Thanks Alessandro


After dinner, Lilian escorted Alessandro to his car.

"Thanks for having dinner, my uncle really loved your company." she told him.

He held her hand and drew her closer to him.

"What about you, did you like it?" he asked her.

"You know I always love your company."

"I also enjoyed having dinner with your family. It gave me the feel of being with a family. I haven't felt that way in a while now."

She reached up with her free hand and stroked his hair.

"Oh sweetie, you can come here anytime you want." she told him.

"Thanks baby, can I ask you something though?"

"What is it?"

"Why did you tell them about us now? I remember asking you about it before and you refused."

"You choose to trust me despite my complicated past that you know little about. If you can do that for me, why should I keep you a secret?"

"I noticed that they don't know i am a werewolf?" Alessandro asked.