Tian Yongheng

Planet Earth, Modern Era, Year 2023.

*Buzz Buzz*.

The sound of an alarm ringing came, and was abruptly stopped by a muscular hand that stretched out from bed.

Slowly, a Young Man that looked to be in his late teens sat up on his bed. He had a well-toned Physique, and even with his disheveled hair, one could tell that he was devastatingly handsome.

At this moment, he got up from the bed, revealing his aesthetic upper body and went straight into the bathroom.

Some time later, he came out after taking a shower and looked at the mirror.

He had an indifferent look on his face, and his good-looks could be seen from that.

At this moment, a knocking sound came from the door of his room.

"Young Master, breakfast is ready, please come down in a few minutes."

A voice that sounded to be a middle-aged woman's came from outside.


The Young Man said in a calm voice.

Then, he heard footsteps slowly fading away.

After a few minutes, he wore a plain-white t-shirt and jet-black pants. Even with such simple clothing, he exuded an aura of dominance and coldness, yet was also gentle and kind.

After picking up his backpack, he went downstairs to find his parents and younger sister already sitting on the dining table with food present in front of them.

"Yong'er, come and eat."

The middle-aged woman who seemed to be the Young Man's mother said to him kindly. even though she already seemed to be in her 40's, she was still very beautiful. One could tell at a glance that she must've been very pretty in her prime.

The Young Man sat down on one of the chairs and started eating.

A few moments later, the middle-aged man who was supposedly the Young Man's father said in a calm voice.

"Yong'er, do you really not want to marry that eldest Young Lady of the Wang Family?"

At the mention of this, the atmosphere turned a bit solemn.

The Young Man's mother also glanced at him, supposedly waiting for his answer.

"Father, we haven't even met each other, not to mention that I think the Young Lady of the Wangs doesn't want to marry me. Its better to call off the marriage, lest both our lives get ruined."

The Young Man said calmly, looking at his father.

The Middle-aged man sighed softly, and then nodded in understanding.

"Alright, I'll talk to the Wang Family Head in a few days personally."

Both the Young Man's mother and younger sister seemed a bit disappointed, but they quickly returned to normal.

After finishing his breakfast, the Young Man stood up and said to his younger sister.

"Qi'er, finish your breakfast quickly then we'll set off to school."

The girl nodded and finished her food, and they both went to school In a red-colored Porsche.

After a few moments, the girl looked at her brother with a frown.

"Brother, why don't you marry that young lady of the Wang Family? I also want a sister-in-law!"

"You'll have to wait for that, as for the Young Lady of the Wangs, I've heard that she's pretty against this marriage, so I don't think forcing her will do any good."

The Young Man said as he glanced at his little sister.

The girl sighed softly as she changed the topic.

"Forget about it then, anyways brother, you will be turning 18 tomorrow. Mom said that we should visit a temple today on the nearby mountain to pray. Don't be too late, alright?"

"I understand."

The Young Man smiled at her faintly. They already reached their school by this time, and the girl gets off the car as the Young Man parks it in the school's parking lot, parting ways with his sister.

Everyone's gazes are fixated on the siblings, just by looking at them, one can tell they belong to a very high-class society.

Not just the Young Man, but his little sister was also really beautiful. It was natural for people to stare at them.

The young man rushes into the school entrance, and everywhere he passes by, he leaves the men intimidated and women infatuated.

Someone suddenly taps him on the shoulders, and he turns to see who it is.

"Hey, Brother Tian!"

An energetic looking Young Man says while tapping on "Brother Tian's" shoulder, while he's also handsome, he is nowhere as good looking as the Young Man with the surname Tian.

The Young Man surnamed Tian smiles faintly.

"Brother Hong."

There are a few more people beside the Young Man with the surname Hong, and they all call out respectively.

"Brother Tian."

The Young Man surnamed Tian smiles at them.

A few people whisper in the alleyway of the school.

"Who is that handsome young master?"

"You're truly a frog in a well, don't you know him? He's Tian Yongheng, the Eldest Young Master of Tian Family, the most influential and powerful family in the entire city.

Not only does he have a powerful background, he's also really handsome, well-behaved, intelligent and quick-witted. He lives up to the name of the Tian Family.

I've even heard that he's a Master of Martial Arts and he has mastered multiple deadly Martial Arts such as Muay Thai and Krav Maga. He's called 'Mr Perfect' in the campus."

"*Gasps*, damn, he's really a true big shot!"

As people continue whispering, it doesn't affect Tian Yongheng and his Acquaintances.

Just as they're about to enter the class, Tian Yongheng bumps into someone.