A Cup Of Tea With The Jade Emperor

2 years later.

Eternal Peak.

A powerful aura burst forth from Yan Jingfei's daoist temple, alarming every disciple present, including Lu Qingfeng.

Has senior sister finally stepped into the Acquired Realm?

He thought silently, rushing out of his daoist temple.

However, as soon as he stepped outside, his gaze landed on the Bodhi Wisdom Tree sapling, which had now already grown much taller.

Wait...it's already more than 10 feet tall? I'm sure it was less than 3 feet tall when i first came here, and senior sister told me this was a Natural Treasure from the primordial times. Don't these kind of special treasures and items usually take much longer to mature than others? I should ask senior sister about this later on.

Thinking of this, he turned his attention back to Yan Jingfei's daoist temple, sitting down right outside and continuing to cultivate there, waiting for her to come out.