
Wow, it's really huge. This goes through my head as I look at the building in front of me. The Fate Circle bought this building a year ago and made it their headquarters.

I calm down and go inside. If I can succeed in the interview in the following days as well, I will work here in a very high position.

I go to the reception and view the invitation on my mobile. The nice lady will confirm it and explain to me where I should go and what to do next.

I follow the instructions and take the elevator to the desired floor. After opening the door, I enter the vast hall, where there are already over two hundred other interested parties and there will be more of us, after all, there is still half an hour left until the start.

The hands of the clock strike nine, signaling the start of our testing. There are more than four hundred and fifty other people here with me. I chuckle inwardly. My chances of success are really slim.

Blinds will darken the windows, preventing any sunlight from shining through. The lights go out. The room plunges into complete darkness.

Suddenly, the company logo is projected onto the blinds. This is followed by a show of the company's greatest achievements, enriched by voice. The image darkens for a moment before a man is projected onto it.

White hair, blue eyes, beautiful face. Black shirt and pants. Athletic body. His age cannot be more than a quarter of a century. There is no doubt. The person being projected is Amon Atlant, co-owner and CEO of Fate Circle. At the same time, also the organizer of this testing and possibly my future boss. I admire him very much. He is my idol. It is my dream to work with him and get his recognition. I will do anything to succeed.

After a moment of silence, he finally spoke in a calm voice, "Welcome to the Fate Circle. I am glad that so many of you have gathered here. I will not speak of our gratitude that you have come here today. We all know why you're here. You want to seize the opportunity we offer.

As you probably already know, our company has decided to establish a new department. One of you will become its director and become part of the company's ruling circle, with me as his immediate superior. You have a chance to become the top of the business world. Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you can meet my expectations. The winner will become the manager of a library recording the history of not only the company, but eventually the entire world. I wish you luck and success."

The room darkens again before the lights come on and the blinds are drawn up. The brightness blinds me for a while, but I get used to it quickly.

In the room, on my right, a large double door opens. Out of them emerges a large, middle-aged black man in a tight suit, his muscles straining to the point of bursting. His entire arsenal hangs behind his belt, which is frightening. This man's name is Viktor Perich and he is the director of the Untouchability Department. He holds a position in the company of the same level as the one for which we will compete.

"Welcome to us. Nice to meet you. I am Viktor Perich and I will be supervising your exam today. Please follow me."

He turns and goes back where he came from. Several of my competitors are following him. I also slowly step forward and follow the others.

We move into another vast room. I look around me. There are several hundred tables and just as many chairs.

On the wall opposite the door is a raised platform. Mr. Perich will stand on it and give us detailed information about our first test. Not that there is much.

"Please find a seat and sit down." I hear him walk over to the table near the center of the room.

Only after everyone is seated does he speak again: "Please allow me to announce the start of the first exam. Now we will give you a pen and a question sheet. Your task is to answer the given questions to the best of your ability. You have until four in the afternoon. As soon as you receive the test you can start. I wish you good luck."

A few people come out of a small side door with a pile of papers and pens before they start handing them out to us all.