Chapter 40 :Fight



 Serene responds to the kiss and at the back of her mind a little guilt rushes in,pushing the feeling away feeling confused at the new feeling.

 She never felt guilty for doing these things, hell she never even felt anything at was all some pleasure she thrives to derive from being with these fine specimens.

 ''I have to go''Serene says and pulls away from Sergio her hand placed on his chest to push him back a little,Sergio looks deep into her eyes,his brown orbs swirling with different emotions he cannot confess as he knows the woman in front of him.

 She had made it very clear since the beginning that it is just pleasures with no feelings what so ever.

 The warning was clear from her words and he knows if he is to confess anything them she would bolt away as she seems wary of feelings.

 He had met her three years ago and though now she is better her eyes still hold the same emptyness like she has lost something precious.

 While Sergio nods and places a kiss on her cheeks before Serene walks into her office building which stands very tall.

 A reporter stays in the corner clicking different pictures and even videos of them a happy expression on his face at captoring the moments.

 Serene walks into the building her heels clicking against the marbled floor of the exotique office.

 The place screams money and power from the whole setting of the place.

''Good morning ma''Her workers greet and she nods her head walking into the office building with a care on her face. 

 She enters the elevator and presses the button for the top floor,her heels clicking onthe floor impatiently.

 Groaning in annoyance Serene waits for it to reach the floor,Bringing out her phone she scrolls through her emails a smile on her face at Lorenzo's message.

 'Good morning baby,did you sleep well'The message reads and she looks at the time to see he sent it in the morning.

 she leave the message on seen and just scroll down.

 The elevator doors open and she struts towards her office her strides confident and filled with power and confidence.

 Issabella immediately walks towards her files in hand.

 ''Good morning Ren''Her assistant greets and Serene smiles at the girl her hands opened to embrace her.

 Issabella melts into her embrace her arns wrapping around Serene'a frame.

 ''How are you Issa''Serene asks her and Issabella answers''I am fine how are you''To which Serene nods.

 They start walking towards Serene's office with Issabella slightly behind Serene.

 Opening the door to the huge office room she walks towards her large black leather chair before sitting on it.

 Serene notices that Issabella is fidgeting and the look on her face suggests she is thinking of something.

 ''Sit down Issa''Serene gestures to the chair on the other side of her huge rectangular desk to which Issabella immediately sits down.

''Do you have something to say''Serene asks her and she looks up her eyes widened at being discovered,Serene chuckles and gestures for the nervous woman to speak up.

 ''I-I had a one night stand with David''Issabella drops and it's serene's turn to widen her eyes in surprise her blue orbs potraying just how stunned she is.

 ''How''Is all she manages to ask.



 The hurried footsteps of Lorenzo's assistant can be heard as he looks at the screen of the apple pad on his hands sweat poring from his forehead and his face mixed with anxiety and fear.

 He opens the door to Lorenzo's office with knocking and Lorenzo raiseshis head from the screen of the computer his gaze fixated on the flustered assistant who gasps softly from lack of air.

 He avoids eye contact with Lorenzo looking anywhere else but at him which irritates him.

 ''What''Lorenzo barks at the man who immediately straightens his body before walking towards Lorenzo with shaky hands to place the tap in front of him and playing the video.