The Weather Is Changing In The Entire World

2 Years Later.

A terrifying aura burst forth from the Eternal Peak, instantly covering a distance of more than 30 miles.

At this moment, almost every disciple could sense the unfathomable pressure. They all looked at the cave abode at the tallest peak with reverence.

"Such powerful aura!"

"Did Peak Master breakthrough in his seclusion?"

"Has he entered the Acquired Realm now!?"

"That is most likely the case."

All of them gathered together and discussed.

Inside the cave abode, Tian Yongheng consolidated his Cultivation base as he checked his Status Panel.

[Name: Tian Yongheng]

[Race: Mortal]

[Lifespan: 63/1527]

[Cultivation: First Stage of Acquired Realm]

[Constitution: Five-Elemental Divine Spiritual Physique]

[Bloodline: Jade Pure Bloodline (Descendant of the Celestial Venerable of Primordial Beginning)]

[Innate Talent(s): Sword Heart, Primordial Meridians and Primordial Bones.]

[Affiliation(s): Eternal Peak]

[Occupation(s): Founder of the Eternal Peak]

[Title(s): Master of Eternal Peak]

[Cultivation Technique(s): Divine Scripture of the Primordial Beginning]


The Acquired Realm!

The increase in strength brought about by his breakthrough to the Acquired Realm this time was by no means small. Not only had his divine sense grown stronger, his spiritual energy had also increased in both quality and quantity.

He felt as if he could destroy thousands of his past Foundation Establishment Realm selves!

Suddenly, another series of system notifications appeared before him.

[Congratulations to the host for breaking through to the Acquired Realm.]

[Obtained a bottle of Acquired Pills, the Rank-3 Dharma Artifact, Purple Silk Robe and an increase in the spirit qi of the Personal Dao Field by 2 times.]

Almost instantly, the spirit qi of the entire Dao Field became much more dense and increased by 2 times. Almost everyone inside the Dao Field could feel these changes.

"Wait, Peak Master can do this too!?"

"Amazing! This is the first time I have ever witnessed someone increasing the spirit qi of their Dao Field after a major breakthrough!"

All the other Disciples were still only at the Acupoint Opening Stage, and thus could not sense such major changes. But Feng Zhen and Jia Changxun could sense it, causing them to be astonished and amazed at the same time.

In just the past 2 years, their cultivation had improved steadily, and they were getting closer and closer to a breakthrough. If nothing went wrong, they could enter the Foundation Establishment Realm in less than 200 years.

Not just that, judging by their speed of improvement, even the Acupoint Opening Stage disciples could enter the Qi Condensation Realm in at most 20 years.

In the past, it was unimaginable for all of them. But now, it seemed possible because of the dense spirit qi of Eternal Peak and Tian Yongheng's providence. For them, it was a blessing, a great opportunity, an Immortal encounter, and whatever one may call it.

And who allowed them to have such a great opportunity?

It was Tian Yongheng, the Master of Eternal Peak!

The kindness he had shown them could never be repaid.


Inside the cave abode.

Tian Yongheng checked the information about the Purple Silk Robe.

[Purple Silk Robe: Defensive Dharma Artifact. A Robe made of Purple Silk produced by the famous Auspicious Purple Gu. It can block all attacks below the Innate Realm, including hidden attacks such as poison and give the wearer good luck and providence.]

It's that good!?

He quickly replaced the Blue Cloud Robe with the Purple Silk Robe, feeling a sense of security as his defense increased.

At this moment, another system notification sounded in his mind.

[Unlocking a new system function: Simulation Battle Trial.]


Meanwhile, a news was spreading like wildfire in all of Central Continent, about to reach the other continents.

Central Continent, Imperial Capital of the Great Jiang Immortal Dynasty.

"Hey, did you hear the rumor that has been circulating around the entire continent?"

"The eldest disciple of Kunlun Divine Mountain exterminated a Tribulation Transcendence Realm faction!"

"Are you sure? A Tribulation Transcendence Realm faction has hundreds of thousands of members within it! There should've been more than a hundred Nascent Soul Realm cultivators in it, and don't forget about the Tribulation Transcendence mighty figure or figures who must've been the pillars of that faction!"

"Heh, you don't know anything at all! A Tribulation Transcendence Realm powerhouse can annihilate tens of thousands of Nascent Soul Realm cultivators, let alone a hundred Nascent Soul Realm cultivators and cultivators below Nascent Soul! Not to mention, this is the eldest disciple of Kunlun Divine Mountain we're talking about! He's a one in ten million years genius who can defeat opponents multiple realms higher than him! Which expert in the Tribulation Transcendence Realm dares to fight him?"

"But why did he go to such lengths to destroy that faction?"

"It's said that they were in cahoots with demonic cultivators and were spying on him. Unfortunately, the demonic cultivators were all Immortal Ascension Realm powerhouses. Right now, almost all the major factions are searching for them across the entire continent. They will be wanted worldwide once this news reaches the other continents."

"Such influence of the eldest disciple when Mount Kunlun hasn't even made a shows their supreme authority."

"Putting that aside, do you know of another interesting news? The Tribulation Transcendence Realm faction which was slaughtered was actually a branch family of the Great Shen Immortal Family!"

"What!? Then, is their going to be a war between major factions!?"

"I doubt it, Shen Family won't dare retaliate. In the first place, it was their fault for not keeping their forces in check."

"That is also true...sigh, the weather is changing in the entire world."

"What can we do about it? We're mere Innate Realm cultivators. Sometimes I just think about going back to my mortal hometown and become that land's guardian deity to protect mortals from all kinds of dangers. I will at least receive merit and their faith which will help improving my providence."

"You're really something, aren't you?"


Northern Continent, Ice Mystic Holy Land.

"Master, what is the difference between karma and merit?"

Yao Qiuyue asked curiously, looking at her master who was sitting in front of her. She had already reached the Eighth Stage of Qi Condensation Realm a year ago.

Although she had basic theories regarding things such as karma and merit, it was all from her previous life where these supernatural elements were nonexistent, at least they were believed to be until the revival of spirit qi.

Now that she had the chance, she definitely wanted to know about them.

"Difference between karma and merit? Hmm, both of them are closely related. Karma is divided into two types, good karma or positive karma and bad karma or negative karma. Good karma is the cause and merit is the effect, for doing good deeds that are beneficial to living beings and such. For mortals, if one has enough good karma and merit, then after their death, they can be reincarnated and have a good life whereas negative karma means the opposite. But in the terms of Immortal Cultivators, good karma and merit means great providence and lucky encounters, while negative karma can incur the wrath of the Heavenly Dao. These are fundamentally the same thing, so don't dwell on it too much. You'll come to understand them naturally once you become an Immortal."

Shi Qingyuan explained with a pleasant expression on his face. This was one of the few times his only disciple had asked him about something, otherwise, she would always act as if she knew everything.

What he told her could be said to be his own understanding of profound things such as karma, after all, only actual Immortals could truly understand and manipulate these profound laws.