Nature Of The Golden Core Realm

Some time later.

Inside of his cave abode, Tian Yongheng had completely composed himself and was at his peak condition, his mind as tranquil as water as he sat on his cultivation mat in a lotus position.

He was about to attempt to step into the Golden Core Realm.

Although he knew he would most likely succeed, he still initially felt somewhat uneasy. It was only now that he meditated for a few days that his state of mind returned to its calm.

The Golden Core Realm is a pinnacle realm, as if designed specifically for prodigies. No matter how talented they are, as long as their state of mind isn't calm and they're too impatient, they'll inevitably fail.

Of course there were exceptions in that too.

His father and mother were also cultivators of the Golden Core Realm. He felt a bit emotional reminiscing about the past.