Shedding All Pretences

That very night, Arian made her way over to the staff wing of the household to look for Ember's and Asher's parents, but was met with a confusing result.

Apparently, Ember and Asher's parents had disappeared a long time ago, and they were basically drifting in the naldir household because of their friendship with Lance.

"That doesn't make any sense, they told me that their parents have the final say…."

Arian was shaken by this new recovery, everyone knew that this was the case, and she was only now finding out. It was no wonder Lance's dad said it was Ember and Asher's decision to make.

"Let me find them first"

Not willing to give up, Arian made her way to the barn where she would usually meet both Ember and Asher, but there was no sign of them. She searched high and low, but not even a trace.

However, when leaving she did notice someone familiar… was Lance. He was seated on a stack of hay in the middle of the night, staring into the distance.

"What are you doing out here?"

Arian looked curiously at Lance, She could tell that he was hurting. And she liked it, Lance felt like his life was made because he was born to a noble, but she had set him straight.

"It's none of your business…."

Lance responded, but his words did not hold even a trace of anger. In fact, he seemed rather tranquil at this point.


Arian's face immediately turned a shade of red. Lance didn't have the right to her like that, Or at least that's what she thought.

"I'm going to act as if I didn't hear that"

Arian gradually calmed herself down, she didn't come here for Lance.

"Where are Ember and Asher?"

"They aren't coming"

"What do you mean by they aren't coming?"

"It means they would rather not train under you anymore, Is that so hard to understand?"

They would rather not train under her anymore? What did that mean? She had put in so much effort in not only training them but brainwashing them. There was no way that they would leave with no reason.

"Did you threaten them?"

Seemingly coming to a realization, Arian grew panicked, if what Lance was saying was the truth, then it meant that all her efforts were about to become unless.

"Threaten? No, more like suggested"

Lance paused, he wasn't going to hide it from her. She offended him, now he would do what he wanted without guilt.

"You dare play games with me?"

Arian's voices became icy cold, she started emitting a cold energy that literally froze Lance. Before Lance knew it, her hand was already on his neck.

"Where are they?!"

Arian lifted Lance by the neck and asked coldly, her eyes had killing intent in them, the intent that could shake anyone to the core. It looked like she wasn't just Any random priestess. She had seen blood before.


Lance struggled for a few seconds, but after a bit of struggle, a strange smile appeared on his face.

"Hehe, you think I'm afraid of you? Ptu"

Lance spat on her face. This simple action made Arian's anger reach a new peak. This was beyond disrespect, Lance was trying to push her to do something she'd regret.

"I should snap your neck but, I won't entertain your suicidal tendencies"

She let Lance go immediately and walked off in search of Ember and Asher. Though she was fuming inside, she knew there were limits. After all, this was the nadir household. If she harmed Lance and was captured, she would lose her life for sure.

Arian's figure soon faded into the night as she disappeared, leaving Lance with a hideous look on his face.

The power Arian displayed a few seconds ago made him feel fear. For the first time since he came to this world, he felt genuine fear.

"She's gone?"

From underneath Lance, a head poked out of the stack of hay revealing Asher, following him, Ember also stuck her head out.

They had been here the whole while with Lance, and they knew everything that happened. The priestess had caused lance trouble and it really pissed then off .

Even when the priestess was about to come over, they planned to attack her. But Lance was against it, he wanted to handle it himself, so they had to choice but to remain in hiding.

"She's too powerful"

Lance muttered under his breath, he wanted revenge, but she was much more powerful than he was. Asher and Ember too knew this was the case.

"What will you do?"

The priestess had overstayed her welcome in their book, she was doing too much and needed to be taught a lesson.

"There's nothing I can do other than get power."

Unlike previously, Lance knew how powerful Arian really was, and could now plan accordingly.

"I know my next step"

In a world controlled by magic, there were many ways to become powerful. But the most common were spells.

High-level spells could make one exceed to heaven in one step, and right in their home there was a treasure trove of spells.

Escanor's library.


That night the priestess Arian searched high and low for Ember and Asher but could not find a trace. She even began to feel fear. Maybe Lance had killed them or something.

However, deep down she knew that she was just in denial, she knew how loyal those two were to lance from how they spoke about him.

This was one of the reasons for her malice towards Lance. She felt like they were placing more importance on Lance instead of her. She was the one giving them the opportunity of a lifetime not Lance. Why would they think more highly of such a brat?