I see Nexus and Yulia with her umbrella. She stared at me sharply. The best I can do is smile at her while avoiding her eyes meet my eyes.

"S-sorry for overbroad." Said me regretting what I did to her.

"Not that, remember your promise." Said her still staring at me sharply.

Still without any thought huh?

(Umm...) - Linda

I look back and a purple-haired girl smiling gently at me.

"Could you give me away, please?" Asked her gently while smiling.

"Ah, Y-yes..." Said me a bit nervous about the sudden polite words.

Wait, those are harsh words but polished. It's the same as "Can you move?" with an annoyed feeling. A-anyway, I give her space because that's my fault for blocking the entrance.

She walks away. I think she is going to her room on the right side of the second floor. While turning back, Yulia was in front of me and get me surprised a bit.

"S-s-so? W-what you want?" Asked me to get scared and nervous.

This is my fault, to begin with it. Why should I offer her a chance to do something to me, to begin with it?! I regret my decision just because of my taste of cosplay.

She tilted her head to the left copied my action before and said. "Don't worry Nina, It will be fine. Just need one minute. Hehe~" Said her starting to smile creepily.

I looked around and focused on Nexus. She looked at me but just waved her hand. After that, she continued her reading. Oh, girls... I forgot that I didn't have a friend here.

She raised her hands.

"W-what?" Asked me confused.

"Carry me~" Said her begging me.

Owh... her eyes, it's like my sister pleads to me with full of genuine feeling but I still can read her thought that she just wanted to feel my chest... Wait, if that is the case, then what is she aiming for?

"O-okay." Said me forced to carry her.

After carrying her up, suddenly like... puff* Her face becomes cuter than normal. With a pair of bright eyes, fluffy cheeks, cute pink lips, and soft hair like cotton.

I-I... Look back!! Ah! I almost forgot her character.

She raised her left hand and pointed out a room. "Get me to there."

Fiuh... Her normal voice. It will touch my heart if her voice can be cuter than normal too.

(Hope you enjoy your harashment.) -Nexus

Huh? Harassment? Where is her umbrella? It's gone! It was there before! Near Nexus.

The door in front of me, with a tag named Yulia Grace. Hope we don't do anything weird.

Yulia opened the door. She got down after I got inside and closed the door. Click* The sound of the door locked. I look behind and am surprised that her umbrella is here. Just how!?

While walking at me she said. "What's the matter? You look confused." Said her.

She starts spinning her umbrella. It's almost like me threatening her before! I-Is this my karma!? No! I refused to believe it! Look around Nina...


I throw her pillow on the bed. She can easily avoid it... Huh? Then, if she can avoid it.

She raised her umbrella higher and grinned at me creepily. "Then RECEIVE MY REVENGE!!!!"

Her umbrella swung down at me but...


"You avoid that pillow so I thought that your strength is not that powerful." Said me with a sigh.

"I-I lost to muscle memory... What a shame." Said her disappointed.

She pulls her umbrella but... Her strength is not enough.

I start to smile creepily. I am fully aware of that so that's okay... I am fully aware...

Looking at me starts to smile creepily, she starts trying her best to pull out her umbrella from my hand.

"Pull!! Pull!! Pu-"

She knocked back as I released her umbrella.

She sits up and touches her back because hurts. "O-ow..."

I grab her umbrella and hit it to my left hand over and over again. She looked up and said with a trembling hand. "W-w-w-w-what you will do from that...?"

"Don't worry, it's just need one minute."


And that's the second time she gets tremendously scared of Nina...

(What's that noise!!?) -Radiant


"What happened?!! I wake up because of your loud noise!!!" Said Radiant while knocking on the room door strongly over and over.

Click* I open the door and let Tohru look at my masterpiece.

"Just what you do..." Her anger quickly disappeared after looking at Yulia get hanged upside down with her pants brightened with the sun setting down. She is shocked that she didn't even blink.

"D-don't stare... I-It's e-embarrassing." Said Yulia covering her face with her hands full of embarrassment because beaten twice by me.

Tiara came to Yulia's room and said. "I heard a loud noise from here... What happ-"

She was surprised too.

(Hmm...) -Tiara is in the process of thinking.

"Oh my~ It looks fun." At the last second, she stopped thinking and spouted nonsense with her smile.

"Y-you... You seem crueler than your look." Said her startled at me.

I smiled at them and said. "What should I do about it? She annoyed me."

The lighting from the sun really helped brighten this masterpiece.

I walk slowly outside. "Then, excuse me."

The feeling... The feeling!!! It's wonderful!! Ah~ I can even hide my joyous smile. To harass that little cocky girl. This is what I call healing...

With a sudden realization, I, once again do bad things on impulse.

But... I can sleep quickly now. I walked a bit and here is my room. Just two rooms separated by Yulia's room.


Laying my body on the bed is relaxing. I lean my body on the wall and think...

Nope, I just want to sleep now. Happy evening...


"T-thank you for putting me down Tiara~" I said with some of my tears down.

She smiled at me gently. "Don't worry, take care okay?"

She has carrying personnel that's lucky for me. She walks away. I write a text on the bed with the text "Did she sleep or not?" with my empty brain.

I write again "This is the only way she won't read my mind."

Sigh* I touch the wall with my hand. Focus...

Chop* chop* chop*

No, no, not the sound of Eluthya cooking.

Deg... Deg...

Her heartbeat... She is sleeping. Now it's safe for me to think. I got back to my bed and lay my body around while thinking. Back then, Her appearance after meeting with the principal was nervous as hell. Her smell, smelled like vomit comes out.

At first, I just wanted to intimidate her and get her scared of me or at least get nervous. The best atmosphere to manipulate people is a tight atmosphere. That's the start of me reaching my opponent's heart and controlling it. Whether with fear or kindness I don't care.

But, I unconsciously stepped on the land mind as I said the win-win condition about us. I prefer to reach my aim peacefully and steadily. Even if it will take a long way, if that's for sure to fill up my obsession, I will do it.

The feeling of joy while starting piece by piece... It's good. Knowledge should be like that. One fail, a new one appears, just like Thomas Alva Edison who even the news didn't know how many he tried, that's the start of the birth of new inventions.

And that process~ Makes me feel alive~ so delightful!

On the second try, I asked Nexus to throw back my umbrella. According to my theory, she can be focused just on one thing if she is reading other people's minds. My theory is approved because she can't hear it.

And because she didn't pay attention to her around, she didn't know that Linda always went home before the sun set down.

But, even not Nexus can bear my hit strength. Her hands were swollen red after being hit by me one month ago. No, that's not her strength... Her reflex. I didn't count it because my standard is Nexus. It's just her reflex quite abnormal. She didn't just blatantly endure my hit. She moved her hand the same as the umbrella and slowed down a bit to reduce its force.

And the last thing, she can read me well after I avoid the pillow she throws. I admit it, it's my mistake to not deflect it.

The next day is the next plan...

Ah~ This makes me feel happy to think about what should I do the next day~

I can't wait, it's like a destiny for us to meet with each other. It's like a love affair~