Looming War Between The Righteous And Demonic

Stopping halfway through, he took out the Communication Jade and probed it with his Divine Sense, only to find that Mo Yuxin was trying to contact him.

"What happened, Lady Mo? Is there anything you need my assistance for?" He asked in an even tone of voice.

"Fellow daoist Tian, we've encountered a small problem here in the search of the demonic cultivators who besieged the Thousand Petals Hall, although it's only a little trouble, I thought it'd be good to let you know about it." Mo Yuxin replied, her voice somewhat nervous, but still exuding a sense of elegance.

She was nervous because of fear that Tian Yongheng may be disappointed in her that she couldn't even do a single favor to him properly despite having all the resources and people necessary.

She definitely didn't want that to happen, but if this evolved into a major problem later on, then she won't be able to face him properly too.