Mysteries Of Void Refinement Realm

16 years later.

A vast aura surged out of Tian Yongheng's cave abode, but it was blocked by an unknown power as soon as it burst forth.

This power was extremely unfathomable, far stronger than even Zhao Ye's Sword Intent and many times more powerful than Tian Yongheng of the past.

With this power blocking the aura, no one, not even Tian Yunchen, who had already reached the Seventh Stage of Golden Core Realm with his true strength reaching the peak of Golden Core Realm, could detect it.

Gradually, the rising aura halted and calmed down.

Inside of the cave abode, Tian Yongheng slightly opened his eyes, sensing all his newfound powers and abilities.

He had broken through to the Void Refinement Realm!

The aura earlier was none other than his aura of the Void Refinement Realm, and the power that blocked that aura was also his own Divine Sense too!