Tian Yunchen, The Genius Who Fell From Grace

"H-how is that even.." Tian Yunchen stumbled upon his words, his eyes showing a hint of disbelief, suspicion and at last, guilt.

"It may be hard for you to believe, but I know, as I heard about both you and second brother from our mother many times back then. Back when...she was still here." Although his face was expressionless, Tian Yongheng's emotions betrayed him as his fists clenched without his knowledge as the memories of how brutally his entire family had been slaughtered came flooding back into his mind.

Of how lifeless his father's body looked, of how cold his mother's corpse was.

Speaking of it, since that day, he had lost all his emotions after getting struck by the lightning struck which caused the activation of the system. At least on the surface level.