A small kid raised up his hand and tell the Emperor he knew everything about it, but who would this child be as everyone stared back to the person who sat directly to the Emperor, there was a moment of silence, broken only by the rustling of clothes as everyone turned to look at the boy who had spoken up. It was Solomon the prudent boy, the eldest of the Eminent Henry family, his eyes bright and confident as he sat in front of the Emperor.

The Emperor was taken aback by the child's answer, and he studied Solomon's face carefully. He seemed so confident, his eyes shining with conviction. He was just a child, but the Emperor had to admit that he was impressed by his boldness.

"Very well", the Emperor said, nodding slowly "now Solomon, are you sure you knew about this" said Emperor "yes His Majesty" he replied, "what a good boy in sooth" everyone chuckles to the King word.

Later on, in a serious occasion, "I ordered you, as the number one Emperor of this Empire to tell us how Buffalo's was ban from eating and Symbolized as the Royal sign of the Palace, if you goes wrong, you shall suffer for this according to the law" he added

The law says, "Interrupting the King is an offence which result to cleaning all the rooms in this palace" The tension in the room was palpable. The other members of the court could feel the weight of the moment, and they held their breath, watching the child's move. They knew that one wrong word could lead to disaster. His parent and Samson the junior brother, sat frozen, their eyes wide with fear. Meanwhile, the other families in the room watched with anticipation, hoping that the child would make a mistake and bring dishonour to the royal family.

After the king's order and conversation, a child also interfere after the communication not other than Devilee, "am In His Majesty"

  "what! What are you doing Devilee", her mother scold him,

  His mother turned pale, afraid of the consequences that he had just brought upon the family, the Emperor looks in Bemused and with surprise and curiosity. Was this child bold enough to speak up in front of the entire families? Or was he simply too young to understand the gravity of the situation?

The room was silent, waiting for the Emperor's reaction. Would he punish Devilee for his interruption, or would he allow him to speak? "are you guys toying with me or what?" he bowed, "I surely know about it, His Highness" Devilee replied, "if that the case, telling it wrongly or fooling and by imagination will lead to the Consequences stated earlier" he commanded.

"Now you duo, stand up!" The Emperor's words hung in the air like a heavy weight, and the two families trembled with fear. Prince Henry and his wife looked at each other, worry etched on their faces. They knew that their son was smarter and can actually get it wrong and vice-versa, but they also knew that the Emperor's judgment was swift and merciless.

Devilee's parents trembled with shame and remorse. They had tried to raise their son to be humble and respectful, but he had always been a stubborn and unruly child. They had never imagined that his pride and arrogance would lead to such dire consequences. They breath in intentionally everyone could heard it vividly.

The Emperor's words were grave, and the room fell silent as everyone awaited the child's answer. Solomon stood straight and tall, his eyes never wavering from the Emperor's. He knew that he was taking a risk, but he was confident in his knowledge.

"Your Majesty," he began, his voice clear and steady, "I will gladly tell you the story. But first, I must ask you a question. Do you truly wish to know the truth?"

The Emperor narrowed his eyes, studying the child's face. "Yes," he said, his voice firm., Solomon spoke, His voice was clear and powerful, and he spoke of the events of a dark day in the history of the empire. On that fateful day, the sky was clear and the sun was high in the sky, but the people could feel the storm brewing. The air was thick with tension, and they knew that something terrible had happen again. They could not have imagined the destruction that has befell them.

And then, without hesitation, the skies opened up, and a torrential rain fell upon the land. The winds howled and the trees bent under the force of the gale.

"But it was prophesied that, for the country to settle down amicably, the Emperor must trekked to a journey which will take him 365 days in which is approximately a year to an ancient Garden called Garden of Poison, his mission was to praise the ancestor according to his will, As the child continued his tale, the listeners were rapt with attention. They had never heard of the Garden of Poison, and they hung on Solomon's every word. They knew that this journey would be difficult and dangerous, but they also knew that the fate of the empire rested on the Emperor's success.

"So the Emperor set out on his journey, he took a lot of food and water in case of hunger. The road to the Garden of Poison was long and arduous, but going to face many trials along the way. But they persevered, for they knew that the future of their people depended on it.

And so it was, in the month of August, a great storm descended upon the land. The rains poured down, and the floodwaters rose, threatening to wash away everything in their path. The Emperor forced to take shelter, huddled together against the raging storm.

For three days and three nights, the rain continued to fall, and the waters continued to rise. The Emperor began to despair, for it seemed that his journey was doomed from the start. But then, on the third day, the clouds began to part, and the sun shone through.

The Emperor had become drenched, he loses his food and water he took to the journey, he's an old man of passion, who loved the country sincerely for going that extent, his food became rotten all because, they was sink in a flood.

On a very day, The Emperor's strength was waning, and his limbs were weak from hunger. The landscape around him was desolate and barren, and he could feel the life slowly draining from his body. But still, he crawled on, driven by a force greater than himself, all what was left with him were his spear and pistol Gun

The Emperor's voice was hoarse, his body weak and broken. He had given everything he had to this journey, and now he had nothing left to give. He lay there in the dirt, resigned to his fate, as the eyes of the wolf bore into him.

But then, he heard a voice, soft and melodic, as if carried on the wind. "Do not give up," it said. "Your journey is not yet over."

The Emperor struggled to open his eyes, and there before him stood a figure, cloaked in light. It was the ancestor, come to guide him once more. But all was a dream.

The Emperor's once regal appearance had been reduced to tatters by his long journey. His thin, sunken eyes reflected the strain of his trek, and his beard was matted with dirt and grime. His robes were stained and torn, and his feet were raw and blistered from walking through the thick forest. He looked nothing like the mighty ruler he had once been.

But still, his gaze was resolute, his spirit unbroken. He was determined to finish what he had started, no matter the cost, he lay down and heard a faint rustling in the bushes. He paused, his heart racing, as a pair of eyes peered out at him from the shadows. They were the eyes of a Buffalo 

He saw a big Buffalo approaching him gently but the animal couldn't see him, he cork up his gun and ready to attack the big beast agitatedly, as he stood up in which his adrenaline gland had boosted him a little giving him 50% chance of losing and wining to the animal.

But a thought enveloped through his mind, should I kill this animal or I should just keep tailing it, hmmm, it a concentrated situation filled with suspense and confusion, he held his spear straight like a hunter, about to attack, he doesn't know what has comes over him.

He dropped the weapon on the soil carelessly, the Buffalo turn and saw him with no weapon instead of the buffalo to run away, but the animal as a good Samaritan, quickly ran to a tree and dig it up, but the Emperor can see the animal is ready for food intake but there were no energy to move further because he had made his option to die in the forest alone.

This Buffalo uprooted the tree, but what the Emperor could see is water gushing out, then the Buffalo escaped, he crawled to the river as if his life was about to end, the day light had become dim, he got there and dipped his head sincerely to drink as much as he could, the Emperor regaining his energy and power and can see the flavour of the water.

He jumped inside it to enjoy the sweetness of the water, he found himself transported to a strange and beautiful place. He looked around in wonder, the garden full of vibrant flowers and lush trees. He heard a voice, soft and gentle, whispering in his ear: "You have arrived at the Garden of Poison."

The Emperor was not sure what to make of this, but he followed the sound of the voice. As he walked, he noticed that the garden was more like a maze, with winding paths and hidden corners.


The Emperor's family and Emperor were enthralled by the story, hanging on every word. They found themselves completely immersed in the tale, as if they were living it alongside Solomon. They could feel the fear and uncertainty that he must have felt, and they could sense the danger that lurked around every corner.

The Emperor continued his tale, and the family and advisors were on the edge of their seats, wondering what would happen next.


"So after all, the Emperor returned to his palace, his eyes shining with a new understanding and wisdom. He gathered his people and gave a proclamation, that from this day forward, the country must not eat Buffalo anymore, also the symbol must be drawn with Buffalo head, in honour of the pagoda tree that had helped him find his life.

He ordered the construction of a magnificent palace, in the shape of the tree that had guided him through in searching for the Garden of Poison. And so it was that the kingdom flourished once more, under the guidance of its wise and benevolent ruler.

With a final flourish, the boy finished his tale. "He died on the night after the edifice was been celebrated and that is how Buffalo came to be banned from eating in our kingdom, and how it became the royal symbol of our Empire. May the Emperor's wisdom and courage be remembered for all time"

The room was silent, and then erupted in applause. The Emperor was moved by the boy's retelling of the tale.

Everyone looks.......