Tan Xue

A calamity for all beings...

Both Yan Jingfei and Lu Qingfeng shot meaningful glances at eachother and nodded, the unbridled determination in both of their eyes hard to conceal as it also suppressed the trace of fear they had before.

"Master, we will definitely not let you down and cultivate diligently after returning from this Dao Conference so that we have higher chances of protecting the Eternal Peak." Lu Qingfeng said as he cupped his fists.

His personality had changed drastically in the years he was out, and he could even be said to have become a little extroverted after roaming the world for so long.

It was mainly because he had interacted with many people, and while most of them had evil intentions, a few of them were his genuine friends.

He did not restrain his thoughts much and was not as reserved as before, specially not in front of his master.

Yan Jingfei also nodded approvingly at his words.