
I look at my file. My information should be recorded on the title page. I grab a pen and start by writing down my name before writing down any other necessary information.

I start looking at the contents of the sheet. There are a hundred questions in it that we have to answer. Most of the questions revolve around storage, management, overview, data security and related things. All this in collaboration with the most advanced AI in the world. I will start answering the first question.

Time passes quickly and five hours pass without realizing it. I have only one last question left to answer. What do you do in the event of a data breach? (Legality doesn't matter)

I ponder the answer for a moment before writing down my sorted thoughts. Something like this should never happen, but if it does, I would act according to the importance of the data and the identity of the holders of the information.

I finish writing, put down the pen and close the sheet. I shake my hand. I get up from the table and quietly leave.

Not many of my opponents stay in the room anymore. Many have gone before me. The next exam is tomorrow, so I decided to go back to the hotel.

After I go outside, my stomach rumbles. I realize I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. I'm terribly hungry. Unfortunately, lunch time at my hotel is already over. I reach into my pocket and pull out my cell phone. On the map, I will look for restaurants located in the vicinity. I will look at the ratings and choose one. I let the map guide me and soon reach my destination.

It looks very nice. I walk in and look around for a seat. Everywhere I look, it's full. I start to walk between the tables and hope to find an empty one. Finally, I walk the entire restaurant to the corners. Finally I see a relatively empty table, only one blond guy a few years younger than me is sitting at it with a glass of wine.

I make my way over to the table and stop a short distance from him, working up the courage to ask him if I can sit down, but before I can even say anything, he speaks up, "Do you want to sit down?" He surprisingly asks in English.

"Can I? That is, if you don't mind. I don't want to be a bother.'

"Does not matter. Feel free to sit down."

"Thank you."

I pull out a chair and sit across from him. We sit in silence. The waiter will arrive soon with the menu. I will choose my food and order soon.

He drinks his wine and suddenly speaks: "What is your name? I am Daniel.'

"My name is Philip."

"Where are you from? You're definitely not local.'

"From America, the United States. Are you local?"

"I moved here to town less than two years ago."

Silence falls between us again. In the meantime, they'll bring me a beer. He takes a few sips before speaking again: "Philip, have you ever thought about death." He is slightly flushed, probably the alcohol talking about him: "You know, I fear death most of all, but I still want to die. It's strange, isn't it? What is the meaning of life if we are all destined to die anyway. People will die out someday. The earth will be destroyed. I would like to see it all, I want to know what people will say about me after I die. What is the meaning of life? These questions keep me awake. I never want to be forgotten. I want to live forever. To understand and know everything. Get answers to my questions. Oh sorry, I got a little carried away. Do not take it seriously."

"It's okay, I enjoyed listening to your thoughts, but I don't have the answers to your questions" Daniel is certainly a strange person.

After I answer him, they bring him food as if on cue, and not long after, me too.

As he finishes, he pays and leaves. But before that he speaks to me: "We'll meet again soon, Filip." I don't think too much about it, I also finish and pay before I go for a walk and look around.