Qingyun City, Tian Chen

As they continued talking, more and more groups of cultivators could be seen flying towards the same direction as them, each group having at least a single Golden Core Realm cultivator with them.

It was not just Nascent Soul Realm and Tribulations Transcendence Realm powers from beyond the Qingyun Region who were invited by the Qingyun Sword Sect, but also all Void Refinement Realm factions from the State of Fengzhou and also Golden Core Realm powers in the Qingyun Region.

Juniors could broaden their horizons and also listen to Nascent Soul Realm cultivators' preaching, benefitting greatly. This was the motive of the Qingyun Sword Sect.


Towering mountains appeared one after another, floating above the ground, and a huge gate that seemed to connect heaven and earth was standing tall in the midst of the mountains.

Immortal mist surrounded the summits of each floating mountain, making it look mysterious and mythical.