Chapter 54 :in love with the groom



 ''I have a problem with this wedding father'' The moment those words escape the figure's lips gasps can be heard around the venue as everybody turns to look some with looks of interests others curious.

 Even the priest looks taken aback by the qustion but compose's himself.


 Shelly however is a different story as her face twists in anger and fear she turns to look at Lorenzo who has a calm look on his face but one one looks closely they can clearly see that he is equally surprised.


 ''And what is that problem my child''The priest asks trying to keep his voice in check.


 The figure smirks and moves his hand to the veil covering it's face and when it removes it and allows the veil to fall the face is finally revealed and if possible the gasps from the guests is louder.


 'What is she doing here'