Nirvana Rebirth, Qingyun Sword Sect

A couple of weeks passed by in the blink of an eye.

Today, roaring lightning and thundering clouds finally started to cease down bit by bit.

Inside of Tian Yongheng's cave abode, Tian Yunchen sat cross-legged, his complexion way better than before. During this period of time, Tian Yongheng simply watched over him so that nothing would go wrong, after all, this was the first time he was doing a thing as risky as transforming one's Connate Providence, which was no different than provoking the heavens themselves. He needed to see it through.

The process of transforming Tian Yunchen's Connate Providence was almost done, with only the final step left.

At this moment, his consciousness fully entered the Silver Cascade Holy River, completely submerging into it.