Sharp pain


Lilian was getting ready for bed when she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

She screamed and laid down on the floor.

Her aunt and uncle rushed to her room. They crouched down on the floor close to her worried.

"What's wrong baby?" they asked.

"Jax.... Jax rejected me." she said as she groaned in pain. 

"Why is he doing the rejection now?" her aunt asked worried.

"do you think he found us?" her uncle asked.

"he probably found someone knew." Lilian managed to say over the pain she was feeling.

"Will you be okay? What can we do?" her aunt asked.

"Nothing, I just have to wait until the pain goes away, just help me to the bed."

They helped her to the bed and she laid down. Even though she insisted that she was okay and that there was no need for them to stay, her aunt and uncle insisted on staying to look after her.