Karma Severing Sword Art

"Clean up this entire place and leave no traces of the battle today. Unless someone of the Void Refinement Realm comes to investigate, no one would figure out what happened here. With the amount of resources I've obtained today, making another breakthrough soon won't be too difficult. " Kong Junyu said, looking at Qiao Lan.

A shiver jolted through Qiao Lan's body as she met his gaze and nodded hastily.

Angering Kong Junyu was akin to inviting calamity upon oneself. She definitely didn't want that.

She quickly left to call other subordinates of Kong Junyu and work with them to clean this place up.

Kong Junyu, on the other hand, was deep in thought.

Since he had killed an important member of the Qingyun Sword Sect along with multiple other powerful experts, they surely wouldn't sit still. Sooner or later, this would come in light for sure.