A little patience won't hurt you


Jax stood in front of Ricciardo's room door debating within himself if he should knock on the door or now.

Last night Ricciardo had seemed a bit off and then he hadn't come down for breakfast this morning.

Jax missed him a lot, in just a short while, he had gotten very used to having Ricciardo around. He hated to think how he would cope when he eventually left. Infact, he hated to think that Ricciardo would ever leave.

He looked at the door in front of him and opened it. He walked inside the room. 

Ricciardo was lying in bed, from the looks of it, he was still asleep.

Jax lay down on the bed and put his arm around Ricciardo who was sleeping sideways.

Ricciardo turned around to look at him with sleepy eyes.

"Hey." Jax whispered.

"Is it morning?" Ricciardo mumbled.

"Yes, rough night?"

"Hmmm, I couldn't sleep." Ricciardo whispered.

"why didn't you come to me in the study?" he asked him.