Righteous Path And The Demonic Path

Soon, they arrived above a mountain nearly a hundred thousand feet tall, located tens of millions of miles and multiple regions away from the Shen Family's manor.

Just as they entered a range of a million miles of the mountain, there was a sizzling sound of a formation being deactivated as the mountain came into sight.

Suddenly, more than 10 figures flew towards them and arrived in front of them. They all bowed to Shen Qingshan, the head of the Great Shen Immortal Family.

They were top-notch experts guarding the underground prison of the Demon Suppression Mountain under the Shen Family, all in the Immortal Ascension Realm.

Their gazes landed on Wang Daoyun besides Shen Qingshan, and he introduced them to eachother.

After exchanging pleasantries, Shen Qingshan went straight to the reason why they were here.

All the Shen Family experts communicated with Shen Qingshan via voice transmission, but Wang Daoyun didn't mind it. These experts had been guarding the Demon Suppression Mountain for many thousands of years and cultivating here.

They didn't have much contact with the outside world, and thus, they were deeply shocked to hear about what had happened during the past few years, though they did not show it on the surface.

The demonic path actually took the initiative to mess with the eldest disciple of the righteous path's strongest force despite being beaten back many years ago?

Who would believe that?

They were clearly on the verge of extinction!

Not just that, the demonic path cultivators were all very cunning and cautious. They would never do something without thinking of the consequences. This was common knowledge in the cultivation world.

A huge storm is brewing that will affect the entire world...

They all couldn't help but be cautious about these recent events. Every single person who was aware of the recent affairs also had similar thoughts.

They were also quite impressed by Wang Daoyun's act of clearing traitors within the righteous path all alone.

They all looked at Wang Daoyun, nodding in agreement, and soon, with the Shen Family experts leading the way, they quickly arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

They directly passed through the mountain as if it was just an illusion, but in fact, they could pass through only because the formation outside had been deactivated. As soon as they entered, the formation was reactivated and everything returned to normal.



Inside the underground prison of the Demon Suppression Mountain.

Countless wailing and howling sounds echoed throughout the entire place, making it seem as if one had entered a purgatory in the deepest level of hell. It was clear that there were many other prisoners inside who had all gone insane.

Their appearance had changed so much that they could no longer be considered humans...in fact, many of these prisoners weren't humans but demons.

Demon beasts who gained enlightenment and intelligence had undergone a transformation and were called demons. It took a normal demon beast many years to gain intelligence, while in other cases, there were also many demon beasts who were intelligent from their birth. This was the origin of the Demon Race.

Many demon beasts who had inferior bloodlines and potential could not transform into demons in their entire lifetime. Aside from that, there were also other categories in the Demon Race besides the demon beasts, such as divine beasts, holy beasts, spirit beasts and so on. There were also many clans and races in the Demon Race like the Golden Crow Race and Qilin Race.

Only top tier demons such as Dragons and Phoenix were qualified to be a part of these categories. Though such demons rarely appeared in the outside world.

Wang Daoyun long knew about the fact that the name of the 'Demon Suppression Mountain' wasn't just for show. All the demons in this prison were powerful beings at least in the Tribulation Transcendence Realm, and they had all caused trouble for the cultivation world and were thus suppressed here.

As for the Demon Race, they didn't care about it.

Soon, they reached the place where the demonic cultivator was sealed. He was bound by chains which seemed to be a rather high grade Dharma Artifact, completely sealing his Spiritual Energy. Even his Nascent Soul couldn't escape from these bounds.

Shen Qingshan came forward, an extremely cold killing intent flashed through his eyes as he asked, "What does the demonic path mean by this? Are they trying to start another righteous demonic war? Do they not see the consequences their actions will bring?"

At this moment, the demonic cultivator's eyes were filled with contempt and disdain, as if he did not take Shen Qingshan seriously at all.

"Consequences? What are you talking about, esteemed head of the Great Shen Immortal Family? Have we demonic cultivators ever really cared about them?" He said, his tone filled with mockery.

He turned his gaze to Wang Daoyun, who was struggling to hold himself back from attacking the deceitful and evil being before him.

"Kunlun Divine Mountain won't protect the Second Great Mortal World forever, you know. You righteous cultivators always act as if you're doing everything for the sake of the world, yet you yourself treat beings lower than you as disposables. I may ask, is that the way of the Immortal Gods?

In the end, you're all the same as us, greedy for power, longevity, you want everything, and so do we. But why are only we considered evil just because we take a few drastic measures to achieve what we want?

You righteous path cultivators are so delusional, you think the Heavenly Dao works the way you see it. But in reality, it's impartial to all living beings and does not care about whether one is righteous or not. Negative karma? Righteous path cultivators also have around the same amount of negative karma as us demonic path cultivators.

At the end of the day, we all pursue the Immortal Dao, why the discrimination then?

Remember, every calamity that shall occur in the future will be because of the narrow-mindedness of the righteous path. Only when the righteous and demonic unite will the world have a chance to survive. This is the balance of the Dao, and you can't deny it."

Everyone present was shocked by this speech, including Shen Qingshan and Wang Daoyun. They couldn't help but contemplate over the demonic cultivator's world before Wang Daoyun finally decided to speak.

"Then why were you monitoring me?"

"We weren't trying to provoke you, we were just searching for the right time to talk. We want to establish a temporary alliance between both our paths. As for the reason...that will be discussed by the higher ups."

Everyone present felt as if a cold blade was resting on their necks, even though there was truth in the demonic cultivator's words, they still couldn't fully trust him yet. There was a chance that it may be a trick for them to let their guards down, but if the demonic path was really trying to establish an alliance...then this matter was definitely not something to think lightly of.

The demonic cultivators had never proposed an alliance to the righteous cultivators in the entire history of the world, but if this was happening right now, then it was definitely a catastrophic event that endangers the entire world.


At this moment, the Eternal Peak.

Tian Yongheng was discussing the events that happened while he was in seclusion with Jia Changxun.

Suddenly, he felt a strange feeling in his chest and looked up.

Why do I feel such a huge sense of insecurity...?