The Board Has Been Established; All That Remains Are The Pieces

At this moment, Tian Yongheng suddenly felt two familiar presences outside of his cave abode.

Yan Jingfei and Lu Qingfeng?

Knowing who they were, he let them, and soon, both of them were infront of him.

They cupped their fists and bowed, before Yan Jingfei began to speak, "Master, that phenomenon outside was...?"

"Hm? Did it cause that much of a commotion? I got insights into the Sword Dao and just created a new Divine Power." He explained, casually waving his hand.

Hearing him say that, Yan Jingfei's eyes widened in pure shock, her banda trembling slightly.

"Just"..? Creating a Divine Power is no ordinary feat! Only the founding ancestors of the major factions could've ever done such a thing, and I doubt even they could do it so easily! How can master talk about it so casually?

Does he not think of this as that great of a feat or is he simply being humble?