Chapter 39:The kiss

Serene's pov~


 Two days,it has been two freaking days since I have been stuck in this damn hospital and relief washes over me when I finally get discharged.

 Or rather walk away on my own as I am freaking tired,I finally convinced Lorenzo to get home as I know the man would want to keep me here longer.

 ''Get the car ready''I speak into the phone before walking out of the hospital a small bag in hand,the servants will clear the rest as I have a very important meeting to attend.

 ''Nessa I'll meet you there''I send to Vanessa before dropping the phone on the other side of the car and I relax my self.

 ''Where to miss''The driver asks me his gaze focused on the road and I read out the adress to him.

 The car starts moving smoothly on the road and all I can think of is how to get the Agosti's cornered,I'll make sure they regret every single thing they have ever done.

 Looking out of the window a cold smile gets plastered on my face as I remember the past, this is the place where I grew up and also a place I resent.

 The memories here both bad and good with the bad surpressing the good,I barely felt nothing after everything and the only emotions present are that of hate and revenge.

 The car rolls into an underground parking lot which instantly lights up at our arrival and I step out without waiting for the driver to open the car door.

 Walking towards the elevator there I press the key to take me upstairs to where the meeting is going to take place.

 My heels click against the marble floor and the servants on the floor bow their heads in greeting to which I just nod.

 I reach the door and push it open without knocking and enter the room.

  Grandpa,father,Vincenzo and javier all stand up and their eyes scan my body.

 ''I'm here people''I say and walk towards the empty seat there and plop down on the seat.

 ''Are you feeling ok''Vince asks and I nod my head to his question and lean down on my chair.

 I turn to see grandfather's face which is covered with fury.

 ''How did it happen?''Grandfather asks his hands resting on the table''How come somebody almost got you killed''He asks again this time his voice louder and I just continue looking at him.

 ''Relax grandpa''I tell him and turn to look at my father who also has a frown on his face

''it was when I was distracted''I tell him before standing up to walk towards my father and place a kiss on his cheeks.

 ''Don't be worried papa''I tell him and he sighs before placing his hands on mine the look in his eyes telling me how worried he is.

 I quickly advert my gaze not comfortable with the look in his eyes.

 I know why he is starring at me like that and I hate that look of worry in his eyes.

 They all started worrying about me after that incident three years ago and honestly I am fed up.

 I return to my seat and gesture for the meeting to continue as I have things to attend to at my company.

 ''We have found the man driving the truck who almost hit you''my grandfather Elias says a sinister look in his eyes and I smile knowing how much the man likes toturing people especially those that mess with him. 

 That is how the meeting commerce's with us talking about my incident and I leave out the part about it being planned by the Agosti's as I wish to deal with them myself. 

 The meeting soon ends and after exchanging hugs with them I walk towards the other room in the meeting room to get something.

 Opening the door,I am shocked to see Sergio there his legs crossed while he operates his phone.

 Wearing a white t shirt that hugs his muscular frame and blue jeans,a rolex on his left wrist which is no doubt silver encrusted with his hair combed back and some framing his handsome face.

 ''Sergio''I call out and his head snaps to my direction and I watch how the look in his eyes change and he smiles,a warm smile before standing up from the chair.

 ''Angel,how are you''He says and pulls me into a warm embrace his arms circling my waist, I wrap my arms around him a smile on my lips while I hum softly at his question.

He pulls back keeping me at arms length while his eyes roamed round my body asif to be sure if I am truly ok which makes a small chuckle escape my lips.

 I heard that he was among the many others who visited me while I was unconcious but Lorenzo did not allow them entry as his guards were stationed all over.

 ''What are you doing here''I ask him really curious to know the answer as this is my family's base.

 ''Oh I had a meeting with your grandpa,he informed me you will be coming so I decided to wait''He says and I nod my head before walking towards the drawer to take the files I need.

 ''I am going to the office''I tell him and he nods walking towards my frame to wrap his hands around my waist before leading me outside.

 We walk outside together and I see a red sportscar parked there which is no doubt his.

 opening the door for me I slip into the car and he enters the drivers seat before zooming off towards my office building. 

 Silence ,the silent car ride is what I appreciate as the wind kisses my skin which causes my hair to move along with it.

 We reach the office building in no time and he opens my side of the door for me.

 I walk out of the car only for Sergio to halt me with his hand.

 With his hand placed on my waist he pulls my body towards his and I soon feel his lips against mine in a gentle kiss. 

  Shocked my brows crease but I reply to the kiss none the less closing my eyes before moving my lips in sync with his.

 As expected I don't get any feelings from it just lips against lips.