Chapter53 :Black figure



 With everybody seated the slow music starts playing and soon the brides maids start entering a smile on each of their faces looking beautiful in their lavender coloured dresses.

 Lorenzo's mind is absentminded as all his head is clouded and foggy a need to just destroy the whole place in his body.


 He turns around to meet his father's eye who nods at him before his gaze moves to his grandfather who is sitting in the front row like a king in his navy blue suit.

 Lorenzo glares at the man before looking straight ahead again.


 His brother mariano who is dressed in a steel grey suit that hugs his body nods at him but with a sceptical look in his eyes.

 He did not bother looking at his mother who he is sure is glaring at him.


 People start entering through the doors and nobody pays attention to them only minding their business and smilling.

 Some ladies even have the guts to fan over the groom envy in their eyes that such a perfect and handsome man is going to be married.


 Those who understood the life of the mafia and are in it quickly dismiss the thought that even if he is getting married doesn't mean he will not have mistresses like most of the mafia men do.


 A figure wearing an all black dress enters the venue earning a gasp from those at the back who look at the figure surprised as it is a wedding and a person dressed in black from head to toe seems to be wishing the couple bad luck.


 Ignoring the eyes the figure walks to the last seat there and seats down half his face covered by a mask and the other half pulled into a sinister cold smirk.


 Those sitting close shudder and move away avoiding any form of contact and scared from the mere aura emitting from the figure.


 Some eyes turn to look while the others just focus.


 Soon the special person of the day arrives and enters wearing a white gown with a long train held by two females at the back.


 Shelly walks slowly a proud and arrogant smile on her face but her eyes teary in disbelieve as the day has finally come for her.


 ''He'll be mine soon''She chants feeling a giddy feeling wash over her at the thoughts and through her see through veil she raises her head to look at Lorenzo a small gasp of astonishment escaping her lips.


 She has always been surprised by the man's beauty and today is no different as she looks at him her eyes glistening.


 ''How can someone be so handsome'' Shelly continues to mumble to herself completely unaware of the eyes starring at her amusement clear in them.


 She finally reaches the alter and stretches out her hand for Lorenzo to take only for Lorenzo to keep looking straight ahead without sparring her a glance.

 Embarrased she clears her throat before walking up while Mariano tries hard to hold his laugh.



 Tge priest starts the rituals and starts talking while Lorenzo decides to zone out only ready to do his part and iching to leave the place as he is starting to get irritated.


 After some time the priest looks up at the crowd who are silently waiting for the ceremony to take place.


 ''If there is any soul here against the union of this two speak up now or forever hold your peace''The preist says to which Shelly and Lornzo hold their breaths but both for different reasons. 


 The priest repeats the question and when no one speaks a word he turns to continue only for a loud voice to make him halt all movement and people to let out gasps.


 ''I have a problem with this wedding father''