Invincible In The Golden Core Realm

3 years passed by in a flash.

In the past 3 years, Tian Yongheng finally sorted through all of his recent gains including refining the Dharma Artifacts and stabilizing his cultivation base.

Now, he was preparing to learn all the new techniques and spells he had obtained while also upgrading the existing ones to his current level.

Only after then would he be considered a true Golden Core Realm cultivator with great combat power.

Before going into seclusion again, he decided to check the system mails to know the current situation of the outside world. He had not left the Eternal Peak for more than 40 years, after all.

[Your good friend, Yan Zhangwei, has entered seclusion to breakthrough. His cultivation has increased greatly.]

[Your good friend, Yan Guo, was attacked by a Demon Beast.]×1,566

[Your good friend, Yan Guo, obtained the cultivation records of a cultivator from the past. His cultivation has increased greatly.]